A jugar, a jugar, y el docente, ¿Dónde está?
By Ruth Harf
El juego y toda manifestación lúdica, está atravesada por una particular relación con las concepciones de cultura que se sustenten, el tipo de sociedad en la cual se esté inserto, y la relación que se establezca entre el juego y el ideal de hombre y sociedad.
Apoyamos que un docente enseñe mediante propuestas lúdicas, entre otras propuestas. Y que los alumnos aprendan, en el desarrollo de la actividad lúdica, determinados contenidos escolares.
La situación lúdica requiere de una perspectiva múltiple que posibilite a los alumnos poner a su servicio competencias complejas, aptitudes procesuales para decidir entre diversas estrategias de resolución y, a nivel actitudinal, generar una energía positiva, una actitud favorable hacia la situación escolar.
El docente puede anticipar, suponer, o hipotetizar qué elementos necesita contener su propuesta, a los efectos de que resulte movilizadora y potenciadora del aprendizaje significativo y de la construcción de significados, sostenidos desde lo lúdico. Y este docente será el principal responsable de planificar y dar intencionalidad a la propuesta lúdica que se configura en el contexto escolar.
El juego, el trabajo y el aprendizaje como actividades humanas.
El fenómeno lúdico y el aprendizaje escolar.
La propuesta lúdica como competencia del docente; la actividad lúdica como competencia del alumno.
«El maestro en el arte de la vida no distingue mucho entre su trabajo y su juego, su trabajo y su ocio, su mente y su cuerpo, su educación y su recreación, su amor y su religión.
Apenas distingue cuál es cuál. Simplemente, percibe su visión de la excelencia en todo lo que hace, dejando que otros decidan si “él” está jugando o trabajando.
A sus propios ojos, siempre está haciendo las dos cosas.
Texto budista zen
Activities and songs to create a caring classroom
By Laura Szmuch
Target: Primary and secondary school teachers
Educators are worried about bullying. However, very little is done at schools to attend, foster and promote a caring classroom. In this session we will see how to create a climate for learning and wellbeing by actively teaching kids and teenagers the cognitive and emotional facets of peace and empathy.
«Life is today»
Mag. Laura Szmuch is a graduate of INSP “Dr Joaquín V. González”, Master Practitioner and Trainer in NLP and ontological coach. She runs NLP courses for teachers. She is the author of Aprendiendo Inglés y disfrutando el proceso and Las seis inspiraciones. She wrote A Teacher’s Motivational Grammar: The Reasons to Teach, for her Master’s Degree in Cognitive Psychology and Learning with FLACSO University.
Institución: Capacitaciones y coaching, Resourceful Teaching
Better teaching through Better Classroom Management
By Laura Lewin
Target: all teachers
Classroom management continues to be a serious concern for teachers at all levels.
Join Laura in this lively, fun, and interactive workshop that addresses dozens of practical, eye-opening strategies you can use for managing students effectively, focusing on both prevention and intervention.
«Be ready when opportunity comes... Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet»
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President of the Organizing Committee of several international events for teachers of English and administrators. Laura pursued studies in translation in Argentina (UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California). She is an internationally recognized consultant and speaker and for the past twenty years she has been involved in teaching training: she has designed and delivered workshops for teachers and for ELT Managers in South America, the USA and Europe. Laura is the author of two books: Gestión Educativa en Acción and Disciplina Inteligente, both published by Noveduc.
ABS International
Effective Biliteracy Instruction: Finding The Ways
By Paula Castro
Target: ??
This presentation will focus on how literacy teachers can foster students’ competencies in the reading and writing processes by making meaning between the structures of the languages systems, through active learning and language experience activities.
Participants will see samples of effective biliteracy instruction and students works that reveal the imperative importance of understanding the process of construction of both language systems connected to the students’ lives.
«One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.»
Frank Smith
Institution: Escola do Futuro
EFL and ART at kindergarten
By Florencia Viale
Target:Kindergarten/primary teachers
This paper will discuss the use of paintings in fiction in the EFL kindergarten classroom to encourage the young leaners’ capacity for defamiliarisation with the known world by freeing their flow of imagination within the linguistic context of storytelling. A pilot experience tried out at Saint Patrick’s Bilingual School (Rosario) will be debriefed on the light of current theoretical approaches to child graphic development and creative thinking.
«If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants»
Isaac Newton
Florencia Viale is a lecturer in Psycholinguistics and English Language at IES Nº 28 “Olga Cossetini.” She has been working with 3, 4 and 5-year-old students at Saint Patrick’s Bilingual School for 11 years and has also been a CAE and CPE trainer at Asociación Rosarina de Cultura Inglesa. She is the author of ELT stories.
Institution: Colegio San Patricio / Ies Nº 28
Expanding your Vocabulary while Watching Telly
By Manuel De Iacovo
Target: Primary / ESecondary teachers
Teaching vocabulary is undoubtedly one of the bounden duties teachers have in the EFL classroom. In parallel, using video in our lessons unquestionably engages students in the learning process, paving the way for language acquisition. In this session, we will combine our students’ need for vocabulary with their passion for television series in order to see for ourselves different ways in which we can build and consolidate new lexical items in an easy and enjoyable way.
