An Introduction to nonverbal classroom management
By Pearl Nitsche
"Teachers are seasonal workers whose tongues get tired and wear out
long before the other parts of their bodies" (Michael Grinder)
We talk and talk and talk ... and very often we are frustrated by the feeling that our students simply aren't listening or aren't taking our verbal instructions seriously. It has been proven, however, that over 82% of a teacher's communication with his/her students in the classroom is NONVERBAL.
Why should we waste our breath, which is more important to utilize for the content of our teaching, on the teaching process? Especially when it has been proven that non-verbal management techniques are so much more effective.
This presentation will provide teachrs with theory and practical tools, which will allow them to do what they actually became teachers to do – to teach!
The three points that I would like to cover in the presentation are:
• The importance of nonverbal communication
• Setting and using anchors in the classroom
• Using your posture and your voice in classroom management
Pearl Nitsche is an American, who has lived and worked
in Vienna, Austria for over 30 years. She has specialized in nonverbal
management techniques and brain friendly learning. She is a communication
trainer, a trainer of teachers and trainers, foreign language facilitator,
international conference speaker and author of three books.
Institution: SLL
Pearl Nitsche KG
Comics 4 Skills – Reloaded
By Diego Fábregas
Target:Teachers with little experience; experienced teachers
Theme:Using Comic Books to develop macro/micro skills
Although well developed macro/micro skills are of the utmost importance and the objective of most teachers, it is not always easy to find a fresh and engaging way to pursue them. That's the reason why I believe we can achieve this through, the not yet widely explored, use of comic books. So, join me and discover that comic books are beyond a mere pass-time and leave with a renewed appreciation of the educational possibilities that an instrument like comic strips or books may bring.
I have been working as a teacher for about 10 years in different contexts. Always interested in transmitting my passion to my students, I decided to conduct some research projects, at times in class, at times out, on how to implement engaging material in the classroom; in this opportunity, comic books and comic strips.
Institution: Alianza
Co-Teaching: Case studies and Practical tips
By Andrea Repetto & Marianela Ayub
Target: Teachers of English
After working with this approach we were oftentimes confronted with this question: How can I implement this practice in my class? Will I be able to make it work for my students? By analyzing three case studies, we will provide an insight to co-teaching and learn the ropes of implementing this practice with diverse groups of students.
Andrea Repetto holds a TEFL Diploma from Alianza Uruguay-EEUU in Collaboration with the University of Maryland. She has been teaching English for fourteen years. She started her career teaching young learnres at schools in 1997 where she conducted a research in "Cooperative Learning". She specializes herself in teaching children taking a one-year course " Maximazing Teaching at Schools" in 2000 at Dickens Institute. Currently she works at Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas teaching basic, intermediate, advanced and Business English.
Marianela Ayub is a graduate of the LITTI - London International Teacher Training Course (LITTI), International House Montevideo in collaboration with the University of London. She holds an Advanced Certificate in the Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages issued by Institute of Education-University of London. Prof. Ayub has been teaching English for 10 years. She is currently teaching adults and IE courses at Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas. She is also studying Public Translation at the University of the Republic
Institution: Alianza Cultural Uruguay Estados Unidos - Pocitos/Punta Carretas
Developing media literacy skills in the EFL classroom
By Mariel Doyenart
Target: EFL teachers
Theme: English and media
Media are a powerful cultural force in today's world. Interpreting, evaluating, and creating media contents are necessary skills to participate effectively in contemporary culture. Media literacy can be introduced in the EFL classroom through a variety of activities that engage students in higher order thinking and foster a creative use of the language.
Mariel Doyenart is a graduate of the Alianza Teaching Diploma. She has been teaching adults from basic to proficiency levels as well as on-line courses. She is also a proud teacher of the ACCESS Program. She has recently been selected to participate in the Teacher-in-Residence Program in Minnesota.
Institution: Alianza
Emotional Leadership: Engaging Hearts and Minds
Nylia Monté
Target: Teachers, Coordinators and Directors of Studies.
Theme: The importance of fostering a healthy emotional environment in educational institutions, from the point of view of Neurosciences and Education
Emotions drive attention, create meaning, regulate behaviours, help us organize the world around us and have their own memory pathways. Good learning does not avoid emotions; it embraces them! Come to this workshop and learn ways to foster a healthy emotional environment in your classroom and in your educational institution.
