Presenters will be responsible for contacting all co-presenters
with information concerning the conference and presentations.
For presentations with more than one presenter, please
include information for all the presenters even though information
regarding the proposal will only be sent to the first (lead)
presenter listed. |
(maximum) abstract of the presentation
(an abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the
contents of the article (presentation); it allows readers
to survey the contents of the article quickly... A good
abstract is: accurate, self contained, concise and specific,
nonevaluative, coherent and readable). |
(maximum) summary of the presentation (for Conference
Program) |
Presenter´s Biodata (Maximum 50 words) (No
bulleted lists, please) |
Presenter´s Biodata (Maximum 50 words)
(No bulleted lists, please) |
of related presentations given by lead presenter (please
indicate title, topic, organizer, location, date and
audience) |
Please indicate
the latest events where you have delivered presentations.
(Organizer, contact name, telephone number and email address) |
Each conference room will have the following equipment: video projector (beamer), microphone (in bigger conference rooms only), and screen.
Speakers are asked to bring their own laptops. For speakers using a MAC, please bring the appropriate adapters necessary to connect the laptop with the projector. |
proposal owners will be notified of the decision
of the Selecting Committee by May 22, 2015,
the latest, after the Selecting Committee has evaluated
and rated all proposals received.
• Very important: Upon acceptance
of the proposal, proposal owners will be required
to submit a handout. Submission deadline to submit the handout:
June 12, 2015.

• Registration fee must be paid by presenters
and co presenters befote May 22, 2015. |
further information contact us:
ABS International
Ruta 9 km 42,5 • Colectora Oeste Nº1080 Edificio Blue Office • 1º piso •
Oficina 10 Ing. Maschwitz (1623) |