Manuel De Iacovo is a Consudec graduate. He has been working as an English teacher for seventeen years at all levels. He has experience both teaching and coordinating at kinder, primary and secondary schools. He has also worked with adults in companies, institutes and universities in Buenos Aires. He is currently attending his MA in English at Universidad de Belgrano, as well as specialising in phonetics and phonology. He is also the English head at Instituto Educativo “San Gregorio el Iluminador” in Buenos Aires.
Institution: Carolina Estrada de Martínez
Focus-2-Learn: classroom breaks to boost concentration
By Grace Bertolini
Target: all teachers
Why Include Physical Activity in the School Day? One reliable way to motivate students and prime their brains for learning during the school day is to get them moving, even for short periods of time, between seated tasks. We will share a “minds-on-movement” approach with dynamic techniques to challenge body and mind together. Come to this session and become a creative-movement teacher”!
«Tell me and I’ll forget…Teach me and I’ll remember…Involve me and I’ll learn»
Grace Bertolini is an experienced Teacher of English as a Foreign Language. For more than 30 years she has taught all levels and ages. She is a Bilingual Facilitator for Peace Education Foundation and lectures on Social Emotional Learning and Conflict Resolution at school. As Creative Teaching Director, she delivers Professional Development Workshops and Courses nationwide and abroad on Teaching EFL effectively.
Institution: Creative Teaching, ConVivir con Valores
From toddlers to teenagers: building better brains!
By Lucrecia Prat Gay
Target: ??
Did you know that adolescents are ruled far more by their emotions than by logic...? that physical movement helps the cerebellum develop, & aids toddlers in improving their cognitive processing skills…? In this workshop we will explore ways of enriching our students brains, and awaken their desire to learn and participate. The role of music on the classroom will be revisited and we will discuss why E.Q can matter more than I.Q.
«Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Oil those brains before they rust!»
J. Prelutsky, poet
A life-long learner who has been teaching for 34 years and coordinating since 1990, she co-founded Río de la Plata Sur School and is its Head of English. Lucrecia is a Neurosicoeducator , with a Self-Esteem Practioner Degree. She has studied Brain Based Learning overseas, and has been successfully putting the model into practice for the last fourteen years. She has spoken at countless conferences and seminars throughout the country and abroad sharing her passion for the brain and the role of emotions in learning and is now an International Teacher Trainer for Oxford University Press and a Speaker for Asociación Educar. She has also taught Literature for the IGCSE Exams, is a “retired actress” who worships Shakespeare and a loving mother to Juan and Jazmin. Her first book “From Passion to action” will be printed shortly.
Institution: Colegio Río de la Plata Sur
Hand Me Another Brick: Building Strong Parent Relationships
By Andrea Simon
Target: all teachers
Parent-Teacher relationships are a key factor in the development of a strong school community. Teachers, students and parents benefit from an open, warm and professional relationship. Teachers who learn to establish a positive partnership with parents provide support for student achievement. School communities are strengthened when parents and teachers work together towards a common goal while building a solid relationship.
«Alone we can do so little. Together we can so much»
Hellen Keller
Andrea Simon is a “third culture kid” born in Chicago, Ill. raised in the US and Argentina. Her upbringing has fueled her passion for human behavior and cultural influences, leading her to pursue a career in education.
She holds a degree in Human Development from San Diego Christian College. She also possess a California Teaching Credential with a specialization in Crosscultural Teaching. Currently, she is completing a MA degree in Educational Management and Leadership at Universidad de San Andrés.
Andrea has 24 years of teaching and school administration experience in private and public schools of California and Argentina. She has also presented workshops on a variety education issues in Mexico, Argentina and the US.
Presently, she is serving as Superintendent at BAICA an international school located in San Fernando, Argentina.
Institution: Baica
Have fun playing with Brain-Based learning
By Nylia Monte
Target: ??
Knowing how the brain works is essential for teachers to select strategies and design class activities that go hand in hand with how our students’ brains learn. In a fun way, through the use of a variety of games, this workshop aims at bringing teachers closer to a very wise way of teaching: Brain-based Learning.
«I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.»
Jimmy Dean
Nylia Monté is a Psychologist (USAL), an English Teacher (I.N.S.P.T., U.T.N.), has done Postgraduate Studies in Neurosciences and Education (UCA), and studied Brain-Based Learning with Prof. Eric Jensen in the USA. She also studied ICT in Education with the University of Oregon, USA. She has been an English teacher for 23 years, and was Coordinator in a language institute for 10 years. She has delivered seminars and workshops in various conferences around the country and in Uruguay on Neurosciences and Education and the use of games as a Brain-based Learning strategy.
Institution: Nueva Escuela Argentina 2000 / ICANA
LEARNING FOR LIFE: an emotion-based project
By María Laura Conte
Target: all teachers
In which mood are your students when they get into class? Are they caught up in a certain emotion? Will their performance be affected by that?How can I, as a teacher, help them recognize, accept, regulate and express those feelings.
