Apptivities: M-learning in the classroom
By Daniela Zallocco
Target: Experienced and inexperienced teachers looking to include technology in their lessons.
Theme: Technology.
Looking for inexpensive ways to include technology in your lessons? Bring Your Own Device is an educational policy to implement technology in education by using students´mobile devices such as mobile phones, tablets, e-books and more. During this workshop we will discover intersting apps to make your classes sizzle!
«Life is short, break the rules. forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly. laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that makes you smile»
Mark Twain.
Daniela Zallocco is the founder of "Creative Technology". She holds a CELTA (Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults - A grade) and CELTYL (Certificate of English Language Teaching to Young Learners - B grade) degree from Cambridge University and is currently preparing her MA in Educational Policies at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (specialized in Education & Technology). She has worked as a Senior Teacher for ABS International and at International House Belgrano teaching children and teenagers. She currently works in Ministerio de Educación de la Nación Argentina (Dirección de Cooperación Internacional).
She has delivered many presentations in ABS Congresses for Coordinators, Directors of Studies and Teachers as well as the IATEFL - TESOL Congress in Santiago de Chile. She has recently published "¿Y después del libro qué?" an article related to the use of technology in the classroom, in the Educational Magazine "Novedades Educativas".
Institution: Creative Technology
Assessing Assessment
By Esther Vazquez
Target: Primary and secondary teachers and school authorities.
Theme: Assessment.
In this presentation, teachers and presenter will discuss different types of assessment mainly focusing on formative or ongoing one, highlighting the need to deal constructively with students' weaknesses in the learning process. We will share some very useful appraisal and feedback techniques to enhance learners' overall performance.
«Be the change that you wish to see in the world.»
Mahatma Gandhi.
Esther Vázquez is a graduate teacher from CONSUDEC and holds a degree in Educational Management from CAECE University. She has a vast experience in the teaching of English at different levels. She works for CePA providing in-service training sessions. Mrs. Vazquez delivers
courses on topics like Differentiated Instruction and Mixed- abilities classes. At present, she is also working for the British Council as remote teacher for Plan Ceibal English programme in Uruguay.
Institution: CePA
Boosting Positive Classrooms
By Leticia Di Siena, Pablo Marchisio & Mariela Salazar
Target: All kinds of teachers of English.
Theme:Motivating Students. Dealing with learning problems. Music in the classroom. Professional Development. Neurolinguistics.
What can we change in our classrooms to help our students to develop positive character strengths to do better in life? How can we stimulate the neural connections associated with positive emotions and thinking? In our workshop we will attempt to find an answer to these questions by exploring the following areas:
• Emotional intelligence and effective learning
• Personality traits vs personality strengths
• Character development in the language classroom
• Music as an inspiring tool
• The importance of gratitude, zest, grit, empathy and optimism.
«The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination».
Albert Einstein
Leticia Di Siena: English teacher graduated from Facultad de Lenguas UNC. She has been a speaker at ArtesoL Conventions in 1999 and 2001 and at the "I teach kids and Teens" Conference in 2014. She has been teaching English for 30 years and has also carried out educational drama projects in English and Spanish. She is currently the headmistress at Maryland bilingual school.
Mariela Salazar: Teacher of English as a foreign language. She has been teaching at different levels for 18 years. She is currently studying to become a neuropsychoeducator at "Asociación Educar".
She is now a teacher at Instituto Nuestra Señora de Lourdes and at Maryland school where she prepares students for international exams.
Pablo Marchisio: English teacher graduated from UNC. He has been an associate professor of English literature at Facultad de Lenguas(UNC) and a teacher trainer at Instituto Dante Alighieri and Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Juan XXIII.He has also served a missionary for a humanitarian organization in Central America. He is currently finishing his training as a yoga instructor and teaches English literature at Maryland School.
Institution: Maryland School
Can Charisma Be Taught to ESL Students?
By Kara McBride
Target: Teachers at all levels.
Theme: ESP, public speaking, speaking methodologies.
Training techniques previously used to teach charismatic public speaking skills were adapted first to ESL classes for immigrant women in the U.S. and later to university L2 conversation classes. Workshop participants will practice specific techniques and discuss how these can be applied to ESL classes and to other speaking events.
«The path of least resistance makes all rivers, and some men, crooked.»
Napoleon Hill
After teaching ESL at the University of Talca (Chile) for three years, Kara McBride got her Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching at the University of Arizona (USA). She is an Associate Professor at Saint Louis University (USA), and her research focuses on L2 oral language development and interculturality.
Institution: Saint Louis University
Classroom Management: Unlocking the secrets of great teaching!
By Laura Lewin
Target: All teachers.
Theme: classroom management.
Strong classroom management is the cornerstone of effective teaching.
If your optimism is beaten down through years of poor classroom management, join me!
Come and learn how to free your classroom of misbehavior and disrespect, how to build easy rapport with your students, and how to teach with passion and joy.
By applying a simple set of guidelines and strategies, you will soon become the amazing teacher you dreamed of becoming when you started your career!
«Be ready when opportunity comes... Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet».
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional Development for Teachers of English and Administrators. Laura pursued studies in translation in Argentina (UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California). She is an internationally recognized consultant and speaker and for the past twenty years she has been involved in teaching training: she has designed and delivered workshops for teachers and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura is the author of two books: Gestión Educativa en Acción and Disciplina Inteligente.
ABS International
Developing media literacy skills in the EFL classroom
By Diego Fábregas
Target: Teachers in general.
