Teacher Burnout: managing the stress of caring
By Laura Lewin
Target: everyone who needs to learn about emotions and how to stay healthy emotionally!
Theme: burnout and emotional intelligence
Teachers many times occupy the role of mother-teacher. This trait often associated with a sign of teaching excellence, can lead to stress if we do not know how to regulate our emotions. On the other hand, parents, management, students and circumstances create a lot of pressure, and unless we know how to deal with it we can slowly, but steadily, suffer from burnout. Come to this session to learn about emotional intelligence, what burnout is, how we can avoid it, and how to be energized by teaching, and not burnt out! Join me in this practical and fun presentation to learn how to manage the stress of caring so you can go on caring, for many more years to come!
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President
of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional
Development for Teachers of English and Administrators, an event held
in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and the USA. She is also the editor of
EMO (Educational Management Online), an e-zine that reaches over 98,000
ELT professionals on a monthly basis. Ms Lewin pursued studies in translation
in Argentina (UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California).
She is an internationally recognized consultant and speaker and for the
past fifteen years she has been involved in teaching training: she has
given workshops for teachers and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil,
Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura has
recently been invited by Nova Southeastern University (USA) to deliver
online programs, and is writing her first book on educational management.
ABS International
Comics 4 Skills
By Diego Fábregas
Target: Teachers with little experience and experienced ones
Theme: Using comics to teach the micro/macro skills
Comics are a unique combination of images, stories, and action. The aesthetics captivate people and make them want to be part of the story. Who hasn't dreamed of being a hero or part of Archie's gang? By taking advantage of this highly unexplored resource, teachers can foster the development of macro/micro skills in a XXI century mind frame. By the end of the workshop, participants will have seen a variety of ideas to exploit comic books, comic strips, and comic-related software for all ages and levels.
Born in Montevideo, the eldest of 6 brothers. Before attending to the
Law School I studied different languages and then dropped college to
become an English teacher. I have worked in different contexts, including
companies and a private school; now at Alianza Pocitos. Eager to find
new ways to make people want to learn English.
Institution: Alianza
Confidence leads to competence creative activities to develop both language skills and self-esteem
Graciela Bertolini
Target: All teachers and coordinators
Theme: self esteem
Create a classroom climate in which real language learning can grow using creative activities that develop security, identity, belonging, purpose and competence in your students. Become more resourceful and enhance your teaching practice and your motivation balancing your classroom language routine with innovative techniques that will establish a productive and respectful learning atmosphere.
Grace Bertolini has been involved in EFL teaching at all levels for over 25 years and Primary and Kindergarten Headmistress at prestigious bilingual schools. As Creative Teaching Director, she delivers Professional Development Workshops nationwide and abroad on Teaching EFL effectively and coordinates "Full Immersion in the Language Educational Camp-Trips and Tours in Argentina". She is Bilingual Facilitator for Peace Education Foundation and she lectures on "Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation at school"
Creative Teaching
Educational technology: teaching English anew
By Suelen Viana & Andrezza Barbosa
Target: Teachers with some or no experience with educational technology
Theme: Technology in Education
The objective this workshop is to bring people together to share positive and negative views and experiences on the use of technology so much so that by the end of the meeting everybody feels enlightened to go back to school and start teaching anew. During the workshop there will be a series of suggestions on good educational use of modern technology to teach English, most of them related to computer based and internet based tasks
Suelen de Andrade Viana is an EFL and Brazilian Portuguese teacher (as first and second language). She is graduated in Modern Languages from Amazonas Federal University and holds a master degree in Linguistics (sociolinguistics) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. She has also been working as a translator since 2003. She holds certificates and TKT from the University of Cambridge, and has presented workshops on Task Based Learning, Teaching Competence, Reading Methodologies, Language Varieties and Pedagogical use of technologies.
Institution: ICBEU
Enhancing your Class through Co-teaching as a Professional Development Tool
By Andrea Repetto & Marianela Ayub
Target: All teachers, mentors, coordinators and directors
Theme: Professional Development
Are two teachers better than one? Would both students and teachers benefit from a collaborative approach? Would it be feasible to implement a teaching practice like this one?. In this presentation, we will take an innovative look at co-teaching from our experience, evaluate its effectiveness and analyze the benefits that arise from each teacher's contribution.
Andrea Repetto holds a TEFL Diploma from Alianza Uruguay-EEUU in Collaboration with the University of Maryland. She has been teaching English for fourteen years. She started her career teaching young learnres at schools in 1997 where she conducted a research in "Cooperative Learning". She specializes herself in teaching children taking a one-year course " Maximazing Teaching at Schools" in 2000 at Dickens Institute. Currently she works at Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas teaching basic, intermediate, advanced and Business English.