Nylia Monté is a Psychologist (USAL), an English Teacher (I.N.S.P.T., U.T.N.) and has done Postgraduate Studies in Neurosciences (UCA), and with Prof. Eric Jensen in the USA. She has been an English teacher for 21 years now, and was Coordinator in a language institute for 10 years.
Institution: Nueva Escuela Argentina 2000 / ICANA
English Proficiency Index: Uruguay's performance in the world
Martín López Sobrero
En esta charla presentaremos los resultados del índice EF EPI, estudio sobre el nivel de inglés en 54 países único en el mundo.
El índice de nivel de inglés EF EPI calcula el nivel medio de inglés de los adultos de un país, a partir de datos procedentes de tres pruebas de inglés de EF que cientos de miles de jóvenes y adultos realizan cada año.
Institution: EF Education First
The Wow Factor! -games and activities for your classes!
By Laura Lewin
Target: All teachers
Theme: English through games and activities
Learning is directly proportional to the amount of fun you have.
If you want to teach a concept, injecting fun into your lessons is crucial!
Come to this session to learn and play!
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President
of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional
Development for Teachers of English and Administrators, an event held
in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and the USA. She is also the editor of
EMO (Educational Management Online), an e-zine that reaches over 98,000
ELT professionals on a monthly basis. Ms Lewin pursued studies in translation
in Argentina (UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California).
She is an internationally recognized consultant and speaker and for the
past fifteen years she has been involved in teaching training: she has
given workshops for teachers and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil,
Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura has
recently been invited by Nova Southeastern University (USA) to deliver
online programs, and is writing her first book on educational management.
ABS International
Ideas in Context
By Omar Fara
Target:Teachers in general
Theme: Teaching Grammar
This workshop is aimed at providing the audience with a pack of ready-to-use activities which have proved to be very effective tools either to introduce or practise new grammar points. The aim of each activity will be to show the participants how to put various teaching techniques into practice. Come to this workshop and enjoy yourself working with videoclips, songs and games!!
Omar Fara is a graduate from Instituto Patagònico del Profesorado de Inglès (IPPI). He has been teaching English for over 25 years. He taught Grammar I at IPPI between 1988 and 1990. Since 1990 he has been the director of Pembroke Lab Centre, an English Language institute in Trelew, Chubut, Argentina. He has delivered numerous presentations in Argentina and in Uruguay. He is currently working on materials development and the use of technology in the classroom.
Pembroke Lab Centre.
Improving Fluency Through Presentations and Speaking Activity
By Andrew Nowlan
Target: teacher trainers, higher education students, advanced students
Theme: speaking, classroom activities
In this workshop, the presenter introduces six common speaking mistakes followed by two types of presentations that can be incorporated into language curriculum: the impromptu speech and the pecha kucha presentation. In addition, the presenter suggests various roles and responsibilities for audience members to ensure active listening and participation.
Andrew Nowlan, MEd, has experience teaching English throughout East Asia and is currently at Kwansei Gakuin University in Nishinomiya, Japan. Originally from Halifax, Canada, Andrew has made presentations around the world and is interested in intercultural communication, motivation, and World Englishes. He has several publications that focus on these areas.
Kwansei Gakuin University
In-company teaching: What you wanted to know and never asked
By Lina Vivas Díaz
Target:All teachers who teach in companies
Theme:Tips for effective teaching in the Corporate environment
Globalization has brought new challenges to all companies thus professionals around the world, including teachers. In today's new corporate environment, teachers are expected to take more seriously their student's/client's needs and goals when planning their lessons, beyond just teaching by the book and by what has been taught for decades. The more teachers become aware of what's happening in the corporate world where they teach and to whom they are teaching, the more successful they will be as enablers of effective learning.
Don't miss this session! Useful tips, guaranteed!
Lina is a CELTA qualified teacher (USA) and a Biologist (Colombia), who specialized in Neuropsychology and learning (Argentina). She has been teaching English for specific purposes in Buenos Aires, as part of Brooklyn Bridge staff and as a freelancer since 2008. Her passion for in-company teaching, awareness of the corporate environment and understanding of student's learning profiles and emotional intelligence, has led her to join proudly ABS International this year, as a senior teacher and academic coordinator.
