Add Ads to your Class!
By Liana Figueroa, Fanny Lopez & Barbara Serino
Target: Primary / Elementary Teachers
Secondary / High school teachers
Teachers at english schools / Institutes Teaching kids
Teachers at English Schools / Institutes teaching Teens
Theme: Grammar and Vocabulary Practice, Enhancement of
Television commercials can provide a treasure trove of language learning opportunities. The materials are easily accessible and many times are free to use in classes . Not only do they provide jumping off points to learning discrete linguistic and lexical elements, but also provide an avenue to exploring culture and values.
Liana Patricia Figueroa is Teacher of English Language and Literature. (UNCuyo). From 2009 she has been teacher in the English Access Microscholarships Program, sponsored by the U.S.Embassy and at present she is teacher at AMICANA and has participated in different Teacher Training Courses as lecturer since 2004 .
Fanny Gabriela López is Teacher of English Language and Literature. (UNCuyo).She has specialized in Pedagogy and Methodology. She has given workshops in Teacher Training Courses. At present , she is teacher at AMICANA and she is the headmistress in a High School in Mendoza.
Barbara Serino is Teacher of English Language and Culture (UNCuyo). She is teacher at AMICANA. She is the coordinator in the English Department in the Primary School of LICEO MILITAR GRAL. ESPEJO. She has given workshops in Teacher Training Courses. She is mother, wife and long-life student.
Position: Teacher
Institution: Amicana
Misión Imposible
Cómo motivar a los alumnos y no morir en el intento! ©
By Miguel Atencio
Target: docentes de primaria secundaria e institutos de inglés
Theme: motivación
Cuando pensamos en elevar nuestra performance como docentes, tendemos a concentrarnos en mejorar nuestros conocimientos, nuestra manera de preparar las clases o bien de ser originales en la elección de un determinado material.
Uno de los errores comunes en los que caemos, es justamente centrarnos más en los aspectos que harán de nuestra clase un momento de solidez académica, olvidándonos que quienes tendremos frente a nosotros constituirán un abanico de personalidades con distintas necesidades de motivación y sobre todo, con diferentes capacidades para disfrutar del proceso de aprendizaje.
Acérquese a reflexionar conmigo cómo hacer de su clase el mejor espacio de crecimiento para sus alumnos.
Miguel Atencio es Catedrático de la Universidad del Salvador.
Ex-investigador del CONICET, y Asesor Nacional del Ministerio de Trabajo y Formación de Recursos Humanos de la Nación en Proyectos financiados por el Banco Mundial.
Ha dictado numerosos seminarios de capacitación en Argentina, Chile,
Uruguay, Venezuela e Israel.
Actualmente se desempeña como Director de la División Corporate English de ABS International, Disertante en Congresos y Consultor de Empresas.
Position: Director
ABS International
Confidence leads to competence… creative activities to develop both language skills and self-esteem
By Grace Bertolini
• Primary / Elementary Teachers
• Secondary / High School Teachers
• Teachers at English Schools / Institutes teaching Teens
Theme: Self - esteem
Create a classroom climate in which real language learning can grow using creative activities that develop security, identity, belonging, purpose and competence in your students. Become more resourceful and enhance your teaching practice and your motivation balancing your classroom language routine with innovative techniques that will establish a productive and respectful learning atmosphere.
Grace Bertolini has been involved in EFL teaching
at all levels for over 25 years and Primary and Kindergarten Headmistress
at prestigious bilingual schools. As Creative Teaching Director, she
delivers Professional Development Workshops nationwide and abroad on
Teaching EFL effectively and coordinates "Full Immersion in the Language
Educational Camp-Trips and Tours in Argentina". She is Bilingual Facilitator
for Peace Education Foundation and she lectures on "Conflict Resolution
and Peer Mediation at school".
Position: Director
Creative Teaching
Creative story-based activities & effective reading strategies
By Grace Bertolini
• Primary / Elementary Teachers
• Secondary / High School Teachers
• Teachers at English schools / Institutes Teaching Teens
Theme: Story –Telling
Do your students have to re-read something several times to get a full understanding of the content? Do they fail to get useful information from a text? In this Workshop, we will share effective strategies to set a purpose for reading while activating background knowledge, making connections, predicting and summarizing, retelling fiction and non-fiction texts …and much more to help learners read more effectively.
