Beyond Grades: a Learner-Centered Approach to Assessment
By Mariel Doyenart
Are students meeting course objectives? Formal evaluation tools are often a source of anxiety and fail to reflect the learning process. Formative assessment, on the other hand, allows for interaction and constructive feedback, boosting students’ motivation and autonomy. In this session, teachers will explore a variety of techniques to conduct informative and learner-centered assessment on a regular basis.
Mariel Doyenart has worked in Uruguay as a teacher educator and academic coordinator in an American Binational Center and has also participated in different projects for the public education system. She has delivered teacher training seminars and workshops at various local and international events. She is currently the academic coordinator for corporate English programs at ABS International and she is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Educational Policy.
ABS International
Blended learning and the flipped classroom
By Daniela Zallocco
Technology in education provides an opportunity to customize learning and develop the XXI Century skills necessary for digital literacy. The Flipped classroom provides a blended learning strategy focusing on reversing traditional education by delivering content online providing an opportunity for students to focus mainly on communication in class.
During this workshop we will look into what blended learning means, which tools can be implemented in your school, as well as focusing on projects which can be developed to flip your classroom.
Daniela Zallocco holds CELTA & CELTYL degree from Cambridge University and a Posgraduate Diploma in Policies of Education, specialized in Education and Technology (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella). She currently works in Ministerio de Educación de la Nación as Project Coordinator, coordinating UNESCO ASPnet. In 2013, she was selected from over 5000 applications to participate in UNESCO ESD Conference in Japan. In 2012 her webinars for English Teachers in Argentina were nominated to an ELTon award, British Council, under the category Local Innovation.
Institution: Connect English On line
El arte de ser un líder brillante
Roberto Rosler
Estamos viviendo por encima del límite de velocidad legal de nuestra profesión. Si existiera un policía de tránsito de director@s y docentes, los detendría por la infracción de vivir demasiado rápido, al punto de poner en riesgo sus propias vidas.
¿Alguna vez decidió estar maniáticamente ocupad@? ¿Alguna vez se sentó y decidió que su objetivo era llenar su vida con tantas cosas y ocupaciones que podrían llevarlo a un colapso físico y emocional?
Llegó el momento de aprender estrategias para pasar de “ahogarnos” (una sensación terrible de que nos estamos hundiendo) a la de “inmersión” (una forma de enfocarse en lo que es importante) para ser un líder brillante.
Director Académico de Asociación Educar para el Desarrollo Humano.
Médico Neurocirujano egresado con Diploma de Honor, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Docente Adscrito a la Cátedra del Departamento de Neurocirugía de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).
Profesor Titular de Neurofisiología de la Carrera de Médico Especialista en Neurología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).
Profesor de Neurología y Neurocirugía de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Buenos Aires (UCA).Coordinador y Profesor de Neuroanatomía de la Maestría en Neuropsicología de la Escuela de Medicina del Instituto de Medicina del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (IUHI).
Profesor de Neurofisiología de la Carrera de Bioingeniería del Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA).
Asociación Educar
Enlarging your vocabulary using videos in the classroom
Manuel De Iacovo
Helping our students remember and use the words we teach them has always been one of the hardest tasks for EFL teachers. On the other hand, the use of audiovisual material has oftentimes been dreaded, and regarded as complicated or incomprehensible. In this session, we will put into practice a lot of techniques and strategies in order to bolster your confidence and use videos in your classroom for the teaching and consolidation of vocabulary.
Manuel De Iacovo has been working as an English teacher for almost twenty years at all levels. He is a Consudec graduate and has experience both teaching and coordinating at kinder, primary and secondary schools. He has also worked with adults in companies, institutes and universities in Buenos Aires. He is currently attending his MA in English at Universidad de Belgrano. He is also the English head at Instituto Educativo “San Gregorio el Iluminador” in Buenos Aires, and teaches phonetics and phonology at “Instituto Superior Daguerre.”
Institution: Instituto Educativo San Gregorio El Iluminador
If you want your students to learn, stop teaching!
By Laura Lewin
You teach it, they study it, they take the test, pass the test, to then forget all about it after a while! Sounds familiar? I bet it does!
If you are in the business of education, you are in the business of developing brains. Most teachers pay too much attention to themselves (what they teach, how they teach it) and not to their students. If we want our students to learn, we have to stop teaching, and start helping them learn.
This session will provide you with information, strategies and techniques to help you improve student learning in today`s challenging world. Join me! Lots of practical ideas you wish you had learned before!