Marianela Ayub is a graduate of the LITTI - London International Teacher Training Course (LITTI), International House Montevideo in collaboration with the University of London. She holds an Advanced Certificate in the Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages issued by Institute of Education-University of London. Prof. Ayub has been teaching English for 10 years. She is currently teaching adults and IE courses at Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas. She is also studying Public Translation at the University of the Republic.
Institution: Alianza
E-valuate! Successful evaluation including technology
By Daniela Zallocco
Target: ELT managers and directors
Theme: Technology and evaluation
Evaluating students and evaluating staff is never an easy task. But what makes a good evaluation? The workshop will focus on the most typical mistakes in student and staff evaluation and will provide interesting web based tools which can be used to enhance the evaluation process as well as to record past evaluations and make a better use of resources.
Daniela Zallocco is the director of "Creative Technology". She is a Teacher of English as a Second Language certified by Cambridge University (CELTA & CELTYL). She has completed a posgraduate course in Policies of Education (Especialista en Política Educativa) from Universidad Di Tella specialized in education and technology and is preparing her MA. She has worked as a Senior Teacher and ICT coordinator at ABS International and at International House Belgrano teaching children, teenagers and adults. She currently works in Ministerio de Educación de la Nación Argentina (Dirección de CooperaciónInternacional). She has delivered many presentations at ABS International Congresses for Coordinators, Directors of Studies and Teachers as well as the IATEFL - TESOL Congress in Santiago de Chile and was invited to present at the seminar "Technology, Innovation and Creativity in the English Classroom" at Universidad Playa Ancha, San Felipe, Chile. She also presented at FAAPI 2011 Conference for English Teachers, in San Miguel deTucumán, Argentina.
Creative Technology
First aid for your writing wounds
By Santiago Artucio
Target: Teachers eager to listen to research on writing
Theme: Writing and Research
Think of what your students' expressions are when they realize one of the upcoming tasks for the day is writing.. How does this make you feel? Afraid? Worried? Frustrated?
Well, grieve no more! Here you will learn to help your students with their writing, catering to the tools they need.
Alianza Cultural Uruguay - Estados Unidos TEFL Diploma Graduate in 2006. Teaching ever since at the Alianza Pocitos - Punta Carretas, currently performing mentoring functions as well.
Teacher with a Grado 2 level at the UdelaR - Facultad de Medicina, at the
Departamento de Educación Médica for 2 years (2009-2010).
Institution: Alianza
Great thinkers at an early age!
By Cecilia Cabrera
Target: Preschool teachers
Theme: Technology
We might all agree that Critical and Creative Thinking skills are paramount for our primary or secondary school learners to develop as good thinkers. However, many times they haven't developed the skills and they seem reluctant to change. Why not starting at preschool? Can the little ones become critical thinkers?
She has a Teacher Trainer Certificate issued by International
House, she also has two postgraduate Certificates, one in Critical Thinking
from the University of Oregon and the other in Advanced Methodology from
International House. She is a Teacher Trainer at Centro Regional de Profesores
del Este (ANEP - CODICEN) in Uruguay. She is also a Proposal Reviewer for
TESOL International. She has taught all levels from Kindergarten to Secondary
school. She has worked for 10 years as Director of Studies at a private
school in Uruguay.
Centro Regional de Profesores del Este
Intelligent Discipline
By Laura Lewin
Target: Classroom management
Theme:all teachers interested in teaching and not discipling!
Do you spend more time discipling your students than teaching? Do you want less stress in yoru classroom? Do you want motivated and committed students? Then you can´t miss this session! Tons of tips and hints to help you teach the way you always wanted to teach!
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President
of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional
Development for Teachers of English and Administrators, an event held in
Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and the USA. She is also the editor of EMO (Educational
Management Online), an e-zine that reaches over 98,000 ELT professionals
on a monthly basis. Ms Lewin pursued studies in translation in Argentina
(UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California). She is an internationally
recognized consultant and speaker and for the past fifteen years she has
been involved in teaching training: she has given workshops for teachers
and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia,
Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura has recently been invited by Nova Southeastern
University (USA) to deliver online programs, and is writing her first book
on educational management.
ABS International
International Exams: An array of test-talking strategies
By Mariel Doyenart & Ma. Eugenia Silva
Target: Teachers of International Exam preparation courses
Theme: International Exams
Do you feel your exam preparation classes have become too mechanical and repetitive? International exams are an important goal our students set to themselves when they start learning English. Our aim is to present a set of easy-to-implement strategies you can use to make exam preparation courses meaningful and motivating.
