Avoiding Burnout: Managing the Stress of Caring
By Laura Lewin
Target: Everybody in the institution!
Theme: Burnout and emotional intelligence
Coordinators many times occupy the role of mother, assistant, coach, trainer, floating teacher, psychologist, and the list goes on and on. This trait often associated with a sign of excellence, can lead to stress if we do not know how to regulate our emotions. On the other hand, parents, management, students and circumstances create a lot of pressure, and unless we know how to deal with it we can slowly, but steadily, suffer from burnout. Come to this session to learn about emotional intelligence, what burnout is, how we can avoid it, and how to be energized by our job, and not burned out! Join me in this practical and fun presentation to learn how to manage the stress of caring so you can go on caring, for many more years to come
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional Development for Teachers of English and Administrators, an event held in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. She is also the editor of EMO (Educational Management Online), an e-zine that reaches over 98,000 ELT professionals on a monthly basis. Ms Lewin pursued studies in translation in Argentina (UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California). She is an internationally recognized consultant and speaker and for the past fifteen years she has been involved in teaching training: she has given workshops for teachers and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura has recently been invited by Nova Southeastern University (USA) to deliver online programs, and has written a book on educational management.
ABS International
with difficulties & Classroom problems
By Grace Bertolini
Target: Teachers and Coordinators
Theme: Leadership and management
Teaching EFL is more than just teaching a language. It is also about dealing everyday with unmotivated students, mixed-abilities classes, different learning styles, stress and conflicts. How can our teachers cope with these challenges? In this session, we will learn a variety of effective techniques to deal with discipline, large classes, homework, exams and much more. Turn your classroom problems into learning opportunities!
Grace Bertolini is an experienced Teacher of English as a Foreign Language. For more than 30 years she has taught all levels and ages at Bilingual and Private Schools of English. Former Primary and Kindergarten Headmistress at Highlands School in Buenos Aires, she is also a Bilingual Facilitator for Peace
Education Foundation, lecturing on “Conflict Resolution, Student Mediation and Creativity & Motivation at school”.
As Creative Teaching Director, she delivers Professional Development Workshops
and Courses nationwide and abroad on Teaching EFL effectively.
Creative Teaching
Digital Storytelling in EFL Education
By Pablo Ponce de Leon
Target: coordinators, managers and directors of institutions that teach English as a second language
Theme: Digital Media in Education
The ability to tell a story is the single most valuable use of language and communication. Whether it is to teach, persuade, explain, inform or simply entertain, storytelling tunes into our ancestral quest for insight on the world and its wonders. Later as adults - even if we're not aware of it - it's how we organize our own experiences and those of others. Presently, digital media allows students to do this in the most engaging and collaborative way ever in the history of education. The only question is: Why aren't your students doing it?
Argentine-American media professional. Highly experienced in the field of online education as well as online entertainment. Has delivered services to: Walt Disney Company, Google and Microsoft, among others. Currently writing a screenplay for a Hollywood production company.
Hux Consulting
Effective Observation of Classes
Kate French
Target: co-ordinators with
little or no experience observing and providing feedback on teaching
to their staff
Theme: Observations of Teachers
As a newly appointed Educational Coordinator, probably one of your most important roles, and definitely the most nerve-wracking, is observing and giving feedback to your teachers. This workshop aims to pass on tips and advice on how to carry out this delicate and at times stressful aspect of the job; and how to use observation as a teacher-development tool, rather than simply for the purposes of teacher-evaluation.
Kate (RSA DTEFLA) has worked for International House in Europe and Buenos Aires since 1992. She has been ADos, DoS and is now a teacher trainer. She has recently helped to establish their new teacher training centre in Belgrano and is a tutor for their Cambridge CELTA & DELTA courses. She is also a Cambridge and IELTS examiner and CELTA assessor.
International House
E-nglish! How to include technology in your institution
By Daniela Zallocco
Target: coordinators and teachers who would like to include technology in their lessons
Theme: e-learning
Starting an e-business appears to be quite challenging, so how can we go about it? During this workshop we will look at different options and tools to start using technology in class and in your school which require no investment and that will help you explore new ideas and possibilities.