Laura Lewin is an internationally recognized speaker, author and consultant, and for the past twenty five years she has been involved in teacher training.
She has designed and delivered workshops for teachers and for ELT Managers all over South America, the United States and Europe.
Laura is the President of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional Development for Teachers of English and Administrators, among other conferences.
She pursued studies in translation in Argentina (UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California).
Laura is an international teacher trainer for Cambridge University Press (UK) and is the author of three books: “Gestión Educativa en Acción” (Noveduc), “El Aula Afectiva- claves para el manejo del aula en un entorno afectivo y efectivo” (Santillana), and “Si querés que tus alumnos aprendan, dejá de enseñar”, which will be released in 2017.
ABS International
Inclusive Classrooms
To what extent do we cater for special needs?
By Alejandra Ottolina
Mixed-ability is a reality as well as a complex problem. We often think that a homogeneous class would learn faster and better. Why? What does heterogeneity imply nowadays, when in every classroom, we tend to have cases of dyslexia and inattentiveness? Are these illnesses or cultural syndromes? What are the symptoms? Is it possible in our teaching reality to help dyslexic and ADD children learn English?
In this workshop, we will not only analyze practical strategies to teach, practise and assess successfully, but also discuss basic principles behind curriculum adaptations, aiming at the development of student self-confidence and the encouragement of cooperative attitudes.
Alejandra Ottolina is an experienced teacher trainer who has taught all levels in both private and public sectors. A graduate from I.N.S. del Prof. en Lenguas Vivas J. Ramón Fernández, Alejandra is Macmillan’s Academic Consultant and also Director of Studies at SANTA MONICA School of Languages, supervising the English department of schools and institutes in different provinces. Alejandra has lectured in Argentina as well as in neighbouring countries and has authored the teacher’s books of Insights 1, 2 and 3, Winners 1, 2 and 3, Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4, among others.
Institution: Macmillan education
Mind the brain. Mind the gap.
By Esther Vazquez
“Teaching without an awareness of how the brain learns is like designing a glove with no sense of what a hand looks like”. (Hart, 1983)
In this session Esther will share some pragmatic information about how the brain learns and discuss an array of “brain-compatible” practices which promote memorable, life-long learning.
Esther Vázquez is a graduate teacher from CONSUDEC and holds a degree in Educational Management from CAECE University and a degree in Neurolearning from Belgrano University. Esther provides in-service training sessions both to Primary and High School teachers as well as to High School coordinators at Escuela de Maestros (CePA) Over the last years she has delivered courses on topics like Differentiated Instruction, Teaching through stories and Evaluation and Assessment. At present, she is also working for the British Council as remote teacher for Plan Ceibal in Uruguay.
Mindfulness for Educators
By Monica Rodriguez Salvo
What is Mindfulness? How is it related to Education? Why is it important to feel connected while we teach? This workshop aims at debunking some of the most common myths about Mindfulness in Education, while providing you with educational research, examples and evidence of how it works in the classroom. This session is based on Experiential learning to discover how Mindfulness can improve your students (and your own!) academic outcomes and well-being.
Monica is a “Prof Nacional de Inglés” graduated from Instituto de Enseñanza Superior “Victoria Ocampo”,Entre Rios. She is also Traductora Pública Nacional from UMSA, and holds a degree as “Licenciada en Dirección de Recursos Humanos”, Universidad de Belgrano. She also graduated as Mindfulness practitioner for Education Level 2, from University of California, United States.
Monica has worked as a teacher for more than 18 years, and as teacher trainer, she has delivered professional development courses on methodology,assessment, ICT in the classroom, Social and Emotional Learning and Mindfulness for Education in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile. She has also developed and delivered courses and materials for teacher training courses.
Currently she runs her own educational company. She also worked as Regional Coordinator, Academic Consultancy Unit and Teacher Trainer for Pearson Education Argentina, Peru, Chile, Ecuador and Paraguay, being responsible for the project “Efficacy”, focused on Educational Research and Learning outcomes.
She is a tenured Speaker and workshop facilitator, having delivered more than 40 workshops, semi plenaries and plenaries in events such as t IATEFL Chile 2015, Faapi 2015 and 2016, ARTESOL 2014,FAAPI 2014, Mindful Teaching in Montevideo, Uruguay in 2016, Anglo Congress Uruguay, etc
As an author, she has developed a new and innovative section on Social and Emotional Learning for the 3rd edition of the book “What’s up”, written specifically for teenagers, where she contributes tips and activities to help our students tackle and embrace their passions, regulate their emotions, communicate positively and contribute from a social perspective to society.