Mariel Doyenart is a graduate of the Alianza Teaching Diploma. She has been teaching adults from basic to proficiency levels as well as on-line courses. She is also a proud teacher of the ACCESS Program. She has recently been selected to participate in the Teacher-in-Residence Program in Minnesota.
Ma. Eugenia Silva is a graduate of the TEFL Diploma from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-EE.UU. in collaboration with the University of Maryland. Prof. Silva has been teaching adults from basic to proficiency levels. She is active in materials development. She is part of the staff of Facebook and she teaches in the ACCESS Program.
Institution: Alianza
Karaoke Lounge Meets Best Practices
By Silvia Laborde
Target: Teachers at all levels
During the Communicative Revolution the primary
role of context, skills integration, and culture gained momentum. During
the Lexis Revolution the weight that language chunks and vocabulary carried
in communication was repositioned. The Digital Revolution offers teachers
tools that allow him/her to cater to the skills and sensibilities that our
new, digital-native students bring into our class. Participants will experience
and reflect on the power of the digital karaoke as a tool that allows teachers
to articulate context, skills, culture, language chunks, vocabulary, musical
intelligence and needless to say, great fun.
Lic. Silvia Laborde holds a TEFL degree from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos, a degree in Education from UCUDAL University, and a postgraduate degree in Educational Management from ORT University. Aside from teaching, her posts have included Materials Writer, Teacher Educator, Methodological and School Coordinator and at present Academic Director of Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas. She is currently an editor for Language Education in Asia and a member of the Standards Committee at TESOL International.
Institution: Alianza
Learning and Teaching with Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs)
By Veronique Ruel
Target: High School Language teachers
Theme: New technologies
As Prensky (2001) put it, our students today are all "digital natives": they are all native speakers of the digital language of the world they live in. They constantly use new technologies to engage, relate and communicate. What about our teaching methods and environments? Are they digitally adapted to our digital demanding students? Can IWBs help to bridge the gap between the digital-based world outside the classroom and the print-based world inside the classroom? What engaging and effective tools do IWBs have to offer language teaching and language learning? This seminar will present why and how IWBs are said to be stimulating learning media as well as user-friendly teaching tools. Feel free to come and join an IWB "hands-on" digital experience. Who knows… You may get hooked!
Véronique Ruel is the coordinator of the English Department at Lycée Français Jules Supervielle in Montevideo. She holds an MA in English Literature and Education. She has been a teacher and teacher trainer of French and English as Foreign Languages in France, England, the USA, the South Pacific Region (Vanuatu) and Uruguay. She has participated in the development of school curricula overseas and in the creation of educational materials (textbooks and software). Her research interests include educational bilingualism, the CEF action-oriented approach and Classroom 2.0 technologies.
Institution: Lycée Français Jules Supervielle – Montevideo
Let's Speak out about Adults by helping them achieve Success!
By Aldo Rodriguez
Target: General or specialised audience
Theme: Young adults
This workshop will focus on practical activities and strategies to help young adults and adult learners succeed in their learning process. However, some of the activities may be applicable to any student at any age. The book is seen as a source, as a departing point, and sometimes as an end in itself. In all the cases, the instructor will be encouraged to use multi-cultural sharing, learning cognitive and metacognitive strategies.
Aldo Rodriguez is a Uruguayan Fulbright Scholar, adult educator, teacher trainer, and mentor teacher with fourteen years of experience in the field of Adult education. He is currently attending a master's course on Adult and Higher Education at Northern Illinois University. He also has experience as a researcher in pedagogical and methodological issues regarding student's development, curriculum development, motivation and assessment, having presented nationally and internationally in several conferences, seminars and meetings.
Institution: Pearson
Make the Most of Speaking Tests
By Rosario Giraldez
Target: Assessment
Theme: Assessing and Testing
In order to succeed in a speaking test, examinees need to know what is expected of them and examiners need to use rubrics reliably. The presenter will share training tips for the parties involved. Participants will explore ways in which speaking tests can become a
learning experience.
Rosario Giraldez is the Executive Assistant to the Academic Department
at the Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos. She has coordinated Alianza
Centers and Teacher Education Programs. She holds a TEFL degree from
the Alianza and has taken courses in her main areas of interest, evaluation
and curriculum design, at Iowa State University, Indiana University,
and Hawaii Pacific University.