Daniela Zallocco is the founder of "Creative Technology". She holds a CELTA (Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults - A grade) and CELTYL (Certificate of English Language Teaching to Young Learners - B grade) degree from Cambridge University and is currently preparing her MA in Educational Policies at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (specialized in Education & Technology). She has worked as a Senior Teacher for ABS International and at International House Belgrano teaching children and teenagers. She currently works in Ministerio de Educación de la Nación Argentina (Dirección de Cooperación Internacional).
She has delivered many presentations in ABS Congresses for Coordinators, Directors of Studies and Teachers as well as the IATEFL - TESOL Congress in Santiago de Chile. She has recently published "¿Y después del libro qué?" an article related to the use of technology in the classroom, in the Educational Magazine "Novedades Educativas".
Creative Technology
Homework Assignments Using Web 2.0: Moving Beyond Workbooks
By Andressa Cardoso & Ana Maria Menezes
Target: Coordinators, Teachers, Teachers’ trainers
Theme: Technology in Class
Technology changes the way we teach in class, but can it also help us change the way students learn outside school?
We hope to discuss how the “homework experience” changed for educators and show successful examples of teachers integrating technology outside of class with intuitive tools and safe platforms.
Andressa has been an ESL teacher for over 12 years working with the communicative approach. For the past 2 years, she has been a Technology Coordinator and teacher trainer at a Binational Center in Brasil (CCBEU-Goiania).
Ana Maria is an EFL teacher and teacher trainer at a
language institute in Brazil (Cultura Inglesa Uberlândia). She also coordinates
the technology department helping teachers integrate new technologies to
their classes. She also facilitates an online course for EFL teachers worldwide.
Institution: CCBEU / Cultura Inglesa
Imaging as a Pathway to Understanding and Well-Being
By María Teresa Manteo
Target: Everybody interested in the subject
Theme: The Arts- NLP-Literature
This workshop will explore the transformational power of imaging. Picture books, image-making and visual journaling will be addressed to engage learners in contemplative states that feed circles of understanding and well-being. The session will also provide strategies to enhance reading skills and comprehension.
María Teresa Manteo holds a degree as an English Teacher for Primary and Secondary School from the Lenguas Vivas Teachers' Training College, where she also completed a post-graduate course in English Literature. She is an NLP Practitioner and directs Support Learning Educational Consultancy. She trains teachers in affective methods and runs “Touch the Author” Workshops for Children and Adolescents program.
Institution: Support learning Educational Consultancy
Inspiring Customer Service Lessons and Tips!
By Laura Lewin
Target: Everybody in the institution!
Theme: Customer service
In education, service is a key element for success. This session will present you with practical solutions to deliver exceptional service! It will reveal customer service secrets for creating an unparalleled customer experience and for igniting passionate employee commitment to an organizational mission! As usual, practical, actionable,and relatable solutions to everyday issues and opportunities you face with students and their families!
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President
of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional
Development for Teachers of English and Administrators, an event held in
Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. She is also the editor of EMO (Educational
Management Online), an e-zine that reaches over 98,000 ELT professionals
on a monthly basis. Ms Lewin pursued studies in translation in Argentina
(UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California). She is an internationally
recognized consultant and speaker and for the past fifteen years she has
been involved in teaching training: she has given workshops for teachers
and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru,
Colombia, Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura has recently been invited by Nova
Southeastern University (USA) to deliver online programs, and has written
a book on educational management.
ABS International
Invitational Language at School
By Manuel De Iacovo
Target: Coordinators at schools
Theme: Communication
Invitational Language consists of a series of techniques (comprising both verbal and body language) which aim at making everyone at school feel strong and capable of succeeding. The strategies (based on neuro-linguistic programming core concepts) are introduced to see the way in which coordinators can bolster both teachers' and students' boundless potential.
Manuel De Iacovo has been working as an English teacher for thirteen years at all levels. He has experience both teaching and coordinating at kinder, primary and secondary schools. He has also worked with adults in companies, institutes and universities in Buenos Aires and has developed a keen interest in NLP and invitational education.
Carolina Estrada de Martínez
Leadership, competencies for the 21st Century
By Alejandro Naveas
Target: Directors of Studies, School Managers, ELT teachers
Theme: Leadership and Management
This workshop is expected to generate the input to reflect, analyse and implement a series of ideas in order to optimise our professional practices and to assess the implications of a competency-based curriculum and the new demands for those who lead teams of language teachers in various teaching contexts.
