Payment Method:
The Conference registration fee is non-refundable. Substitutions are allowed. Please send the name of the original registrant and the name of the person substituting to by February 9 th, 2015. Please include "Conference Substitution" in the subject line.
by bank transfer / deposit at Banco de Galicia Savings Account (Caja de Ahorros en pesos) beneficiary: Miguel Atencio Number 4899626-1246-1 CBU: 0070246330004899626113 DNI:18.730.961 CUIT: 20-18730961-2
Payment with credit cards
For further information contact us: ABS International Ruta 9 km 42,5 Colectora Oeste Nº1080 Edificio Blue Office 1º piso • Oficina 10 Ing. Maschwitz (1623)