Institution: Alianza
Manejo eficaz del tiempo
By Miguel Atencio
Siente que necesitaría que su día tuviese más horas? Su familia lo siente ausente y reclama su presencia con más énfasis? El manejo del tiempo, como concepto, ofrece pautas que lo ayudarán a llevar a cabo sus funciones con mayor facilidad y rapidez. A fin de mejorar nuestra productividad, sería conveniente analizar los obstáculos que podrían presentársele para manejar su tiempo adecuadamente y considerar estrategias para hacerlo de manera más eficaz.
Miguel Atencio es Catedrático de la Universidad
del Salvador.
Ex-investigador del CONICET, y Asesor Nacional del Ministerio de Trabajo
y Formación de Recursos Humanos de la Nación en Proyectos
financiados por el Banco Mundial.
Ha dictado numerosos seminarios de capacitación en Argentina, Chile,
Uruguay, Venezuela e Israel.
Actualmente se desempeña como Director de la División Corporate
English de ABS International, Disertante en Congresos y Consultor de Empresas.
ABS International
Moodling your course:getting the best form your CMS
By Mariana Porta, Victoria Dieste, Gilda Batagliese, Silvia Laborde & William
Target: Teachers at all levels who use or would like to use a CMS
Theme: Integrated skills
The digital era has seen the rise of the Course
Management Systems (CMS). Moodle is the unquestionable leader serving almost
50 million users enrolled in over 5 million courses. During this workshop
we will share the pedagogical framework that supports our use of technology
in the classroom. We will show how specific Moodle resources, such as forums
and lessons can be used to their fullest potential. By the end of the workshop,
participants will have reflected on how these tools can enrich their teaching
Battagliese, Dieste, Laborde, Machado & Porta belong to varied Alianzas. Together they have formed a team that explores he pedagogical implications of using technology in the classroom, with particular emphasis on Moodle. In addition to that they have been experimenting with tech-mediated professional development.
Institution: Alianza
Movie Trailer for the New EFL Learner
By Victoria Dieste & Claudio Cajes
Target: Teachers of Enlgish
Theme: Video in the Classroom
Meeting the needs of the 21st century EFL learner
is a challenge. Movie trailers can turn into an amazing resource to meet
those needs. They are
short, flashy, multi-sensory and authentic. The audience attending this
session will take home some practical ideas to put trailers to use in
their classes.
Victoria Dieste is a graduate of the
TEFL Diploma from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-EE.UU. She has been working
as a teacher at
Alianza Sayago since 2004 and is the In-Company Program Coordinator there.
She is currently studying Lic. en Sistemas at ORT Univeristy.
Claudio Cajes is a graduate of the Tesol Diploma
from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-EE.UU. He has been working as a teacher at
Alianza Sayago since 2008. He has also been working since 2010 in Escuela
Militar de Aeronáutica.
Institution: Alianza
Paving the Digital Way for the Web 2.0
By William Machado & Valeria Guerra
Target: All teachers interested in learning about how to use more technologhy in the classroom
Theme: Technology
Would you like to have more tools to reach you digital native students, but feel overwhelmed by the rapid changes in technology?
In this presentation we will guide the audience on how to include technology in the lesson plan having a clear pedagogical objective. Also,
we will explore Web 2.0, its implications, and present tools and applications with ready-to-use ideas
Prof. Machado is a graduate of the TEFL Diploma from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-EE.UU. Prof. Machado has completed TESOL's Principles and Practices of Online Teaching Certificate Program. At Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas he has developed his passion towards technology, implementing the use of several technological tools in his courses. He has been appointed to provide tech support to all his colleagues.
Prof. Guerra is a graduate of the TEFL Diploma from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-EE.UU. in collaboration with the University of Maryland. Prof. Guerra has been teaching children, teenagers, adults and IE courses at Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas and children at Colegio Punta Carretas, bilingual school. She has been recently granted a Fulbright scholarship as an FLTA and is currently teaching at Pitt Community College in North Carolina, USA.
Institution: Alianza
PBL: An innovative approach. Willing to share?
By Selva Teixeira
In this hands-on session we will explore the beauties and challenges of the Problem Based Learning Approach: by encouraging students to discuss and solve problems, we engage them in high order thinking and rich language usage
Selva is a PAD (Profesor Articulador) at Inspección de Inglés de Secundaria, teaches at Anglo and represents Pearson in the northwest of the country. She is an active participant in events and an avid learner taking on-line teaching courses and passing international methodology exams with top marks.
Professional Development: The Road Not Taken
By Mariana Porta, Leonardo Castelluccio & Laura González
Target: Teachers and ELT managers
Theme: Professional development
How do we choose to develop? How can we make more enjoyable and effective choices to make professional development the engine of our professional life? We will involve the audience in self exploration and reflection, share action research results and explore some possible roads that use technology based tools.