Trained as an EFL teacher at Universidad de Chile. M.A. in Applied Linguistics in ELT from Lancaster University, UK. Currently Director of Academic Affairs at Universidad Chileno Británica de Cultura. Lecturer and teacher trainer at Universidad de Santiago and Cambridge ESOL Regional Team Leader for Chile.
Institution: Universidad Chileno Británica de Cultura
Lo Intangible en el Instituto de Idiomas
By Bet Wolff
Target: Dueños y Administradores de Institutos de Lenguas
Theme: Recursos Humanos
Los tangibles y los intangibles y su valor para el instituto de idiomas. La crisis en los recursos humanos. La necesidad de cuidados. La empatía, la resilencia. La generación X y la generación Y con sus modalidades relacionales, uso de tecnología y de manejo del tiempo. El líder. Cambios en el compromiso. Sistemas verticales y horizontales. El clima y la capacitación. El miedo a la rotación.
Bet E. Wolff es directora ejecutiva de la Consultora BEWNETWORK. Y también dueña del centro artístico KE TUL. Bet tiene larga experiencia en la conducción de PYMES educativas. Viaja casi todos los meses a visitar instituciones y es miembro de las principales asociaciones educativas internacionales. En este momento está cursando una maestría en administración y negocios y busca compartir su experiencia con los asistentes.
Institution: Bewnetwork
Managing the Professional Development of New Teachers
By Claudio Azevedo & Elizabeth Rabello
Target: Academic Coordinators in Language Schools
Theme: Teacher Development
This session provides an overview of a project that aims at developing the professional profile of prospective teachers with meaningful, practicum TEFL experience. The project fosters Teachers' critical feedback of their performance and their peers'. The presenters will share knowledge on how to implement such a project in EFL schools.
Claudio Azevedo is a teacher developer and Methodology teacher at the Casa Thomas Jefferson, Brasilia, Brazil, where he holds the position of Academic Coordinator. He is also known as the owner of the sites Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals and Movie Segments for Warm-ups and Follow-ups.
Elizabeth Rabello has been a teacher trainer and methodology teacher for several years at the Casa Thomas Jefferson, a binational language institute in Brasilia, Brazil, where she has also held the position of Branch Coordinator for 14 years. She holds an M.A. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Brasilia.
Institution: Casa Thomas Jefferson
Navigating Change Today
By Laura Szmuch & Jamie Duncan
Target: Coordinators
Theme: Management, Communication, Human Resources
Change is a constant in our world and the success of an educational organisation depends on how people adapt to it. As coordinators, our role in guiding staff is essential. This session will explore the facets and process of change and how to successfully manage the responses that can emerge.
Laura Szmuch is a graduate of INSP "Dr J.V. González", and Master Practitioner and Trainer in NLP. She is an ontological and NLP certified Coach and studied Psiconeuroeducation. At present she is writing her dissertation for her Maestría en Psicología Cognitiva y Aprendizaje (Flacso and UAM). She is the co-founder of Resourceful Teaching and runs NLP courses for teachers and other professionals. She has written “Aprendiendo Inglés, y disfrutando el proceso”.
Jamie Duncan is a teacher and teacher trainer, international examiner and Master Practitioner and Trainer in NLP. He is the co-founder of Resourceful Teaching and runs NLP courses for teachers and other professionals. He has written a book for teachers: Passionfruit.
Institution: Resourceful Teaching
Professionally Developing
By Neil McMahon
Target: All Coordinators / Teacher Trainers
Theme: Professional Development
Professionally developing will explore all the different ways our teachers (and us as coordinators) can develop within the teaching profession, be it individually or as members of a staffroom team, face to face or online.
As IHWO Academic Coordinator for Resources and DoS
Support, Neil is responsible for developing resources and supporting DoSes
across the International House network. Neil was IH Belgrano DoS for five
years, before becoming a full-time teacher trainer at IH Buenos Aires Teacher
Training. He also tutors various IHWO online courses.
International House
Revamp, Refresh, Refine Your English Language Program
By Dolores ’Lorrie’ Winter
Target: Administrators, Directors, Academic Coordinators, Curriculum Designers
Theme: Program Administration
Live online presentation from the USA
Every ESL program should revamp itself at least every five years. This includes refreshing the level names, curriculum, electives and market evaluation. This revamping of the program requires faculty, administration and student support. The presenter will show the process of this evaluation including a time-line, options, competitive analysis and implementation.