ABS International
Memory Kaleidoscope: Enhancing Memory to Improve Learning
Nylia Monté
Target: Teachers, Coordinators and Directors of Studies.
Theme: Memory enhancement, from the point of view of Neurosciences and Education.
Come to this workshop and learn ways to enhance your students memory and your own! You will learn the basic operating principles underlying the memory process, and the different types of memory we count on. And you will explore seven memory booster strategies to take back to your classroom!
Nylia Monté is a Psychologist (USAL), an English Teacher (I.N.S.P.T., U.T.N.) and has done Postgraduate Studies in Neurosciences (UCA), and with Prof. Eric Jensen in the USA. She has been an English teacher for 21 years now, and was Coordinator in a language institute for 10 years.
Institution: Nueva Escuela Argentina 2000 / ICANA
Motivation, reward, dopamine and pink dresses!
By Lucrecia Prat Gay
The desire to learn is natural, although schooling sometimes gets in the way of learning! In this workshop we will outline the basics of a Brain Friendly atmosphere and the strategies to elicit intrinsic motivation. We will explore our brain´s natural reward system and through humour, stories and practical tips we will design instructional experiences that lead to excitement and high participation. Also: get ready to rise your own levels of motivation and start a school year with the right amount of endorphins!!
Lucrecia Prat Gay de Teisaire is a life-long learner who has been teaching for 25 years and is currently Head of English Primary at Río de la Plata School. As Teacher Trainer, she has spoken in countless conferences and seminars throughout the country and abroad sharing her passion for the brain and the role of emotions in learning. She studied Brain Based Learning in Argentina and overseas and has been successfully putting the model into practice for the last seven years. Deeply committed to making a positive and significant difference in her students' lives, she is also a Literature teacher for the I.G.C.S.E Examinations, a Self-Esteem Practitioner, a «retired actress» who worships Shakespeare and a loving mother to Juan and Jazmín.
Río de la Plata
MYC Materializing Your Creativity
By Gilda Battagliese, Silvia Busanello & María Eugenia Silva
Target: Teachers and ELT managers
Theme: Material Development
Do you design materials? Do you implement extra materials in your lessons? Do you feel comfortable when designing materials or receiving already designed materials? If you design materials or are active in the use of extra resources in your online or face-2-face class this is a presentation you will love!
Gilda Battagliese is an Expert in Virtual Learning Environments (OEI, VE, CAEU). TEFL Diploma (Alianza Cultural Uruguay EEUU-University of Maryland, USA). IT Mentor and Teacher (Alianza). President of the Education Committee (Partners of the Americas-Uruguay Chapter). Teacher-in-Residence (Minnesota, 2009).
Sofia Busanello is a TESOL graduate granted by the Dickens Institute in collaboration with the Trinity College of London. She has been teaching adults and teenagers in different levels. She also teaches children at Santo Domingo School. She is active in materials development.
Ma. Eugenia Silva is a graduate of the TEFL Diploma from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-EE.UU. in collaboration with the University of Maryland. She teaches adults at the Alianza from basic to proficiency levels and in the ACCESS Program. She is active in materials development and in the Alianza Social Media Team
Institution: Alianza
Neuropsychology in corporate training: the added value
By Lina Vivas Díaz
Target: All teachers who teach in companies
Theme: Tips for effective teaching in the corporate environment
You don't need to be a scientist or have any previous knowledge about the brain to attend to this workshop!You will be taken through an amazing journey filled with relevant info and know-how that will enlighten you and take in-company teaching to a whole different level.
Don't miss this session! Practical application guaranteed!
Lina is a CELTA qualified teacher (USA) and a Biologist (Colombia), who specialized in Neuropsychology and learning (Argentina). She has been teaching English for specific purposes in Buenos Aires, as part of Brooklyn Bridge staff and as a freelancer since 2008. Her passion for in-company teaching, awareness of the corporate environment and understanding of student's learning profiles and emotional intelligence, has led her to join proudly ABS International this year, as a senior teacher and academic coordinator.
ABS International
New Tools For Teachers!