Mariana Porta has a degree in Sociology from UDELAR, a degree in EFL teaching from Alianza Cultural Uruguay- EEUU and Diploma in Education and New Technologies from FLACSO, Argentina. She has 23 years of teaching experience and 14 years of experience in Academic Direction. She is currently the Director of Alianza Costa de Oro.
Laura has been a teacher at Alianza Carrasco for 10 years where she has performed the role of Academic Coordinator. She has worked with all levels and ages, from children to proficiency courses. She also teaches in a private school where she has worked with different levels, form kindergarten to high school.
Institution: Alianza
Pron here and pron there
By Ian White
Target: EFL teachers of (young) adult learners
Theme: Integrating pronunciation in reading classes
This interactive lecture aims at sharing with teachers the work and research done on the integration of pronunciation with mono-lingual (Turkish) reading classes. By watching clips of videoed lessons, the audience can expect to see pronunciation within a lesson and not a lesson on pronunciation.
Ian is a teacher trainer and a teacher of English and
Russian at the School of Foreign Languages of the Izmir University of Economics,
Izmir, Turkey. One of his special interests in ELT is that of the integration
of the teaching of pronunciation in skills' lessons.
Izmir University of Economics, School
of Foreign Languages
Simulation-Games: Driving Communicative Competence
By Joshua Paiz
Target:early service teachers, experienced teachers, materials developers
Theme:Games in the classroom; CALL
This presentation will seek to acquaint to audience with an introduction to, and an overview of, simulation-gaming for language learning. It will then move on to offer advice on implementing
simulation-games for a variety of class types. It will conclude by looking at the future of simulation-gaming for language learning.
Mr. Paiz is a doctoral student in ESL at Purdue University. Prior to this, he attended the University of Toledo where he taught ESL writing for matriculated students and students in the university's Intensive English Program. He has often presented on simulation-gaming for language learning, one of his research interests.
Institution: Purdue University
savvy kids - making good use of them in class
By Marisa Zuazo & Alexandre Mendonça
Target: English teachers of young learners
Theme: Technology for young learners
This presentation aims to get teachers thinking about new ways to expose and practice grammar using tech resource materials. Use students expertise in technology to teach and to learn from them. Get your students try and make good use of the new tools of this digital era in order to improve their language skills and have some fun!
Marisa Zuazo
Graduated Teacher
in Liberal Arts - English Language and Literature - UFAM/2011 Especialization
- in Higher Education's Methodology - Fase/2012
Alexandre Mendonça
Graduated Teacher in Liberal Arts - English Language and Literature - UFAM/2008
Especialization - Computerizing Applied to Education - UEA/2012
Institution: ICBEU Manaus
Ten Techy Tools to Start The School Year
By Daniela Zallocco
Target: Experienced and inexperienced teachers
Theme: technology in EFL
Struggling to include technology in your lessons?
Teaching digital natives has become a real challenge for digital immigrants. Can we bridge that gap? What does "teaching with technology" mean? During this workshop we will discover interesting ways to make your classes sizzle by including technology in your first lessons by exploring ready-to-use ideas to teach digital natives, which are just one click away
Daniela Zallocco is the director of "Creative Technology".
She is a Teacher of English as a Second Language certified by Cambridge
University (CELTA & CELTYL). She has completed a posgraduate course in
Policies of Education (Especialista en Política Educativa) from
Universidad Di Tella specialized in education and technology and is preparing
her MA. She has worked as a Senior Teacher and ICT coordinator at ABS International
and at International House Belgrano teaching children, teenagers and adults.
She currently works in Ministerio de Educación de la Nación
Argentina (Dirección de CooperaciónInternacional). She has
delivered many presentations at ABS International Congresses for Coordinators,
Directors of Studies and Teachers as well as the IATEFL - TESOL Congress
in Santiago de Chile and was invited to present at the seminar "Technology,
Innovation and Creativity in the English Classroom" at Universidad Playa
Ancha, San Felipe, Chile. She also presented at FAAPI 2011 Conference for
English Teachers, in San Miguel deTucumán, Argentina.
Creative Technology
There's no I in TEAM! - Cooperative Learning in the classroom.
By Laura Lewin
Target: all teachers and coordinators interested in the subject
Theme:cooperative learning
One of the most exciting developments in modern education goes by the name of cooperative
learning and has students working in pairs or small groups. Do you want your students to feel more positive about themselves, about each other, and about your class? Do you want your students to learn with each other, instead of against each other or apart from each other? Student and teacher engagement can skyrocket! Join me! This is a session you do not want to miss!