Institution: Pearson
Movie Segments to Teach Children Grammar and vocabulary
By Claudio Azevêdo & Ana Scandiuzzi
Teaching children with videos is crucial. Connecting grammar and vocabulary with authentic movie segments can effectively improve young learners' production.
The presenters will show how to choose appropriate movie scenes and conduct fun kinesthetic activities for different teaching objectives. Participants will take roles of children and handouts will be provided
Claudio Azevêdo is a Branch Coordinator and Teacher Developer at the Casa Thomas Jefferson, Brasilia, Brazil. He is the owner of the blogs Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals and Movie Segments for Warm-ups and Follow-ups. He has been an EFL teacher for over 30 years.
Ana Scandiuzzi is a Deputy Coordinator at the Casa Thomas Jefferson, Brasilia, Brazil. She is the Kids Course former supervisor and has been an EFL teacher for over 20 years.
Institution: Casa Thomas Jefferson
Spice up your classes with games!
By Nylia Monté
Having fun in class is a serious thing! Come to this workshop and learn simple ways to spice up your lessons with lots of games. Learn the benefits of using them as class activities and take home a new collection of games that can be used with students of different ages and levels.
Nylia Monté is a Psychologist (USAL), an English Teacher (I.N.S.P.T., U.T.N.) and has studied Applied Neuropedagogy (U.B.). She has done Postgraduate courses in Neurosciences and Education (UCA and Univ. San Andrés), and studied Brain-Based Learning with Prof. Eric Jensen in the USA. She also studied ICT in Education with the University of Oregon, USA. Nylia is currently the Pedagogic Coordinator of the English Department at Nueva Escuela Argentina 2000, and is an English teacher at ICANA. She has been an English teacher for 25 years, and was co-founder and Director of Studies in a language institute for 10 years. She has delivered seminars and workshops in various conferences around the country and in Uruguay on Neurosciences and Education and the use of games as a Brain-based Learning strategy.
Institution: ICANA / Nueva Escuela Argentina 2000
The Magic of helping our students sound beautifully natural in English
By Chris Kunz
Bridging the gap between the I-still-get-that-look-when-I-open-my-mouth phase and the what-I-just-said-didn't-raise-an-eyebrow ultimate aim is not easy. However, it is perfectly achievable if teachers guide their own students through the process in the right way. For this, we don't have to always put all our eggs in one basket, but fill as many baskets as possible with as many eggs as we can ever get hold of. Join Chris for this interactive session and walk out a proactive coach to your learners - all; primary, secondary and tertiary level ones!
ELT Professional in Argentina, Australia and UK for over 20 years. Senior Director of Studies at Kensanglia Schools of English, Buenos Aires. Has vastly lectured in a large number of countries on ELT Pedagogy, Advanced Language for teachers and English Phonetics and Phonology since 1997.
Has been involved with the Anglia ESOL Examinations Testing Services since 1996. Is the Anglia Director within the Ibero-American Network. Holds the Cambridge/RSA Certificate and Diploma in ELTA.
Main interests: "Evolution of and Changes in Spoken English", "Diversities of English Accents" and "Teacher/Trainer Training".
Now divides his time between Chichester College, England, as EFL Lecturer, where he teaches all levels, and Anglia ESOL Examinations in Latin America, Spain and Portugal.
Has been a Facilitator/Interlocutor in UK for several exam boards for Skills for Life Examinations. Has delivered the Phonology Modules of LSC Skills for Life Quality Initiative Professional Development Programme in UK.
Has been a Senior Speaking Assessor and Speaking Assessor Trainer for Anglia ESOL Examinations since 1997.
Institution: Anglia/ Chichester College

21st Century Avalanche: Swimming Into a New Mindset
By Andrea Zubar Simon
The 21st century has brought about many accelerated changes in all areas of life. Education has been affected by an avalanche of new skills required to reach a generation of technologically advanced students. Educators around the world are faced with the challenge of learning and implementing new, rapidly changing tools. A new generation, new skills, new tools, new assessments... these are some of the demands which must be faced with a new mindset. We will focus on what is needed to keep your passion, reduce the risks and avoid burnout in the midst of the "21st Century Avalanche".