Dolores "Lorrie" Winter has done many training sessions for NNES. After earning a Master's Degree in TESOL, she's taught in an intensive English program where she has also served as the Assistant Director of Academics and a Program Developer, which gave her great insight into how successful organizations are run.
California State University Fullerton
Selecting What to Watch in Class
Alejandro De Angelis
Target: Coordinators and teachers who work with adolescents and adults
Theme: Methodology
Using video clips which circulate in the internet is an effective way of bringing the outside world into the classroom, but are there boundaries between what we, as teachers, should choose to use with our students and what is available for public consumption? Should we, as coordinators, help teachers in the selection of material to be used in the classroom? In this experiencial workshop participants will actively take part in sample tasks in order to discuss how we can use material which students find meaningful but which might be objected to by adults.
Alejandro De Angelis graduated from IPPI (Instituto Patagónico del Profesorado de Inglés) in 1996. Since then he has worked at IPPI teaching Literature for Children and Adolescents, Language, Diction and Cultural Studies, and coordinating the teachers' development department. He has been a speaker at international congresses like FAAPI and ABS International on several occasions, presenting his research on the fields of literature for children and adolescents, language awareness, and methodology. At the moment he is the headmaster of his own private institute, Manhattan English Institute, as well as a teacher trainer and coordinator at IPPI.
Instituto Patagónico del Profesorado de Inglés
Stories to solve conflict in the classroom and the staff room
By Marian Derfler
Target: Coordinators with no, little or a lot of experience in the topic
Theme: Storytelling
In this experiential session Marian will be sharing some of her favourite stories aimed at conflict resolution. She will deal with "typical problematic situations" in the classroom, as well as in the staff room and work on an "approximate solution" through stories.
Marian Derfler is a storyteller and an English teacher graduated from ISP in Lenguas Vivas J.R. Fernandez, where she is currently an adscripta in "Children's Literature." NLP practitioner, English in Action teacher, course-book and story writer, and ALL® Teacher Trainer. Marian has created Story Fields®, a storytelling experience which she takes to schools and institutes all over the country.
Story Fields
Successful Adults in the Corporate World
By Lilian Lopez
Target: Coordinators of Institutes that teach Adults
Theme: Teacher/Coordinator’s Training
Why are some adults successful English learners an others are no? Are there any maturational constrains in adult learning, and if so, how can they be overturned? How can we instill motivation and sustain it in time? Does measuring results help motivation? This talk addresses all these issues.
Lilian López is a graduate in “Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa”. She studied Business English in London University and Neurosciences in USA and has done extensive research on the subject. She’s the lead of Brooklyn Bridge and has thorough experience concerning adult EFL teaching
Brooklyn Bridge S.A.
Tailoring Standards and Competencies for Language Programs
By Flor de María Mellado Rosales
Target: Coordinators
Theme: Curriculum Design
Directors and advisors have become aware of the importance of establishing language standards and have long struggle with their choice and use to better enhance language performance. When programming syllabus for language learning, Competencies and Standards should be tailored appropriately in order to convey the learner's level of attainment established in the program.
Flor de Maria Mellado Rosales is an English Professor and Academic Coordinator at Ricardo Palma University, Lima, Peru. She is an Academic Consultant and has delivered lectures and workshops throughout Peru, Mexico, South and North America She is ANUPI - Mexico International Representative. She participated as Panelist in TESOL - New York International Convention.
Institution: Universidad Ricardo Palma
What Makes an Organization Highly Effective?
By Gladys Contrafatto
Target: Anyone interested
Theme: Leadership
In this workshop, we will be discussing ways to create anthusiasm, trust and mutual support among people working at the same place so as to maximize their potential and make the most of a community of leaders who share the same vision. Getting to know about the different players present in any team will give us a better understanding of the importance of each one to succeed as an organization. Sharing practical ideas on how to create positive bonds among our team members will provide us with more tools to achieve our goal. We will also be working on different ways to acquire the habits of highly effective people and in doing so, help our teams really bloom where they are planted!