By Ana Claudia Alvira
The information society has an ever-changing reality. The media and social communication held in tension the whole world with the wealth of content that flows through the various routes, keeping expectant and almost accustomed to the constant dynamism and constant innovation across in what circulates on the Internet and services daily within our reach mainly on Education. This is a workshop that summarizes easy ideas to be taken to the classroom soon.
Graduated and experienced English Teacher, Director of Studies of Ana's English Workshops in Bariloche. Institutional Foreign Language Consultant- Cambridge Speaking Examiner and Teacher Training Courses Organizer- After getting degrees on Gestión Educativa, Moodle and e-learning she has decided to share with colleagues her willingness to improve classroom results following new trends in teaching as well as keeping updated.
Institution: Ana's English Workshops
Online Writing Labs In the EFL Context
By Joshua Paiz
Mr. Paiz is a doctoral student in ESL at Purdue University. Prior to this, he attended the University of Toledo where he taught ESL writing for matriculated students and students in the university's Intensive English Program. He has often presented on simulation-gaming for language learning, one of his research interests.
Institution: Purdue University
Rules of Engagement: How to gain and retain full learner engagement in English language classroom
By Mary Lou McCloskey
Engagement is a prerequisite and an outcome of effective language teaching in English language classrooms. After introducing principles of engaging, interactive and effective instruction, Dr. McCloskey describes and demonstrates motivating and efficient strategies to promote 100% engagement of language learners through rapid involvement at the beginning of a lesson, maintaining interest and attention throughout, and continually assessing and assuring comprehension and learning. Sample activities will include many strategies for vocabulary development.
Mary Lou McCloskey is an English Language Specialist with the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, US Department of State. Dr. McCloskey is also Director of Teacher Development and Curriculum Design for Educo in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. She is a former teacher in primary and secondary multilingual, multicultural classrooms and works internationally as an author and consultant with teachers, teacher educators, and departments and ministries of education. She has written widely on aspects of teaching school-age English learners and has co-authored five programs for school-age learners. For further information:
Seven Keys to Internal Happiness at Work
By Vivian Suarez
Target: Teachers, Coordinators, Directors?
Theme: Personal Development
This workshop will go over seven step-keys developed by the presenter that will lead educators to successfully get on the road to internal happiness at work. The analysis of the seven step-keys will demonstrate how to keep focused on incorporating new behaviors to end up with a sense of well being and fullfilment.
Vivian Suárez got her TTC Diploma from Dickens Institute. She holds a TESOL and ESOL certificates from Trinity College, London. She was awarded the FCTBE from the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry and she's also a Practitioner in NLP. She has a postgraduate in Methodology from Oxford House. She became a Teacher Educator in 2005. She was also published by TESOL IS in 2008. She's been a teacher for 32 years and a Coordinator for 6 years. Her experience derives from very different contexts. She has presented in different conventions in Uruguay (URUTESOL, ABS International), Argentina (ABS International), Brazil (Braztesol, 9th Regional Tesol Convention )and Chile (TESOL Chile) She's currently the Academic Coordinator and Coordinator In-Company at the Binational Center Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas in Montevideo-Uruguay.
Institution: Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas
By Cecilia Leite Fleurquin
Institution: Anglo Palacio
Teacher Competencies for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
By Mary Lou McCloskey
What should a CLIL teacher know and be able to do to effectively implement CLIL in a content classroom. Presenter will discuss and demonstrate effective tools and strategies for the competent CLIL teacher, including:
• Scaffolding learning through expanding contextual information including visual, auditory, and multimodal materials and realia
• Designing tasks that engage a variety of learners
• Designing lessons that focus on multiple aspects of language, content, learning skills and critical thinking
Mary Lou McCloskey is an English Language Specialist with the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, US Department of State. Dr. McCloskey is also Director of Teacher Development and Curriculum Design for Educo in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. She is a former teacher in primary and secondary multilingual, multicultural classrooms and works internationally as an author and consultant with teachers, teacher educators, and departments and ministries of education. She has written widely on aspects of teaching school-age English learners and has co-authored five programs for school-age learners. For further information:
Teaching English to Digital Natives: From the Virtual to the Real...and Back!