Andrea Simon is a “third culture kid” born in Chicago, Ill. She grew up in the United States and Argentina. Her upbringing has fueled her passion for human behavior and cultural influences, leading her to pursue a career in education.
She holds a degree in Human Development from San Diego Christian College. She also possess a California Teaching Credential with a specialization in Crosscultural Teaching. Currently, she is completing a MA degree in Educational Management and Leadership at Universidad de San Andrés.
Andrea has 24 years of teaching and school administration experience in private and public schools of California and Argentina. She has also presented workshops on a variety education topics in Mexico, Argentina and the US.
Presently, she is serving as Superintendent at BAICA an international school located in San Fernando, Argentina.
Institution: BAICA
Tweens & Teens: effective ways to reach your youngsters!
By Grace Bertolini
A major component of teaching is "connecting with learners", so what are some of the strategies that teachers can use to connect with preteens and teens and keep their interest? In this interactive Workshop we will share effective techniques and ideas for teachers who want to become a "better teacher" and maximize their skills while fully engaging their early teen and adolescent learners.
Grace Bertolini is an experienced Teacher of English as a Foreign Language. For more than 30 years she has taught all levels and ages. She is a Bilingual Facilitator for Peace Education Foundation and lectures on Social Emotional Learning and Conflict Resolution at schools. As Creative Teaching Director, she delivers Professional Development Workshops and Courses nationwide and abroad on Teaching EFL effectively.
Institution: Creative Teaching
What can educational coaching do for us?
By Laura Conte
What if I can tell you, you can become a better version of your being as a teacher? Would you accept the challenge? What about becoming better listeners and fostering real communication among your students and colleagues? How about using emotional intelligence in your day to day teaching ?
Educational Coaching is not about teaching--it is about creating the environment in which people can learn for themselves by connecting with their natural curiosity. Nowaday, what seems to make the crucial difference in teaching is the "way of being" of a teacher-coach.
In this workshop we will explore on the nature of educational coaching and how it can empower ourselves. You will take home practical ideas on classroom implementation and coaching tools to put into practice right away!
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire” William B Yeats
Maria Laura Conte is a graduate teacher from CON.SU.D.E.C. She began her teaching career as supervisor of E.S.O.L Pitman , City and Guilds International Examinations. This took her nationwide delivering workshops and training teachers . She also worked for Together-Educational Consultancy- where she had the opportunity to visit schools and universities in the UK. In 2006 she starts Creactivity which makes her develop educational games for the classroom. She attained a Tecnicatura en Liderazgo y diseño ontológico en el Instituto de Capacitación Profesional (ICP) certified by the International Coach Federation. Educational Coach for Open your World- Spain. Executive Coach for the Conscious Business Coaching Programme. At present she is a facilitator for the Distance Course on Educational Coaching for ICP. Facilitator at Creando Puentes.
Institution: Creando Puentes
Z is for ‘Zapping’, ‘Zipper’ and ‘Zombie’
By Silvia Breiburd
Do you want to avoid ‘Zz’ in your classrooms? Learners populating our institutions today, display a distinct ‘generational personality’. This presentation aims at profiling students’ K-12 generational mindsets and introducing and characterizing a ‘generational-friendly’ teaching style. Attendees will be led to identify the “Do’s”, the “Don’ts” and the “Maybes” of their current practices and provided with a tool-kit of ideas to engage Z students (and their parents), avoid resistance and facilitate learning.
Silvia Breiburd is a teacher of English (CON.SU.DEC), and a lawyer (U.B.A). She holds a Licentiate Degree in Education (U.V.Q) and a Diploma in Applied Educational Leadership and Management (University of London). She has specialized in differentiated leadership and the implementation of a generational –friendly approach to teacher induction and professional development.
Are you Ready to Train your Trainers?
By Susan Hillyard
Not only do we lack sufficient numbers of well trained English language teachers to take up the new global challenges of teaching English, but we also lack competent trainers in adequate quantities to address such a problem. This presentation attempts to define the basic differences between being a teacher and being a trainer, where one is working among peers, and sets out a plan with a supporting rationale to help administrators to develop a scheme for training the trainers they need. Attitudes and beliefs will be evaluated through a reflective approach, and the various roles of trainers such as consultant, coach, presenter, manager and leader will be examined. Administrators will leave with some ideas of how they may embark on a practical programme to start their first steps to training their trainers. There will be time for discussion and a question and answer slot at the end.