Gladys N. Contrafatto is a graduate teacher of English from INSPT (UTN), language III lecturer and Master Practitioner in NLP applied to education. She is Head of the English department at Lujan de los Patriotas School. She has worked as a language teacher at all levels for twenty four years now. She is the co-founder and Academic Director of UpHill Idiomas. She is co-creator and author of five Teacher’s Resource Packs, Cooperative Tools and books for the teaching of English at all ages and levels applying NLP Cooperative Learning and Multiple Intelligences in the classroom through games.
UpHill Idiomas

Appreciative Inquiry in Team Working and Curriculum Design
Mercedes Viola
Target: coordinators and entrepreneurs
Theme: Leadership & Curriculum Design
During this workshop we will look at:
. what Appreciative Inquiry is and how it works
. how we can develop it to create a common vision in our organizations
. how this methodology can help when team working
. how it can be adapted to curriculum design
She holds a degree from the Universidad de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay and is currently taking an MA in TESOL. She has been running an English institute and designing language programs for 20 years. She is also a writer for the Teaching English site of the British Council.
4D Content English
Burnout: Managing the Stress of Caring
By Laura Lewin
Target: Everybody in the institution!
Theme: Burnout and emotional intelligence
Coordinators many times occupy the role of mother,
assistant, coach, trainer, floating teacher, psychologist, and the list
goes on and on. This trait often associated with a sign of excellence,
can lead to stress if we do not know how to regulate our emotions. On the
other hand, parents, management, students and circumstances create a lot
of pressure, and unless we know how to deal with it we can slowly, but
steadily, suffer from burnout. Come to this session to learn about emotional
intelligence, what burnout is, how we can avoid it, and how to be energized
by our job, and not burned out! Join me in this practical and fun presentation
to learn how to manage the stress of caring so you can go on caring, for
many more years to come
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President
of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional
Development for Teachers of English and Administrators, an event held
in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. She is also the editor of EMO (Educational
Management Online), an e-zine that reaches over 98,000 ELT professionals
on a monthly basis. Ms Lewin pursued studies in translation in Argentina
(UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California). She is an internationally
recognized consultant and speaker and for the past fifteen years she
has been involved in teaching training: she has given workshops for teachers
and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay,
Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura has recently been invited
by Nova Southeastern University (USA) to deliver online programs, and
has written a book on educational management.
ABS International
with difficulties & Classroom
By Grace Bertolini
Target: Teachers and Coordinators
Theme: Leadership and management
Teaching EFL is more than just teaching a language.
It is also about dealing everyday with unmotivated students, mixed-abilities
classes, different learning styles, stress and conflicts. How can our teachers
cope with these challenges? In this session, we will learn a variety of
effective techniques to deal with discipline, large classes, homework,
exams and much more. Turn your classroom problems into learning opportunities!
Grace Bertolini is an experienced Teacher of English
as a Foreign Language. For more than 30 years she has taught all levels
and ages at Bilingual and Private Schools of English. Former Primary
and Kindergarten Headmistress at Highlands School in Buenos Aires, she
is also a Bilingual Facilitator for Peace Education Foundation, lecturing
on “Conflict Resolution, Student Mediation and Creativity & Motivation
at school”.
As Creative Teaching Director, she delivers Professional Development
Workshops and Courses nationwide and abroad on Teaching EFL effectively.
Creative Teaching
Despertando tu creatividad!
By Miguel Atencio
Target: Todos los interesados en el tema
Theme: Desarrollo de creatividad
Todo lo que nos vincula con la creatividad requiere de una preparación previa, no tanto desde lo conceptual, sino desde lo individual. Esto es, debemos tener una predisposición abierta y dispuesta para abordar un determinado desafío, que a priori, no nos permite vislumbrar resultados conocidos.
La propuesta es tomarse un tiempo para andar caminos poco frecuentes en el ejercicio de lo cotidiano, y recorrer algunos espacios mentales donde sea posible tomar contacto con la propia creatividad bien con la fuerza innovadora del grupo, y ponerla en movimiento.
Miguel Atencio es Catedrático de la Universidad
del Salvador.
Ex-investigador del CONICET, y Asesor Nacional del Ministerio de Trabajo
y Formación de Recursos Humanos de la Nación en Proyectos
financiados por el Banco Mundial.
Ha dictado numerosos seminarios de capacitación en Argentina, Chile,
Uruguay, Venezuela e Israel.