By José Luis Morales
Target: Teachers
Theme: Technology in the classroom
Our language classroom should be a place of discovery for both our learners and us. However, many children think the classroom is a boring continent they can't wait to abandon for the freedom of their fun-filled, exciting 'digital island' at home. Do you want to inhabit fabulous discovery islands with your learners? Then, join me on this quest for the perfect blend: solid, traditional language teaching and learning that promotes critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, good judgment, research skills and creativity to engage even the most reluctant 21st century language learners.
José Luis Morales is a teacher of English, former school coordinator, and author with considerable experience both teaching and writing for young learners. Besides his teaching qualifications, he is a graduate of 'The London Academy of Music and Drama'. He is co-author of 'Our Discovery Island' and 'Islands', Pearson's exciting new English series for children. At present, José Luis is an independent ELT teacher educator and drama consultant. He lives and writes on the beautiful island of Santa Catarina.
Institution: Pearson
The Write Stuff-Polishing Professional Writing Skills
By Silvia Laborde
Although language teachers believe in the importance of well developed writing skills, it is often the case that they are daunted by the idea of writing a high-stakes professional paper, such as an application essay, a presentation letter, or an abstract and summary. So bring your notepad, ipad or laptop and get ready to find the writer in you.
Lic. Silvia Laborde holds a TEFL degree from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos, a degree in Education from UCUDAL University, and a postgraduate degree in Educational Management from ORT University. Aside from teaching, her posts have included Materials Writer, Teacher Educator, Methodological and School Coordinator and at present Academic Director of Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas. She is currently an editor forLanguage Education in Asia and the Chair of the Standards Committee at TESOL International.
Institution: Alianza
The Role of Error in the Writing Process
By Juliana Fernandes
Target: All Teachers
Do your students take an active role in the writing process and therefore, become more autonomous? This workshop aims to look at how to use marking codes for self correction and what to correct when correction is needed, promoting self-awareness, accuracy, fluency and autonomy.
Vantages of these methods, and adapt their suitability to their teaching context.
Juliana is an EFL teacher and a coordinator in Manaus. She has been teaching and developing curriculum in EFL, Portuguese to Foreigners, GMAT Exam and Business English for Multinational Companies for over 17 years and has also delivered presentations in Brazil and abroad. She holds proficiency certificates and TKT from the University of Cambridge.
Using Observation as a Self-Reflection
By Pisarn Bee Chamcharatsri
Institution: The University of New Mexico
What/when/where do/will students/teachers teach/learn now?
By Enrique Morrone, Alicia Díaz & Selva Teixeira
Target: Teachers and ELT managers
Theme: Material Development
In this intensive, deep-dive approach to the themes of the moment we will look for answers to:
• What and how will students learn from today on?
• When and where will teachers teach from today on?
• Will students teach? Will teachers learn?
Join us to discuss, share, and plan ahead!
Enrique Morrone: Pearson Uruguay / Paraguay General Manager
Selva Teixeira: Pearson Uruguay Sales and Marketing Representative; Profesora Adscriptora, teacher trainer and EFL teacher
Alicia Díaz: Pearson Uruguay ELT Coordinator
Institution: Pearson Longman
What's a teacher's most important job?
By Gabriel Diaz Maggioli
Target: All teachers
Theme: Teaching English
In this presentation we will explore the metaphor of scaffolding, a ubiquitous term in our profession which is loosely used to address many things. However, as educational administrators we know that a teacher's main task is to organize for learning to happen. Hence, we will explore those characteristics of effective teaching (to include tasks, activities, communication patterns and preparation) that coordinators and supervisors, as well as teachers, should keep an eye on.
Gabriel Diaz Maggioli is Dean of the School of Language Learning and Teaching at The New School University in New York, where he also directs the MA in TESOL Program. A frequent speaker at international conferences Gabriel is also a prolific writer. His most recent publication is Teaching Language Teachers: Scaffolding Professional Learning an introduction to teacher education for new and aspiring Teachers of Teachers. He lives and works in New York.
Institution: The New School

Cooperation and Collaboration in Hybrid Learning Environments
By Gilda Battagliese, Victoria Dieste, Silvia Laborde, William Machado & Mariana Porta
Presenters will share a brief theoretical background about cooperative and collaborative learning in virtual environments followed by the 5-Step Model of Teaching and Learning Online and the e-Zoo according to Dr. Gilly Salmon, best practices using forums, wikis, workshops and mindmaps, and tips for the teacher to foster interaction.