Grace Bertolini has been involved in EFL teaching
at all levels for over 25 years and Primary and Kindergarten Headmistress
at prestigious bilingual schools. As Creative Teaching Director, she
delivers Professional Development Workshops nationwide and abroad on
Teaching EFL effectively and coordinates "Full Immersion in the Language
Educational Camp-Trips and Tours in Argentina". She is Bilingual Facilitator
for Peace Education Foundation and she lectures on "Conflict Resolution
and Peer Mediation at school".
Position: Director
Creative Teaching
Evaluating Spoken English through Formal Assessment
Helping teachers prepare students to sit the speaking component of exams
By Chris Kunz
Target: EFL/ ESL Teachers of children & teenagers
Directors of Studies
Any ELT Professional with an interest in meeting high standards in language assessment
Theme: Applied Linguistics
Evaluation of Second/ Foreign Language Oral/ Aural Performance
Come and join Chris Kunz in this session full of practical tips as well as theoretical pointers underpinning the principles of assessing spoken language within the international context of exams.
This session will include, among others, viewing, analysis and assessment of sample interviews followed by post-evaluation feedback.
Chris Kunz: ELT Professional in Argentina, Australia and UK for 15 years. Has vastly presented in Europe and Latin-America for ELT audiences. Currently living and working in England. Senior Director of Studies at Kensanglia Schools of English, Buenos Aires. Has been lecturing on ELT Methodology, Advanced Language for teachers and English Phonetics and Phonology in Argentina and overseas since 1997.
Has been the Academic Representative for Anglia Ascentis ESOL Examinations within the Ibero-American Network since 1996. Holds the Cambridge/RSA Cert. / Dip. ELTA.
Main interests: "Evolution and Change in Spoken English", "Diversities of English Accents" and "English Language Teaching Resources".
Now divides his time between Chichester College, England, as EFL Lecturer, and Anglia Ascentis ESOL Examinations.
Facilitator/ Interlocutor in UK with several exam boards for Skills for Life Examinations. Has delivered the Phonology Modules of LSC Skills for Life Quality Initiative Professional Development Programme in UK.
Position: Senior Director of Studies at Kensanglia Schools of English, Buenos Aires
Institution: Anglia Ascentis,
ESOL Examination, Chichester College
Games galore!
By Nylia Monté
Target: All teachers
Theme: Games in the classroom
Having fun in class is a serious thing! Come to this workshop and learn simple ways to spice up your lessons with lots of games. Learn the benefits of using them as class activities and take home a new collection of games that can be used with students of different ages and levels.
Nylia Monté is a Psychologist (USAL), an English Teacher (I.N.S.P.T., U.T.N.) and has done Postgraduate Studies in Neurosciences (UCA), and with Prof. Eric Jensen in the USA. She has been an English teacher for 20 years now, and was Coordinator in a language institute for 10 years.
Position: English Teacher
Institution: Nueva Escuela Argentina 2000 / ICANA
Invitational Language in the Classroom
By Manuel De Iacovo
Target: Primary / Elementary teachers and Teachers at English schools/institutes teaching kids
Theme: New trends, Motivating Students
Invitational language consists of a series of techniques (comprising both verbal and body language) which aim at making young learners feel strong and capable of succeeding. Strategies (based on neuro-linguistic programming core concepts) are introduced to see the way and contexts in which teachers can bolster students' untapped potential.
Manuel De Iacovo has been working as an English teacher for fourteen years at all levels. He has experience both teaching and coordinating at kinder, primary and secondary schools. He has also worked with adults in companies, institutes and universities in Buenos Aires and has developed a keen interest in NLP and invitational education.
Position: Coordinator
Carolina Estrada de Martínez
Memory kaleidoscope: enhancing memory to improve learning.
By Nylia Monté
Target: Teachers of primary, secondary and private institutes
Theme: Neurosciences and Education
Come to this workshop and learn ways to enhance your students memory and your own! You will learn the basic operating principles underlying the memory process, and the different types of memory we count on. And you will explore seven memory booster strategies to take back to your classroom!
Nylia Monté is a Psychologist (USAL), an English Teacher (I.N.S.P.T., U.T.N.) and has done Postgraduate Studies in Neurosciences (UCA), and with Prof. Eric Jensen in the USA. She has been an English teacher for 20 years now, and was Coordinator in a language institute for 10 years.