Actualmente se desempeña como Director de la División Corporate
English de ABS International, Disertante en Congresos y Consultor de Empresas.
ABS International
Customer Service Lessons and Tips!
By Laura Lewin
Target: Everybody in the institution!
Theme: Customer service
In education, service is a key element for success.
This session will present you with practical solutions to deliver exceptional
service! It will reveal customer service secrets for creating an unparalleled
customer experience and for igniting passionate employee commitment to
an organizational mission! As usual, practical, actionable,and relatable
solutions to everyday issues and opportunities you face with students and
their families!
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President
of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional
Development for Teachers of English and Administrators, an event held
in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. She is also the editor of EMO (Educational
Management Online), an e-zine that reaches over 98,000 ELT professionals
on a monthly basis. Ms Lewin pursued studies in translation in Argentina
(UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California). She is an internationally
recognized consultant and speaker and for the past fifteen years she
has been involved in teaching training: she has given workshops for teachers
and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay,
Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura has recently been invited
by Nova Southeastern University (USA) to deliver online programs, and
has written a book on educational management.
ABS International
Language at School
By Manuel De Iacovo
Target: Coordinators at schools
Theme: Communication
Invitational Language consists of a series of
techniques (comprising both verbal and body language) which aim at making
everyone at school feel strong and capable of succeeding. The strategies
(based on neuro-linguistic programming core concepts) are introduced to
see the way in which coordinators can bolster both teachers' and students'
boundless potential.
Manuel De Iacovo has been working as an English teacher
for thirteen years at all levels. He has experience both teaching and
coordinating at kinder, primary and secondary schools. He has also worked
with adults in companies, institutes and universities in Buenos Aires
and has developed a keen interest in NLP and invitational education.
Carolina Estrada de Martínez
Las instituciones educativas y el manejo de su doble presencia en los universos analógicos y digitales.
By Roberto Balaguer
Target: Coordinadores
Theme: Tecnología en educación
Las instituciones educativas lideradas por los denominados “inmigrantes digitales” se enfrentan hoy al desafío de integrarse al universo digital al tiempo que continuar educando en lo analógico. La educación conoce al dedillo el universo analógico, pero sabe mucho menos del digital que aparece como territorio perteneciente a los “nativos digitales”, aquellos que han nacido ya con la cultura digital instalada. Sin embargo, las instituciones van moldeando sus herramientas y son moldeadas a su vez por las tecnologías en una espiral que se retroalimenta permanentemente. En este sentido la presencia en el mundo de Internet, la relación de ello con el currículum y con la identidad corporativa en el ámbito de la web, son nuevas problemáticas que se suman a las que las instituciones ya tenían. El desafío de integrarse al mundo digital, de conciliar los requerimientos de ambos universos no es tarea sencilla. Por eso, buscaremos entender los efectos de esta doble presencia de las instituciones educativas, requerimiento imprescindible en este siglo XXI.
Roberto Balaguer Prestes es psicólogo clínico y educacional (UDELAR, Univ. Minnesota). Postgraduado en Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica de Niños y Adolescentes y de Adultos. Prof. Adjunto (CLAEH, Universidad Católica). Investigador y consultor, ha participado en la capacitación del PLAN CEIBAL (OLPC en Uruguay) invitado por la Comisión de Educación del Plan Ceibal y también como parte del equipo técnico de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Con veinte años de experiencia en instituciones educativas, asesora instituciones educativas y se desempeña como Coordinador del Programa
Link.spc (TICs y Educación) en St. Patrick´s College, Montevideo. Ha dictado innumerables talleres y conferencias en Uruguay así como también en Argentina, México, Colombia, Brasil, Panamá, Costa Rica, y España. Ha escrito artículos en diversas revistas especializadas nacionales e internacionales, siendo coautor
de varios libros, y autor de los siguientes: Internet: un nuevo espacio
psicosocial (Trilce, 2003); Vidasconect@das,
La pantalla, lugar de encuentro, juego y educación en el siglo XXI (Frontera, 2005)PLAN
CEIBAL: los ojos del mundo en el Primer Modelo OLPC a escala nacional,
Montevideo: Prentice Hall, 2009; Hiperconectados. Guía para la educación
de los nativos digitales. Santillana, 2010.
Institution: Pearson
Leading as Learning, Learning as Leading
By María Sara Rodríguez
Target: School owners, Coordinators, Teachers interested in Management.