Gilda Battagliese is an Expert in Virtual Learning Environments (OEI, VE, CAEU). TEFL Diploma (Alianza Cultural Uruguay EEUU-University of Maryland, USA). IT Mentor and Teacher (Alianza). President of the Education Committee (Partners of the Americas-Uruguay Chapter).Teacher-in-Residence (Minnesota, 2009).
Victoria Dieste is a graduate of the TEFL Diploma from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-EE.UU. She is presently the Academic Director at Alianza Carrasco and former teacher and ESP Coordinator at Alianza Sayago. She is currently studying Lic. en Sistemas at ORT Univeristy.
Lic. Silvia Laborde holds a TEFL degree from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos, a degree in Education from UCUDAL University, and a postgraduate degree in Educational Management from ORT University. Aside from teaching, her posts have included Materials Writer, Teacher Educator, Methodological and School Coordinator and at present Academic Director of Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas. She is currently an editor for Language Education in Asia and the Chair of the Standards Committee at TESOL International.
William Machado is a graduate of the TEFL Diploma from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-EE.UU. Prof. Machado has completed TESOL's Principles and Practices of Online Teaching Certificate Program. At Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas he has developed his passion towards technology, implementing the use of several technological tools in his courses. He has been appointed to provide tech support to all his colleagues.
Mariana Porta has a degree in Sociology from UDELAR, a degree in EFL teaching from Alianza Cultural Uruguay- EEUU and a degree of Specialist in Education and New Technologies from FLACSO, Argentina. She has 23 years of teaching experience and 14 years of experience in Academic Direction. She is currently the Director of Alianza Costa de Oro.
Institution: Alianza
Emotional Intelligence in Action!
By Laura Lewin
Target: professional development
Theme:emotional intelligence
Are you confident managing your feelings and communicating with others?
IQ, as we now know, is a great predictor of success in life and work.
In this session, I will present coordinators and directors with innovative exercises and activities to be used individually or with groups.
Tap the power of emotional intelligence and build effective emotional skills to create real change in your institutions!
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President
of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional
Development for Teachers of English and Administrators, an event held in
Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and the USA. She is also the editor of EMO (Educational
Management Online), an e-zine that reaches over 98,000 ELT professionals
on a monthly basis. Ms Lewin pursued studies in translation in Argentina
(UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California). She is an internationally
recognized consultant and speaker and for the past fifteen years she has
been involved in teaching training: she has given workshops for teachers
and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia,
Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura has recently been invited by Nova Southeastern
University (USA) to deliver online programs, and is writing her first book
on educational management.
ABS International
Good Decisions, Hard Decisions?
By María Blanco Pate & Ady Marrero
Good decision-making guarantees excellence. In this presentation we will share scientific research on quality in education and human motivation that reveal the key elements for best educational results. What motivates us? What decisions ensure success? What stops us from making the right decisions? What are enabling decisions? Come find out!
María Blanco Pate is the Executive Director of the Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos. She has held this position since 1996, and she has yet to see a boring, routine day. The Alianza challenges her daily, and she has made it her mission to challenge right back. Her incredibly talented team, whether they are down the hall or up the highway, are a constant source of learning and wonder. Maria has a BS in Psychology and a Masters in Business Administration, both obtained in Texas.
Lic. Ady Marrero is the Academic Director of the Alianza Cultural Uruguay- Estados Unidos. She holds a TEFL degree from the Alianza, a Bachelor's Degree in Education from the Universidad Católica Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga, and a post graduate degree in Educational Planning and Management from ORT University. She has been active in teaching, materials development and teacher education throughout her professional career.
Institution: Alianza
Keys to Effective Educational Management
By John Herlihy
Institution: University of Sharjah
How to Build Those Teams!
By Ana Claudia Alvira
More and more often nowadays, it is heard at every workplace leaders talking about building the team, working as a team, and my team, but few of them understand how to create the experience of team work or how to develop an effective team. This workshop intends to help you share and transmit the feeling of belonging effectively. It has direct relationship with your role as a leader.