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President
of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional
Development for Teachers of English and Administrators, an event held in
Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and the USA. She is also the editor of EMO (Educational
Management Online), an e-zine that reaches over 98,000 ELT professionals
on a monthly basis. Ms Lewin pursued studies in translation in Argentina
(UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California). She is an internationally
recognized consultant and speaker and for the past fifteen years she has
been involved in teaching training: she has given workshops for teachers
and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia,
Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura has recently been invited by Nova Southeastern
University (USA) to deliver online programs, and is writing her first book
on educational management.
ABS International
Top 10 Useful Digital Tools
By Veronique Ruel & Susana Alfaro
Target: EFL/ESL Teachers
Theme: New Technologies
Let's explore 10 great multimedia tools! All innovating, engaging, user-friendly and... free!
In order to understand the full potential these 10 tools offer, we will first present their main features and key advantages. Then we will provide some specific examples of multimedia projects our ''digital native''
students can do in the English class.
Véronique Ruel is the coordinator of the English Department at Lycée Français Jules Supervielle in Montevideo. She holds an MA in English Literature and Education. She has been a teacher and
teacher trainer of French and English as Foreign Languages in France, England, the USA, the South Pacific Region and Uruguay. Her research interests include educational bilingualism, the CEF action-oriented approach and Classroom 2.0 technologies.
Susana Alfaro has been a language teacher since 1973, first of French, then of English. She worked with children both at Anglo Institute and Lycée Français Jules Supervielle in Montevideo. She has also worked with teenagers ranging from A1 to C2 levels, having regular high school courses and exam practice. She started using ICT in her lessons back in 2000.
Institution: Lycée Français Jules Supervielle -Montevideo
Using Songs, Chants & Rhymes in Dramatic Play with little Kids
By Graciela Bertolini
Target: Teachers of younger learners
Theme: Music in the classroom
Come to this Workshop and share a collection of reliable ideas and stimulating activities which have a language pay-off to suit your Young Learners' needs and interests. Turn your Playing Time into a learning experience of fun and ensure an enjoyable and meaningful environment.
Imaginary worlds, "pretend" activities, Songs & Chants.You can't miss it!
Grace Bertolini has been involved in EFL teaching at
all levels for over 25 years and Primary and Kindergarten Headmistress
at prestigious bilingual schools. As Creative Teaching Director, she delivers
Professional Development Workshops nationwide and abroad on Teaching EFL
effectively and coordinates "Full Immersion in the Language Educational
Camp-Trips and Tours in Argentina". She is Bilingual Facilitator for Peace
Education Foundation and she lectures on "Conflict Resolution and Peer
Mediation at school"
Creative Teaching
Valuable Values through Fables
By Ana Claudia Motes Holenweger & María Inés Rossi Colombo
Target: All teachers
Theme: Motivating Students
Moral values, ethics, and respectful behavior are some of the most challenging examples to set as an educator, as a role model, and as a teacher. Then, the question is, how can we teach values? Is it enough to just do what you preach? Or, are there other ways to transmit lifelong lessons? In this presentation we would like to share our experience and findings about using fables to teach and discuss values with different kinds of audiences; at the same time offering a flexible tool to use in the classroom for teaching the language.
Ana Claudia Montes has been teaching
EFL for over 20 years at all levels. She holds a TEFL Diploma from the
Alianza Cultural Uruguay - Estados Unidos in collaboration with the University
of Maryland, Baltimore County. She has researched motivation in small and
large groups. In addition, she is pursuing a Psychology degree at UDELAR.
Inés Rossi has been teaching EFL for 5 years at all levels. She holds a TEFL Diploma from the Alianza Cultural Uruguay - Estados Unidos in collaboration with the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She also holds a BA in Business Administration from UDELAR. She is researching the different teacher roles in the 21st century classroom.
Institution: Alianza

Are We Pushing the Right Buttons?
By Ady Marrero
Target: Directors, Coordinators, Teacher Educators
Theme: Leadership and Human Resources
Leaders need to understand human behavior. What motivates people? Can we affect their motivation? What motivates us? What stops us from taking action? The latest research on these issues will be shared and followed by practical activities. The audience will get further strategies to keep positively affecting their environment.
Lic. Ady Marrero is the Academic Director of the Alianza Cultural Uruguay- Estados Unidos. She holds a TEFL degree from the Alianza, a Bachelor's Degree in Education from the Universidad Católica Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga, and a post graduate degree in Educational Planning and Management from ORT University. She has been active in teaching, materials development and teacher education throughout her professional career.