Theme: Management and Leadership
This workshop aims to generate discussion on the concepts of Leadership and Management, analyze how Leaders and Managers can learn from the environment they work in, and how this kind of open-mind to what is going on around us can help us be more effective and help other people grow professionally.
María Sara Rodríguez, RSA DIPTEFLA, is a teacher, Teacher Educator and ELT materials writer. She worked at the Anglo in Uruguay for 16 years where she was Branch Director, Methodology Tutor at the pre-service course Coordinator of the Advanced Levels Department and the Teacher Development Scheme. She has worked and run Teacher Education courses in Brazil, Spain, the UK and Mexico. She is currently the Director of ELT Services – Latin America. Her publications include: Snap! (1983) a course for Young Learners; Freewheeling (Heinemann 1992) a course for adolescents; Interactive English (Macmillan-Heinemann 1998) a course for young adults. Currently working towards an MA in Education from the Open University, UK.
ELT Services Latin America
Managing your Young Learners' Programs & Teaching Resources
By Grace Bertolini
Target: Teachers and Coordinators
Theme: Curriculum and Material design
Coordinating effectively at Kindergarten and Early Primary Grades, demands knowing about different Methods and Approaches to acquire a Foreign Language. But it also involves designing your Expectations and Objectives, developing the Annual Curriculum and the Syllabus, planning, observing and evaluating. Teachers should organize Circle Time, work with Learning Centers and consider Classroom Management. Coach your teachers with effective teaching resources as Reference Charts, Games & Songs, Interactive Boards and much more . If you find hard to carry out all these duties, come to this session and discover how to achieve excellence with your kids!
Grace Bertolini is an experienced Teacher of English
as a Foreign Language. For more than 30 years she has taught all levels
and ages at Bilingual and Private Schools of English. Former Primary
and Kindergarten Headmistress at Highlands School in Buenos Aires, she
is also a Bilingual Facilitator for Peace Education Foundation, lecturing
on “Conflict Resolution, Student Mediation and Creativity & Motivation
at school”.
As Creative Teaching Director, she delivers Professional Development
Workshops and Courses nationwide and abroad on Teaching EFL effectively.
Creative Teaching
de quejas y reclamos
By Miguel Atencio
Target: Coordinadores, Docentes y Personal Administrativo
Theme: Atención al cliente
Garantizar la satisfacción
de nuestros clientes es de vital importancia para nuestras insituciones.
¿Están todos los miembros de su organización entrenados
para tomar quejas, calmar a personas enojadas y sacar el mejor beneficio
de la situación?
No se pierda este taller plagado de ideas, técnicas y consejos, a
través del humor, la capacitación y la reflexión!
Miguel Atencio es Catedrático de la Universidad
del Salvador.
Ex-investigador del CONICET, y Asesor Nacional del Ministerio de Trabajo
y Formación de Recursos Humanos de la Nación en Proyectos
financiados por el Banco Mundial.
Ha dictado numerosos seminarios de capacitación en Argentina, Chile,
Uruguay, Venezuela e Israel.
Actualmente se desempeña como Director de la División Corporate
English de ABS International, Disertante en Congresos y Consultor de Empresas.
ABS International
Moneyless marketing
By Laura Lewin
Target: Everybody interested in Marketing ideas and tips
Theme: Marketing
Laura is the author of "Marketing for educational institutions" a most acclaimed seminar for people who are not marketers.
Now, she applies her unparalleled clarity, insight, humor and expertise and brings fresh tips, new tools, and more techniques to walk you step-by-step through the essentials of developing a successful marketing process in your institutions- with no money involved!
Moneyless marketing will help you get focused, stay focused and follow the essential rules to success by doing the little things right, and the big things even better!
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President
of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional
Development for Teachers of English and Administrators, an event held
in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. She is also the editor of EMO (Educational
Management Online), an e-zine that reaches over 98,000 ELT professionals
on a monthly basis. Ms Lewin pursued studies in translation in Argentina
(UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California). She is an internationally
recognized consultant and speaker and for the past fifteen years she
has been involved in teaching training: she has given workshops for teachers
and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay,
Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura has recently been invited
by Nova Southeastern University (USA) to deliver online programs, and
has written a book on educational management.