Position: English Teacher
Institution: Nueva Escuela Argentina 2000 / ICANA
Put the Learner behind the Wheel
By Marta Costa Maroni
Target: Secondary / High School Teachers
Theme: Critical Thinking
Are our students wise "drivers" in our classrooms and schools? Are we teaching them to "drive" safely and sensibly? Or ar we doing all the "driving" for them? In this presentation, I will revise Bloom's taxonomy, discuss the different types of learners in our classrooms and go through concrete activities that will make our students critical thinkers and wiser "drivers" along the learning road.
A passionate English teacher, graduated from Profesorado en Lenguas Vivas "Joaquín V. González", who has been teaching childer, adults and mainly teenagres for about 30 years. I have taught at different levels and have prepared students for FCE, and IGCSE exams in Language, Literature and Child Development. Director of Studies at Colegio Río de la Plata since 2008.
Position: Director of Studies
Institution: Colegio Río de la Plata
Revamping our Language Skills
The challenge of always living up to our teen students´ expectations
By Chris Kunz
Target: All ELT Professionals
Theme: Language Awareness
What do we understand by Everyday Englishness in an ELT context? Ever felt that Everyday Englishness in an EFL Classroom seems too big a utopia to wish for? Ever had the feeling your students know more "buzzwords" than you do? Ever thought the large amount of new information in and about English is just about to outlive your share of expertise and willingness to keep trying? Well, your apparent patience could eventually lead you to exceed your limits of tolerance with regard to this "bulky baggage" of classroom Englishness.
Then, join Chris in this 90-minute talk, with lots of audience participation, and leave the room totally reenergized, full of hope and ready to meet the challenge of living up to your students' expectations.
Chris Kunz: ELT Professional in Argentina, Australia and UK for 15 years. Has vastly presented in Europe and Latin-America for ELT audiences. Currently living and working in England. Senior Director of Studies at Kensanglia Schools of English, Buenos Aires. Has been lecturing on ELT Methodology, Advanced Language for teachers and English Phonetics and Phonology in Argentina and overseas since 1997.
Has been the Academic Representative for Anglia Ascentis ESOL Examinations within the Ibero-American Network since 1996. Holds the Cambridge/RSA Cert. / Dip. ELTA.
Main interests: "Evolution and Change in Spoken English", "Diversities of English Accents" and "English Language Teaching Resources".
Now divides his time between Chichester College, England, as EFL Lecturer, and Anglia Ascentis ESOL Examinations.
Facilitator/ Interlocutor in UK with several exam boards for Skills for Life Examinations. Has delivered the Phonology Modules of LSC Skills for Life Quality Initiative Professional Development Programme in UK.
Position: Senior Director of Studies at Kensanglia Schools of English, Buenos Aires
Institution: Anglia Ascentis,
ESOL Examination, Chichester College
Sizzle your Classes with Youtube!
By Laura Lewin
Target: Everyone interested in creative materials
Theme: New classroom resources
Can your classes be «FUN» and «FUNCTIONAL»? You Bet!! Youtube can be a FUNdamental resource for your English language teaching. There´s a wealth of amazing materials just a mouse click away! Learn to find dynamic clips to back up your lessons so that you can engage your students and keep them motivated, wanting to come back for more! Join Laura in this enjoyable session to learn activities you can use in your classes, or simply come to laugh your guts out with the English language!
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President
of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional
Development for Teachers of English and Administrators, an event held
in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and the USA. She is also the editor of
EMO (Educational Management Online), an e-zine that reaches over 98,000
ELT professionals on a monthly basis. Ms Lewin pursued studies in translation
in Argentina (UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California).
She is an internationally recognized consultant and speaker and for the
past fifteen years she has been involved in teaching training: she has
given workshops for teachers and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil,
Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura has
recently been invited by Nova Southeastern University (USA) to deliver
online programs, and is writing her first book on educational management.
Position: Director
ABS International
Songs, Interactive Boards & Teaching Props with little kids!
By Grace Bertolini
• Kindergarten Teachers
• Primary / Elementary teachers
• Teachers at English school / Institutes teaching kids
Theme: Material design
Come to this Workshop and share a collection of reliable ideas and stimulating activities which have a language pay-off to suit your Very Young Learners' needs and interests. Use Interactive Boards and creative teaching props at your Circle Time .Turn your Playing Time into a learning experience of fun and ensure an enjoyable and meaningful environment.. You can't miss it!