Susan has a B.Ed. (Hons.) degree from Warwick University in UK. She has played many roles in her long career: Teacher, Head of Dept, Teacher Trainer, Conference Speaker, Workshop Facilitator, Materials Writer, Researcher, On-line tutor and Webinar Presenter.
She is former Coordinator of English in Action, training twenty teachers to teach English through Drama in Special Education, via blended learning. Presently she is founder and Director of SHELTA, Susan Hillyard’s English Language Teachers’ Academy. Her interests lie in Inclusion, Drama for ELT, Global Issues, World Englishes, Teacher Development and Trainer Training.
Institution: Susan Hillyard´s English Language Teachers´Academy/ macmillan education
Bucketfilling Ideas to Create Bucketfilling Schools
By Grace Bertolini
Thousands of schools around the world are using the “bucketfilling” concepts to become “Bucketfilling Schools” where kindness, responsibility, trust, fairness and respect are taught, practiced and valued by all. This effective Character Development Program focuses on the positive, is easily understood and simple to implement. Bucket filling creates positive energy in schools that is contagious, reduces negativity and self-centeredness and empowers kindness, resiliency, empathy, assertiveness and constructive conflict resolution. Come to this practical Workshop and learn how Bucket filling empowers your school when you learn it, understand it, practice it, and make it a habit.
Grace Bertolini is an experienced Teacher of English as a Foreign Language. For more than 30 years she has taught all levels and ages. She is a Bilingual Facilitator for Peace Education Foundation and lectures on Social Emotional Learning and Conflict Resolution at school. As Creative Teaching Director, she delivers Professional Development Workshops and Courses nationwide and abroad on Teaching EFL effectively.
Institution: Creative Teaching
El arte de ser un líder brillante
By Roberto Rosler
Estamos viviendo por encima del límite de velocidad legal de nuestra profesión. Si existiera un policía de tránsito de director@s y docentes, los detendría por la infracción de vivir demasiado rápido, al punto de poner en riesgo sus propias vidas.
¿Alguna vez decidió estar maniáticamente ocupad@? ¿Alguna vez se sentó y decidió que su objetivo era llenar su vida con tantas cosas y ocupaciones que podrían llevarlo a un colapso físico y emocional?
Llegó el momento de aprender estrategias para pasar de “ahogarnos” (una sensación terrible de que nos estamos hundiendo) a la de “inmersión” (una forma de enfocarse en lo que es importante) para ser un líder brillante.
Director Académico de Asociación Educar para el Desarrollo Humano.
Médico Neurocirujano egresado con Diploma de Honor, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Docente Adscrito a la Cátedra del Departamento de Neurocirugía de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).
Profesor Titular de Neurofisiología de la Carrera de Médico Especialista en Neurología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).
Profesor de Neurología y Neurocirugía de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Buenos Aires (UCA).Coordinador y Profesor de Neuroanatomía de la Maestría en Neuropsicología de la Escuela de Medicina del Instituto de Medicina del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (IUHI).
Profesor de Neurofisiología de la Carrera de Bioingeniería del Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA).
Asociación Educar
How to develop a sustainable social and emotional learning program at your institution
By Monica Rodriguez Salvo
Social and Emotional Learning can be taught and learnt. But what is the importance of these abilities in our classrooms? What is the REAL impact we can obtain at an Institutional level? How can schools be transformed through the adoption and systematised rollout of an emotionally-wise educational strategy? Cross-curricular application and Systematization are the key words to involve your staff in a new world that will nourish students personal development, boost academic results and involve your educators in a life-changing journey.
Monica is a “Prof Nacional de Inglés” graduated from Instituto de Enseñanza Superior “Victoria Ocampo”,Entre Rios. She is also Traductora Pública Nacional from UMSA, and holds a degree as “Licenciada en Dirección de Recursos Humanos”, Universidad de Belgrano. She also graduated as Mindfulness practitioner for Education Level 2, from University of California, United States.
Monica has worked as a teacher for more than 18 years, and as teacher trainer, she has delivered professional development courses on methodology,assessment, ICT in the classroom, Social and Emotional Learning and Mindfulness for Education in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile. She has also developed and delivered courses and materials for teacher training courses.
Currently she runs her own educational company. She also worked as Regional Coordinator, Academic Consultancy Unit and Teacher Trainer for Pearson Education Argentina, Peru, Chile, Ecuador and Paraguay, being responsible for the project “Efficacy”, focused on Educational Research and Learning outcomes.