Institution: Alianza
Be the change you want see around
By Marta Costa Maroni
Target: Leaders in general
Theme: Leadership
Change is possible though sometimes hard to achieve. Easy strategies to make change an attainable goal in our lives and schools.
Teacher of English graduated from Lenguas Vivas. I have been working at the Rìo de la Plata School as a teacher of English in secondary school.since 1983 and as Head of Studies in secondary school since 2008.
Asesora de imagen personal y corporativa graduated from Centro de Organizadores de Eventos.
I attended several conferences in the USA in the past 5 years among other lectures and congresses.
Colegio Rìo de la Plata
Conflict Resolution
By Vivian Suárez & Fabiana Hernández
Target: all teachers
Theme: Conflict resolution
The purpose of this workshop is to share problem-resolution skills and creative approaches to guarantee better work climate and more fulfilling relationships. The analysis of 8 steps through which the parties involved will get to a solution, find the win-win balance, and end up with a sense of empathy, will be the key to better rapport and openness between people.
Prof. & Mentor Hernández is
a graduate of the TEFL Diploma from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-EE.UU. in
collaboration with the University of Maryland. She holds a degree in
Advertising from ORT. She has been teaching children, teenagers, adults
and on-line courses at Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas. She has been published
by Mextesol Journal on the implementation of Skype in the EFL classroom.
Vivian Suárez got her TTC Diploma from
Dickens Institute. She holds a TESOL and ESOL certificates from
Trinity College, London. She was awarded the FCTBE from the London
Chamber of Commerce and Industry and she's also a Practitioner
in NLP. She has a postgraduate in Methodology from Oxford House.
She became a Teacher Educator in 2005. She was also published by
TESOL IS in 2008. She's been a teacher for 30 years and her experience
derives from very different contexts. She has presented in different
conventions in Uruguay, Argentina . This year she's also joined
the Regional Tesol Convention in Brazil and was invited to present
in Tesol Chile as well. She's currently the Academic Coordinator
and Coordinator In-Company at Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas
Institution: Alianza
The liaison that leads to breakthrough practice
By Vivian Suárez & Fabiana Hernández
Target: EFL Teachers, Managers, Coordinators
Theme: Coordination and Mentoring
Have you ever thought of such a word?, We both have!!!! And Coordimentoring became alive when we consciously decided to join efforts, Coordinator and Mentor, towards a common goal: orienting teachers to get the best of their practice. This workshop will show how the Coordinator-Mentor-Teacher cycle rolls, through sharing the presenters' personal experiences plus practical examples. These stakeholders are involved working together but separately, the same but different, one unique and only force and at the same time three different forces: the teacher, the mentor, the
Coordinator, the small pieces in the big puzzle. Our aim here is to share not only our experience, but also how much we have all grown thanks to this enlightening opportunity that we were offered and that we both
consciously took as our mission together. The purpose is not to keep this treasure to ourselves but to give it away and that's the only reason why we are here!
Prof. & Mentor Hernández is a graduate
of the TEFL Diploma from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-EE.UU. in collaboration
with the University of Maryland. She holds a degree in Advertising from
ORT. She has been teaching children, teenagers, adults and on-line courses
at Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas. She has been published by Mextesol
Journal on the implementation of Skype in the EFL classroom.
Vivian Suárez got her TTC Diploma from Dickens Institute. She holds a TESOL and ESOL certificates from Trinity College, London. She was awarded the FCTBE from the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry and she's also a Practitioner in NLP. She has a postgraduate in Methodology from Oxford House. She became a Teacher Educator in 2005. She was also published by TESOL IS in 2008. She's been a teacher for 30 years and her experience derives from very different contexts. She has presented in different conventions in Uruguay, Argentina . This year she's also joined the Regional Tesol Convention in Brazil and was invited to present in Tesol Chile as well. She's currently the Academic Coordinator and Coordinator In-Company at Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas
Institution: Alianza
Formulación y evaluación de Proyectos educativos
By Miguel Atencio
Una idea puede ser brillante o muy creativa, pero transformarla en un proyecto requiere transitar una serie de etapas, sabiendo que no todas las ideas se pueden transformar en un buen negocio, dado que no logran superar las etapas de formulación, o bien su evaluación es negativa. Comparta esta charla conmigo, y llévese un esquema de cómo transformar una idea en un proyecto exitoso.
Miguel Atencio es Catedrático de la Universidad
del Salvador.
Ex-investigador del CONICET, y Asesor Nacional del Ministerio de Trabajo
y Formación de Recursos Humanos de la Nación en Proyectos
financiados por el Banco Mundial.