ABS International
Professional Development that Promotes Students' Learning
By Gabriela Mendez
Target: Coordinators with some experience in the topic, at all educational levels, and entrepreneurs who train teachers.
Theme: Professional Development and Training for Teacher Trainers
Live online presentation from the USA
This presentation will highlight strategies and tools for effective professional development that use teachers' expertise and available resources to promote students' learning. Using videos and discussions, the presentation will introduce concepts such as site based professional development, effective training models, sustained professional development, design, coaching, professional learning communities, workshops, and evaluation.
Gabriela Mendez is a professor at Nova Southeastern University. She teaches classes on professional development. She received her Ph. D. degree and masters' degree in Curriculum and Instruction from The Pennsylvania State University, where she taught in the world Language Department. She has been a high school principal and an English Department Coordinator in Argentina.
Institution: Nova Southeastern University
Real Challenges and Practical Steps in Digital Literacy
By Mariana Porta
Target: Coordinators and Directors of studies, teachers in general.
Theme: Technology in Education
The digital text and the Internet are tools and channels for education and qualified jobs. Are we preparing students for that? We will break this challenge into its components. We'll share state of the art information, reflect and analyze. Then, we'll have a moment for collaborative work and finally we will design a personal action plan towards teaching digital literacy.
Mariana Porta, Director of Alianza Costa de Oro and Alianza Carrasco, has a degree in Sociology from UDELAR, a degree in EFL teaching from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-EEUU and a Diploma in Education and New Technologies from FLACSO, Argentina. She has 24 years of teaching experience and 16 years of experience in Academic Direction. She is currently pursuing a Specialization degree in Education and NTICS in FLACSO Argentina.
Institution: Alianza Costa and Carrasco
Standards and Competencies for Language Programs
By Flor de María Mellado Rosales
Target: Coordinators
Theme: Curriculum Design
Directors and advisors have become aware of the
importance of establishing language standards and have long struggle with
their choice and use to better enhance language performance. When programming
syllabus for language learning, Competencies and Standards should be tailored
appropriately in order to convey the learner's level of attainment established
in the program.
Flor de Maria Mellado Rosales is an English Professor
and Academic Coordinator at Ricardo Palma University, Lima, Peru. She
is an Academic Consultant and has delivered lectures and workshops throughout
Peru, Mexico, South and North America She is ANUPI - Mexico International
Representative. She participated as Panelist in TESOL - New York International
Institution: Universidad
Ricardo Palma
Virtuoso Teams: Technology and the Human Factor
By Enrique Morrone
Target: All Coordinators
Theme: Team work and Technology
In this hands-on session, we will work in teams to explore and maximise the power of teamwork, autonomy, ownership and technology in developing new learning strategies. Based on the Deep-Dive™ approach from the corporate world to focus on management, we will experience its application in educational contexts and eventually also in the classroom. The challenge is to innovate, following Mr Sugata Mitra and Sir Ken Robinson’s views on the need to change paradigms and give coordinators (and teachers) ideas on how to re-place (not replace!) the teacher when working with digital natives.
Enrique is a graduate teacher of English from IPA and a Public Translator. He has taught at Primary, Secondary & Tertiary level in the private sector and the state school system. He entered the publishing world in 1994, when he joined Longman. Today he is the general manager of the Pearson operation for Uruguay & Paraguay and he still devotes some time every week to what today is almost a hobby : a workshop he conducts for teenagers in a private secondary school. A space for personal and professional growth… learning from the students.
Institution: Pearson Longman
Where do we go from here?
By Alan Lytle
Target: All Coordinators
Theme: Planning: Curricular, Recruitment, Personnel, Marketing, Professional Development.
Live online presentation from the USA
This presentation is about once a program has accomplished its goal of stabilizing itself, reaching fiscal security, and having a sustainable enrollment, what the program administration and faculty need to consider for the next step, especially when "upper administrators want the program to continue to grow but cannot offer specifics.
Dr. Alan D. Lytle, the teaching director of the intensive English language program at the University of Arkansas - Little Rock, USA, has a background in second and foreign language education (ESL/EFL, German, and French) as well as 23 years of ESL teaching and administrative experience at all levels, in academic-preparation programs, conversation programs, English-for-special-purposes programs, and topic-specific programs.
Institution: University of Arkansas Little Rock