Grace Bertolini has been involved in EFL teaching
at all levels for over 25 years and Primary and Kindergarten Headmistress
at prestigious bilingual schools. As Creative Teaching Director, she
delivers Professional Development Workshops nationwide and abroad on
Teaching EFL effectively and coordinates "Full Immersion in the Language
Educational Camp-Trips and Tours in Argentina". She is Bilingual Facilitator
for Peace Education Foundation and she lectures on "Conflict Resolution
and Peer Mediation at school".
Position: Director
Creative Teaching
Tell me Stories... and I will Learn!
By Florencia Viale
Target: Kindergarten teachers
Theme: Material Development
Storytelling constitutes the most ancient and compelling of human activities and is a useful teaching tool in the EFL classroom. The objective of this presentation is to discuss its theoretical and practical implications on very young learners in order to provide a rationale within which teachers can generate their own stories.
Florencia Viale works at Saint Patrick's Bilingual School teaching 4 and 5 year-old learners. She is a Psycholinguistic and Language lecturer at IES Nº 28. She is a Cambridge ESOL trainer at Asociación Rosarina de Cultura Inglesa. She has been lecturing throughout the country and abroad both in Spanish and English. Her research and publications relate with literary and cognitive issues, EFL kindergarten practices, languages in contact among others.
Position: EFL Kindergarten Teacher / Lecturer
Colegio San Patricio / Ies Nº 28
no I in TEAM! - Cooperative Learning in the classroom.
By Laura Lewin
Target: All teachers and coordinators interested in the subject
Theme: Cooperative learning
One of the most exciting developments in modern education goes by the name of cooperative
learning and has students working in pairs or small groups. Do you want your students to feel more positive about themselves, about each other, and about your class? Do you want your students to learn with each other, instead of against each other or apart from each other? Student and teacher engagement can skyrocket! Join me! This is a session you do not want to miss!
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President
of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional
Development for Teachers of English and Administrators, an event held
in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and the USA. She is also the editor of
EMO (Educational Management Online), an e-zine that reaches over 98,000
ELT professionals on a monthly basis. Ms Lewin pursued studies in translation
in Argentina (UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California).
She is an internationally recognized consultant and speaker and for the
past fifteen years she has been involved in teaching training: she has
given workshops for teachers and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil,
Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura has
recently been invited by Nova Southeastern University (USA) to deliver
online programs, and is writing her first book on educational management.
Position: Director
ABS International
Thinking about thinking
By Sergio Aquino & María Susana Vignolo
Target: Secondary / High school teachers
Theme: Using teaching aids
Everybody knows how to think. However, the fact remains that good teachers will help you to think better. 'Thinking skills' is a term often used to refer to the many capacities involved in thinking and learning. It is important to understand that thinking skills can be learned, and, therefore, can be taught.
Sergio Aquino graduated from Instituto "San Fernando Rey", Resistencia, Chaco in 1999. Holds Post graduate studies in Reading & Writing from FLACSO. Scholarship to the Visiting Teachers Program in Oregon USA. Works as Principal at CPEM # 78 and ESP teacher at Comahue University, Asentamiento Chos Malal. Interests include Professional Development and Applied Linguistics.
María Susana Vignolo graduated from Instituto de Estudios Superiores "Cristoforo Colombo" Rosario, Santa Fe, 2002. Works at C.P.E.M. N° 73 and C.P.E.M. N° 30 and as an ESP teacher at Universidad del Comahue asentamiento Chos Malal.
Position: Principal /teacher
Institution: C.P.E.M. N° 78
Tips For Teaching Children
By Patricia Aguilar de Canone
Target: Primary / Elementary teachers
Theme: Teaching children
Teaching children can be immensely rewarding, anyone who has taught children can tell you that. But it's not fun and games all the time, and sometimes it's just not that easy. English teachers who wish to teach children must be aware of the challenges and difficulties they may encounter, and prepare accordingly.
There are some important characteristics of young English language learner that may be useful for educators to keep in mind.
The aim of this workshop is to reflect upon these characteristics and their implications for language teaching. Participants will watch short videos , talk about their own experiences , will go home with a list of top tips and " a bag full of ideas " that they will be able to try out in their own classes.
Patricia Aguilar de Canone is a graduate from Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. She is an academic coordinator in AMICANA and a teacher trainer at Universidad del Aconcagua.She holds a postgraduate degree Especialista en Docencia Universitaria. It is her aim in every presentation she makes to join all the experience gathered in the classroom with the new scientific research to help young teachers and experienced teachers improve their work at the pace the new century demands.
Position: academic coordinator and teacher trainer
Institution: Amicana - Universidad Del Aconcagua