She is a tenured Speaker and workshop facilitator, having delivered more than 40 workshops, semi plenaries and plenaries in events such as t IATEFL Chile 2015, Faapi 2015 and 2016, ARTESOL 2014,FAAPI 2014, Mindful Teaching in Montevideo, Uruguay in 2016, Anglo Congress Uruguay, etc
As an author, she has developed a new and innovative section on Social and Emotional Learning for the 3rd edition of the book “What’s up”, written specifically for teenagers, where she contributes tips and activities to help our students tackle and embrace their passions, regulate their emotions, communicate positively and contribute from a social perspective to society.
Institution: MAR English Services
Sending the right clues!
By María Belén Gonzalez Milbrandt
When considering a language institute or a school, most parents or adult students unconsciously turn detective: looking for evidence of competence, professionalism and caring, processing what they CAN SEE and UNDERSTAND to decipher what they cannot.
When a company’s offerings are hard to judge, customers look for subtle indicators of quality.
Language training is an intangible product: potential customers (parents and/ or adult students) can’t try it on, can’t return it if they don’t like it and most of the times can’t understand it. So we can’t leave the nature of evidence to chance.
This workshop will give you tips and strategies for you to be able to manage a set of visual and experiential clues to tell a consistent and compelling story about the educational services you offer.
You will leave it with lots of ideas to turn your institute or school into a living, breathing advertisement for itself.
You will learn how to manage concrete and convincing evidence of your strengths and values in order to achieve exceptionally positive word of mouth and abiding customer loyalty!
María Belén González Milbrandt is a graduate teacher of English from IES Olga Cossettini (Rosario). She is a marketing analyst and has studies in Educational Sciences and Human Resources. She is founder and president of Fundación Altum.
She is English Department Coordinator and Educational Consultant at Colegio Sol de Funes.
She has broad experience in organizing and supervising tailor-made courses for companies as well as congresses and other events for teachers and translators.
She has designed and delivered workshops and training courses for teachers and coordinators in the fields of business english, management strategies and methodology.
María Belén is an inspirational and passionate speaker who is always willing to share her knowledge and experience!
Institution: Fundación Altum
Team empowerment: the R=R perfect equation
By Maria Laura Conte
Teams are the force that drives most organizations. Being a great teacher or head is one thing, but leading a team is an entirely different matter. There is no universal formula because every team is unique, different skills, abilities, personalities. However one maxima is universal, cultivating human relationships and emotional intelligence will develop a healthy and highly effective team.
On this workshop we will deal with the role of the leader and the setting of the path to follow, assigning roles in a team, team formation and group’s collective emotional intelligence in team building, as well as communication as the thread that connects everything.
“If you want to go fast, walk alone. If you want to go far, walk together”
Maria Laura Conte is a graduate teacher from CON.SU.D.E.C. She began her teaching career as supervisor of E.S.O.L Pitman , City and Guilds International Examinations. This took her nationwide delivering workshops and training teachers . She also worked for Together-Educational Consultancy- where she had the opportunity to visit schools and universities in the UK. In 2006 she starts Creactivity which makes her develop educational games for the classroom . She attained a Tecnicatura en Liderazgo y diseño ontológico en el Instituto de Capacitación Profesional (ICP) certified by the International Coach Federation. . Educational Coach for Open your World- Spain. Executive Coach for the Conscious Business Coaching Programme. At present she is a facilitator for the Distance Course on Educational Coaching for ICP. Facilitator at Creando Puentes.
Institution: Creando Puentes
The innovative School
By Daniela Zallocco
The digital revolution is transforming our work, our routines and our schools. It is transforming the way children and teenagers play, access information, communicate with each other and learn. But, so far, this revolution has not transformed most schools or most teaching and learning process in classrooms. The path to innovation at school involves decisions that focus on implementing policies from a whole-institutional approach as a way to make our schools sustainable and prepare students for the road ahead. During this workshop we will look into the objectives for sustainable development (OSD) and the way we can include them in our schools making room for innovation.
Daniela Zallocco holds CELTA & CELTYL degree from Cambridge University and a Posgraduate Diploma in Policies of Education, specialized in Education and Technology (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella). She currently works in Ministerio de Educación de la Nación as Project Coordinator, coordinating UNESCO ASPnet. In 2013, she was selected from over 5000 applications to participate in UNESCO ESD Conference in Japan. In 2012 her webinars for English Teachers in Argentina were nominated to an ELTon award, British Council, under the category Local Innovation.
Institution: Connect English On line