University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers
the University’s objective |
in research, scholarship, and education through its publishing. As
a world leader in ELT publishing, with publishing centres in Oxford
and New York, Oxford ELT provides an unrivalled range of resources
for all learners of English from primary school children to business
Oxford University Press- the world’s authority in English Language
Teaching |
aims at bringing together all English teachers in Uruguay and in
this way raise the standards of the profession, fostering research
in the area and promoting exchanges both at national and international
URUTESOL“The association of teachers of English you can be proud of.” |
El instituto
Cultural Anglo Uruguayo es una institución sin fines de lucro cuya
misión es enseñar inglés y difundir |
cultura británica en Uruguay. Desde su fundación,
en 1934, se ha destacado por su excelencia académica y su
aporte cultural. El Sr. Ministro de Educación y Cultura
y su Exc. el Embajador del Reino Unido avalan dicha actividad como
presidentes honorarios.
El Anglo cubre todas las áreas y niveles de enseñanza del idioma
inglés y es la red educativa más grande del Uruguay totalizando
47 Anglos en todo el país.
Una de las actividades más importantes del Instituto, es la representación
de toda la gama de exámenes de inglés de la Universidad de Cambridge,
trabajando en estrecha colaboración con la universidad desde 1948. |
S. A. es una empresa fundada en 1990 con 52 empleados. Principal importador
y distribuidor de |
en inglés – libros infantiles y juveniles. Material académico y profesional.
Novelas, guias de viaje, material didáctico. Importadores exclusivos
de varias editoriales lideres de varios países. Tenemos 8 librerias
y una Distribuidora donde atendemos todo el mercado. |
Associates Inc is a publishing company famous for its thought-provoking
approach to the development of reading strategies, writing, vocabulary
development, math skills and science. The recent acquisition of two
other companies has broaden today's CA's scope allowing the offer
to our markets of a state-of-the-art |
platform that defines the mastery of specific reading strategies
and/or math skills in the K-12 performance range. |
EF Educación
Internacional: Somos la organización privada líder en
viajes educativos y enseñanza de idiomas en el extranjero,
contamos con oficinas en 100 países y 45 años de experiencia.
Ofrecemos gran diversidad de programas de idiomas para todas las edades
y niveles. |
A complete
EFL curriculum in one box!. It takes years of research to create
your own curriculum. Why reinvent the wheel? Everything you need
to teach a multi-year curriculum across grade levels in one convenient
box. This unique multi-sensory approach addresses diverse learning
modalities, and develops reading, writing, comprehension and oral |
skills. Interactive, hands-on approach. Preschool-5th grade. Research-based. |
The University
of California, San Diego Extension International Programs offers intensive,
short-term, |
and online
English language programs, short-term study abroad programs for university
credit, and professional certificates in Teaching English as a Foreign
Language (TEFL) and Business Management for personal, academic, and
professional development. For more information about the many programs
that we have to offer please see: www.ip.extension.ucsd.edu |
Since 1995
EQ Opciones en Educación is a specialist in
English language materials and is the agent, contact or distributor
for several european and american publishers. There is a special focus
A wide variety of readers completes the company’s material lists. |
EMO (Educational
Management Online) is the only newsletter in its kind which provides
professionals in the ELT field with updated information and knowledge
on Educational Management. |
It is sent
to 98,000 ELT contacts on a monthly basis for free
You can receive EMO for free or read it from our website www.abs-international.com.ar
Education is a publishing house with a vast experience in the publishing
market and a broad catalogue of books in English, college and professional
education. We have a high social commitment with the education and
our mission is to offer educative solutions for teachers and students. |
Hnos. was founded in 1888 under the name of "Librería La Popular".
A short time later, because of the growing market demand, the Mosca
brothers decide to move to the current address where the head |
has been located since then, and in the year 1947, the company
changes to its current name of "Mosca Hnos. S.A.”
During the 1950s and thanks to the postwar economic boom, the company engages
in the ambitious project of enlarging its commercial premises.
Thus, the construction of the current "Tabaré" building begins, with new
departments like Office Supplies and Drawing, among others. The Bookstore department
is also promoted, with the addition of an area intended for books in English,
as well as special spaces intended for children's books.
During the most flourishing period of the country culturally speaking, Mosca
Hnos. became a cultural reference for the society at that time, and through a
deep connection with the cultural life of the country, Mosca Hnos. consolidated
in a privileged position among the most historically prestigious companies in
the market. In time, the company became a most prominent stakeholder in the formative
life of many generations through its constant expansion in different business
areas. |
Benchmark Education publishes ELL/ESL resources to support literacy, language, and content development. Our ESL Bookroom contains over 400 titles that provide content at multiple levels for newcomers to advanced learners. RIGOR, an intervention program for ELL’s
in grades 4-12 provides support for older
students who are preliterate or reading at primary levels. Our scientifically based research results prove that our resources work with ELLs! |
es un centro de distribución de materiales educativos,
que ofrece una amplia variedad de productos de excelente calidad,
que |
a profesionales del área educativa y agentes de salud, así
como también a padres y a todos aquellos en el núcleo
cercano al niño que se animen a ser acompañantes activos
de su proceso de aprendizaje.
Contemplamos diferentes edades y niveles, y tenemos por objetivo la
estimulación de la creatividad y el logro de aprendizajes óptimos
y saludables, intentando cubrir las diferentes áreas: matemáticas,
ciencias, lectoescritura, arte, entre otras. |
ESOL Examinations, owned by state-run and administered Chichester
College and in partnership with ASCENTIS, has
been an awarding body for several decades. Both Chichester College
and ASCENTIS are non-profit-making educational institutions,
and Anglia ESOL Examinations and ASCENTIS
are members of the European Association for Language Testing &
There are ten levels of examinations in the General English suite.
The top four levels (Intermediate B1, Advanced B2, Proficiency
C1 and Masters C2) are full ESOL International Qualifications,
accredited by the UK government body responsible for overseeing the
national curriculum, Ofqual. The AcCEPT Proficiency level
is listed in UCAS (the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service)
as evidence of Proficiency in English. For teachers who need to internationally
validate their level of English as sufficient for classroom practice,
Anglia ESOL Examinations also offers the C.I.T.E.
test at two levels: Young Learners and General Training.
For Translators/ Translation-related Professionals, we offer the Certificate
& Diploma in Applied Translation. Our exams are also accepted
by the Home Office points-based immigration system. At Anglia
and ASCENTIS we firmly believe in maximizing educational
opportunity for all, and to this end our examination fees are consistently
lower than those of all other boards. |
is the flagship publisher of Thomson ELT, part of the Thomson Corporation,
and a leading provider of materials for |
language teaching and learning throughout the world. Heinle and Thomson
ELT are committed to helping learners become more effective readers,
writers, and communicators, and to helping teachers become more effective
in guiding learners to achieve their goals. |
ABS International
is Argentina’s leading ELT fair and expo organizer. Each year
hundreds of teachers and leaders in the ELT field participate in ABS’s
renowned ELT fairs including: • The International Congress
for English Coordinators and Directors of Studies. • The
International Congress of Professional Development for Teachers of
English. • Challenge your English! |
these three mega events, ABS International combines academic matters
and support services to satisfy and exceed the requirements of hundreds
of educators. |