Graduated and experienced English Teacher, Director of Studies of Ana's English Workshops in Bariloche. Institutional Foreign Language Consultant- Cambridge Speaking Examiner and Teacher Training Courses Organizer- After getting degrees on Gestión Educativa, Moodle and e-learning she has decided to share with colleagues her willingness to improve classroom results following new trends in teaching as well as keeping updated.
Institution: Ana's English Workshops
Navigating Change: turning Crisis into opportunity
By Lucrecia Prat Gay
Change is the only thing that is certain and although it is inevitable, growing up after a process of change is optional. When faced by change scientists confirm that our minds are ruled by two systems: the rational and emotional. Both compete to gain control and getting to understand them can take a lifetime! Based on the bestseller "Switch" and Dr.Seligmann´s findings, in this workshop we will look into those two minds, we will discuss the role of positive and negative emotions,the power of positive thinking and the impact on self-esteem. Allow change into your lives with a broad smile!
Lucrecia Prat Gay de Teisaire is a life-long learner who has been teaching for 25 years and is currently Head of English Primary at Río de la Plata School. As Teacher Trainer, she has spoken in countless conferences and seminars throughout the country and abroad sharing her passion for the brain and the role of emotions in learning. She studied Brain Based Learning in Argentina and overseas and has been successfully putting the model into practice for the last seven years. Deeply committed to making a positive and significant difference in her students' lives, she is also a Literature teacher for the I.G.C.S.E Examinations, a Self-Esteem Practitioner, a «retired actress» who worships Shakespeare and a loving mother to Juan and Jazmín.
Río de la Plata
Pilot the Digital Vertigo
By Margarita Leal and Sonia Alvarez
Technology has had a tremendous impact in our professional practices. Distance is no longer a barrier for accessing educational programs, pursuing professional development and enhancing the outreach of communication among colleagues. Likewise the use of innovative technological tools enhances students' motivation to learn. The aim of this talk is to share recorded testimonials and practical classroom samples that will trigger the use of technology in educational contexts, at both managerial and teaching levels.
Margarita Leal is an Academic Coordinator at the Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos. She currently oversees the Alianza Centers located in the interior of the country. She holds a TEFL degree from the Alianza and has taken online courses on web skills from the University of Oregon, USA and on leadership from ed2go. She has coordinated the Alianza English Program at schools, the English Access Microscholarship Program and mentored a group of Youth Ambassadors in Minnesota in March-April 2010.
Sonia Alvarez is the Coordinator of the English Access Microscholarship Program in Uruguay and of the Alianza Teaching Certificate Program at the Alianza Cultural Uruguay – Estados Unidos. She has coordinated the English Department of Scuola Italiana di Montevideo and Colegio Santa Elena. She holds a TEFL degree from the Alianza, has attended Tesol Conventions in Atlanta and New York city and has taken courses at San Diego State University and Hawaii Pacific University.
Institution: Alianza
Planes y Metas... claves para un crecimiento sostenido
By Miguel Atencio
Target: Directivos
Theme: Planes y metas
El cumplimiento de las tareas asignadas al personal de una institución educativa generalmente se asocia a su formación académica o a su experiencia laboral.
La búsqueda de la excelencia y la optimización de los recursos humanos, apunta hoy a fortalecer las estrategias de capacitación interna en todos sus matices.
En la DPO (Dirección Por Objetivos) el buen uso del tiempo, la asignación de prioridades, y el diseño de una estrategia de planes y metas a cumplir, serán herramientas fundamentales para el cumplimiento de los objetivos propios y de la institución.
Este seminario propone internalizar los conceptos de eficiencia, fortaleciendo la planificación y el logro de metas, a partir del uso de principios y hábitos sencillos que optimizan su administración.
Miguel Atencio es Catedrático de la Universidad
del Salvador.
Ex-investigador del CONICET, y Asesor Nacional del Ministerio de Trabajo
y Formación de Recursos Humanos de la Nación en Proyectos
financiados por el Banco Mundial.
Ha dictado numerosos seminarios de capacitación en Argentina, Chile,
Uruguay, Venezuela e Israel.
Actualmente se desempeña como Director de la División Corporate
English de ABS International, Disertante en Congresos y Consultor de Empresas.
ABS International