Ha dictado numerosos seminarios de capacitación en Argentina, Chile,
Uruguay, Venezuela e Israel.
Actualmente se desempeña como Director de la División Corporate
English de ABS International, Disertante en Congresos y Consultor de Empresas.
ABS International
Maximising teacher development opportunities
By Gerardo Valazza
Target: It suits administrators and teachers equally well
Theme: Teacher Development / Education
Language teachers do a lot to develop as professional teachers - there is no doubt about that. But how can teachers make the most of the different developmental moments and learning opportunities that they create and come across? Join us to discuss this question, share your personal experience and hopefully leave this session with some clear ideas as to what successful professional development is and how to achieve it.
Gerardo Valazza (MEd ELT - RSA Dip TEFLA) is Director General and Cambridge ESOL Exams Manager at Instituto Cultural Anglo-Uruguayo. He has been a teacher and teacher trainer since 1989 and 1996 respectively. His main interest in connection with ELT is teacher education.
Institution: Instituto cultural Anglo Uruguayo
Moving from teaching into management: the challenge ahead
By Ma. Teresita Curbelo
Target: Coordinators / teachers who are planning to move from teaching into management
Theme: Management
Newly appointed managers working in language teaching organizations often have no formal management training. This transition from teaching to management can pose a significant and sometimes daunting challenge. The aim of this talk will be to support teachers moving into management roles, based on the speaker's personal experience.
Teresita Curbelo is Director of the Academic Department at Instituto Cultural Anglo Uruguayo, where she also works as a teacher and teacher trainer. She is a Cambridge ESOL Oral Examiner and has been trained as Cambridge ESOL presenter. She holds the University of Reading MA in TEFL.
Institution: Instituto cultural Anglo Uruguayo
Quality and Consistency in a Time of Program Growth
By Michael Twohey
Target: Experienced EFT managers
Theme: Curriculum Design
One of the toughest challenges ESL administrators face is to ensure that their instructors adhere to curricula, objectives and outcomes across ESL programs. A variety of pedagogical styles and teaching philosophies can sometimes mean that instructors' initial agreement over curricula and grading rubrics diverges into individual changes and adjustments. The presenters will speak about how they have addressed this challenge during a time of diverse program growth by introducing more clearly structured curricula, course outlines, grading rubrics and standardized tests. Far from restricting the instructors, the presenters describe how the new frameworks have led to better quality, more creative and varied program delivery, as well as higher levels of grading consistency
Michael Twohey has helped to design and administer successful EAP curricula for a number of YUELI's Special Programs, including those for Pre-MBA students, Nurses, Accountants, Bankers, and international graduate and undergraduate students.
Institution: York University
on a Teacher's Journey
By Silvia Laborde
Target: Administrators, novel and
experienced teachers
Theme: Professional Development
Most journeys begin in our minds and our hearts
as dreams. We set forth towards their realization with great excitement,
a sense of purpose, direction, certain precautions, appropriate luggage
and a pinch of fear of the unknown. Or do we? I invite you to join me in
a collaborative and an individual reflection that will hopefully shed some
light into your own professional journey, its relevance in terms of the
XXI century needs and its meaningfulness to you as an individual and an
educator. This interactive presentation will offer you some tools to analyze
your journey so far in a systematic way to strive forward to your original
destination with renewed commitment or to help you redesign yourself to
adjust the course towards a more fulfilling one.
Lic. Silvia Laborde holds a TEFL degree from Alianza
Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos, a degree in Education from UCUDAL University,
and a postgraduate degree in Educational Management from ORT University.
Aside from teaching, her posts have included Materials Writer, Teacher
Educator, Methodological and School Coordinator and at present Academic
Director of Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas. She is currently an editor
for Language Education in Asia and a member of the Standards Committee
at TESOL International.
Institution: Alianza
Zoom in /Zoom out
By María Blanco Pate
Target: Coordinators, managers, anyone in a leadership position.
Theme: Building a shared vision
In an ideal world, everyone in our organizations would be motivated, aligned, and committed. In the real world, this kind of unity is rare.
I will share specific actions for making the "rare" more common.
Participants will acquire strategies that will help them build strength
and unity into their organizations
María Blanco Pate is the Executive Director of the Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos. She has held this position since 1996, and she has yet to see a boring, routine day. The Alianza challenges her daily, and she has made it her mission to challenge right back. Her incredibly talented team, whether they are down the hall or up the highway, are a constant source of learning and wonder. Maria has a BS in Psychology and a Masters in Business Administration, both obtained in Texas.
Institution: Alianza