Our challenge as educators is not only to train them in educational knowledge but to foster emotional abilities as well. And here is the good piece of news: emotional intelligence can be learnt!
In this practical workshop, we will work with concepts from emotional intelligence and coaching in education and put them into practice in a year-round project so that you can take home hands-on material to start working with emotions and character strength right away!
«Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lightning of a fire»
William Butler Yeats
Maria Laura Conte is a graduate teacher from CON.SU.D.E.C. She began her teaching career as supervisor of E.S.O.L Pitman City and Guilds International Examinations. This took her nationwide delivering workshops and training teachers . She also worked for Together-Educational Consultancy- where she had the opportunity to visit schools and universities in the UK . In 2006 she starts Creactivity which makes her develop educational games for the classroom , a game club and an educational fair. Since then she has spent her time investigating and studying – Capacitación Docente en Neurociencias de la Asociación Educar and Tecnicatura en Liderazgo y diseño ontológico en el Instituto de Capacitación Profesional (ICP) avalado por ICF la International Coach Federation. – Coach Educativo (Open your World). Facilitator at Creando Puentes.
Institution: Creando Puentes
Like that song? Use it - abuse it!
By Maria Marta Suarez
Target: all teachers
Songs that have been taught to different age-groups (from toddlers to adults) will be presented together with the strategies used to boost the learner’s engagement in the task. Participants will leave the workshop with material and ideas which they may use in their next classes regardless of their learners’ age.
«I would rather be remembered by a song than by a victory»
Alexander Smith
Lic María Marta Suárez has developed ALL Alternative Language Learning®. This holistic ELT educational programme for all age-groups (even babies) is being applied in seven American and European countries. She has lectured widely (Mercosur area, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Spain and Scotland). At present, she is teaching at kindergarten, primary and secondary school as well as at Teacher Training College.
Institution: ALL Alternative Language Learning®.
Movie Trailers for the New EFL Learner
By Claudio Cajes
Target:Teachers at English schools/institutes teaching teens
In this presentation we will explore different aspects of trailers as an important resource in EFL teaching contexts and as a trigger to numerous follow up activities. The audience will take home some practical ideas that will hopefully enrich their teaching repertoire and classroom practice.
Claudio holds a teaching Diploma from the Alianza Cultural Uruguay Estados Unidos. He has experience teaching in different contexts: private institutions, the air force and in company, in charge of teaching kids, teenagers and adults in levels ranging from A1 to C1. Today, he heads the IT Department at ABS International.
ABS International
Teenspeak-coping with this fast-changing whole new world
By Chris Kunz
Target:all teachers interested in vocabulary development
Easing our teenage students into sounding less stilted and less artificially formal and older is not an simple task for teachers. However, it is totally doable and our responsibility. There are numerous ways in which we can have them aim for linguistic acceptance of themselves and others. Join Chris for this interactive workshop and walk out a new teacher.
«Empowering learners to dream in English»
ELT Professional in Argentina, Australia and UK for 20 years. Has vastly presented in Europe and Latin-America for ELT audiences. Currently living and working in England. Senior Director of Studies at Kensanglia Schools of English, Buenos Aires. Has been lecturing on ELT Methodology, Advanced Language for teachers and English Phonetics and Phonology in Argentina and overseas since 1997.
Has been the Academic Representative for Anglia ESOL Examinations within the Ibero-American Network since 1996. Holds the Cambridge/RSA Cert. / Dip. ELTA.
Main interests: "Evolution and Change in Spoken English", "Diversities of English Accents" and "English Language Teaching Resources".
Now divides his time between Chichester College, England, as EFL Lecturer, and Anglia ESOL Examinations.
Facilitator/ Interlocutor in UK with several exam boards for Skills for Life Examinations. Has delivered the Phonology Modules of LSC Skills for Life Quality Initiative Professional Development Programme in UK.
Institution: Anglia, Chichester College

Thinking outside the textbook
By Daniela Zallocco
Target: all teachers
Looking for strategies to make your teaching more student-centred and connected with your students`reality? Teaching in the 21st century requires us to scape the textbook and look for innovative and "outside the box" techniques to engage learners of different age groups and interests. During this workshop we will look into different activities that enable our students to think for themselves making use of authentic material to make learning & teaching fun!
«The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.»
Alvin Toffler
Daniela Zallocco holds CELTA & CELTYL degree from Cambridge University and a Posgraduate Diploma in Policies of Education, specialized in Education and Technology (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella). She currently works in Ministerio de Educación de la Nación as Project Coordinator. In 2013, she was selected from over 5000 applicants to participate in UNESCO ESD Youth Conference in Japan. In 2012 her webinars for English Teachers were nominated to an ELTon award, British Council, under the category Local Innovation.
Institution: Creative Technology
Thinking outside the textbook
By María Marta Manteo
Target: ??
In this session SUPPORT LEARNING presents the art of live illustration and performed storytelling, as conceived by “Touch the Author” educational project. Music and live singing will also enhance the power of words in hand-picked stories.
Institution: Support Learning