In this issue:
What traits do teachers appreciate most in their principals?
by Gary Hopkins

We hope you find some enjoyable reading!

  Buenos Aires, March 2010 Editor: Laura Lewin   sIssue #58
Laura Lewin / EMO Editor.
And it all started again! Welcome back!
Well, technically, nothing started for me, since I never stopped!
For the first time in years, I kept working all summer long…. First it was Chile (before it was hit by the quake), then seminars everywhere, the conference for teachers, and more courses in Montevideo, all in 2 months.

Speaking about Chile and the quake, I´m devastated. Nature is so out of control! I happened to be there (in Valparaiso) just a few weeks ago, and I met so many amazing people. Please, hang in there! My thoughts go out to all in Chile recovering from the earthquake.

On a personal note, Anita is doing great. Eight months already!
And again, thank you SO MUCH for writing and for the wonderful gifts I get for her every time we meet. It means so much to me!
In a way, I feel a bond so huge it is difficult to explain…. Before, it was me delivering a seminar, a thank-you letter, and that was it until I met you again.
But now, it´s going anywhere, getting letters and notes, and gifts for Anita and gifts for me and Miguel. It´s a wonderful thing really. It´s much more emotional. It´s good. It feels good. Thank you.

The Conference for teachers was a HUGE success. In case you haven´t noticed, it´s an international event. That means it can´t stay here for ever. We held it in Brazil a few years ago, and now the time to “move” it again has come. Ladies and gentlemen (drums rolling)…… the upcoming Conference of Professional Development for Teachers of English, will be held on February 17, 18 & 19 …in….. da da…Montevideo! I´m so deligthed!
The conference will have its same features, and on the 16th, we´ll have a pre conference hosted by OUP. Save the date! You will NOT want to miss it!

What else is new? We are on facebook! Join us to see what´s new! Tap into We´d love to have you on board!

OK, what´s next….seminars everywhere, of course and my Gestión Educativa is starting this coming Tuesday! I can´t wait. It´s such a good program! People love it, I love it, we all love it! If you still haven´t signed up, hurry! It´s almost sold out!

Well, that pretty much covers my gotta tell you list for this month. Don't forget you can become a "fan" of ABS International on Facebook. If you have any questions on how to do so, please contact us!
Our thoughts and prayers are with all people in Chile.
Have a great month!


What traits do teachers appreciate most in their principals?


by Gary Hopkins, for EMO
Principals say they try to cultivate traits that improve communication, demonstrate respect, and inspire vision. They say the key to whether those traits take hold school-wide lies in their modeling of them.

Most school principals were teachers at one time. That means they probably have some ideas about the qualities and skills of their “ideal principal.” So now that they are in leadership positions and working hard to develop relationships with their staffs -- and push them to be the best they can be -- have their “ideals” changed?

When we questioned school leaders about the qualities, approaches, or abilities they work hard to cultivate -- and that teachers seem to respond to best -- they shared a wide variety of responses. But one common thread was woven among all those responses: a belief in the importance of “modeling the behaviors you expect.”


Food for thought…
Of 462 executives who were asked, "What characteristics are needed to be an effective leader today?" 56 percent ranked ethical behavior as an important characteristic, followed by sound judgment (51%) and being adaptable/flexible (47%).

Have a FUN-tastic school year!
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