Theme: Comics & Graphic Novels in learning.
In this presentation we will be dealing with different ways in which to use graphic novels and comic books when it comes to teaching. We will also go through some useful software to implement in class connected to creating comics.
«Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.»
L. Burnett
Having taught at primary and business level, and to people ranging 6 to 85, I have devoted some time to do research on how to use comic books in class and for the improvement of vocabulary.
Institution: Alianza Uruguay-Estados Unidos
Educate the heart- emotional intelligences in the classroom
Mónica Rodriguez Salvo
Target: Teachers.
Theme: All teachers.
Applying and developing emotional intelligences will foster creativity as well as prevent problems such as bullying in the classroom. An education that neglects the deep creative source of self-hood will result in a deadening, mechanical routine of schooling that negates rather than honours the learner. Together we will discuss 5 emotional intelligences applied to the classroom: self-awareness, managing emotions, self-motivation, empathy and handling social relationships.
«change the world... teaching one heart at a time... »
Teacher of English graduated from IES "Victoria Ocampo", Entre Rios. Sworn Public translator, holds a Bachelor's degree in "Dirección de Recursos Humanos" from Universidad de Belgrano. As teacher trainer, she has delivered professional development courses on methodology, assessment,motivation, ICT in the classroom, etc. She has developed courses and materials for teachers and currently works as Academic Consultant for Pearson Education Southern Cone. Speaker at ARTESOL 2014, FAAPI 2012, Pro- T 2012, Advice Summer Seminar 2014, etc.
Sponsored by: Pearson
Engaging Teens in EFL: Learning through project
Sandra Costilla
Target: Experienced and Motivates Teachers.
Theme: Motivating Student.
Working with projects has become an important part of our everyday classroom work. They give our students the possibility to show their creativity and enthusiasm when they know they are sharing their culture, customs and traditions with students worldwide.
«Learning is an open door to find new roads… don´t let them dishearten you and fight back»
Public Translator of English graduated from the School of Languages- UNC in 1992 and former exchange student in the US. MBA and Trayecto Pedagógico. Currently studying Neuropsychoeducation online at Asociación Educar. Head teacher at Coolsville English School private English Institute. High school English teacher for 20 years.
Institution: Coolsville English School
English Curricula and Social Networks
By Hilda Maria Fanta
Target: Teachers of Student Teachers.
Theme: English for Specific Purposes.
Use and Effect of Social Networks Students use social networks at least 4-6 times a week and more – 84, 66%.
They use it predominantly for contact with friends and family – 100%. They use it for social events – 87%. They use it for travel information - 81%.
They use it for political engagement – 22%. Students, who belong to the "Net Generation" as coined by Schulmeister, use social networks extensively but they use it in their leisure time, and not as integral part of their language learning.
«Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit there from»
Hilda Maria Fanta is a full professor at University College of Teacher Education Carinthia and an Adj. Professor at the Alps-Adriatic University and at the University of Applied Sciences Carinthia. 2014 She received an award for excellence in teaching. She has been a researcher and presenter at conferences all over the globe like Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, Las Vegas, Zurich, Berlin, Cadiz, and three times in Buenos Aires.
Institution: University College of Teacher Education Carinthia
English Language Learning through Student Created Materials
By Karen Marsh Schaeffer
Target: Teachers teaching English as a Foreign Language k-12.
Theme: Materials Development.
A step by step guide for creating books in English as part of a language lesson that provides meaningful language opportunities using critical thinking while teaching students a new skill (photography) in the target language. These books become language resources for the students creating them and future students.
«A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark»
Karen Marsh Schaeffer - ESL Program Supervisor and Associate Instructor, Department of Linguistics, University of Utah. She is responsible for curriculum development, instructor training, course design, and program administration, and has taught ESL and EFL from preliterate refugees to graduate students. Research Interests: minority language issues in education, SLA, L2 teacher training, and Intercultural communication.
Institution: University of Utah
Exploring Kindergarten Culture: the magic of pre-schoolers
By Florencia Inés Viale
Target: kindergarten teacher.
Theme: EFL in kindergarten.
The first five years of a child's life are a time for the fluctuation between conformist attitudes and plain tantrums, the development of toilet habits, never-ending questioning, indecision, whining, mummy/teacher-do-all demands, clumsiness, close attachment to routine, enforcement of rules and values, emerging life-long bonds… and love.
Among –and above- all this, L1 acquisition is taking place. This is the scenario for EFL teachers at Kinder: a heroic enterprise to introduce a second linguistic, and cultural, system to their already crammed learning experience.
«I like thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big.»
Donald Trump
Florencia Viale is an EFL lecturer and Head of the Research and Publications Department. at IES Nº 28 "Olga Cossettini"
(Rosario) She is currently doing her post-degree in ICT (Ministry of
Education) and Education Management (UNL). She has been working at all levels – from kindergarten to Proficiency – since 2001. She works at Saint Patrick's Bilingual School, where she teaches 3, 4 and 5 year-old learners.
She has trained students for the Cambridge CAE and CPE exams at Asociación Rosarina de Cultura Inglesa both on-site and online.
Institution: Colegio San Patricio
From the cradle to the desktop: Feel, move and learn!
A multisensory approach that facilitates language learning.
By María Marta Suárez
Target: All.
Theme: Methodology and Classroom management.
However enjoyable and simple as this sounds, teachers may find it challenging to make adolescents stand up and move. They may also find classes with young learners getting out of control when using games and movement. This workshop is an invitation to explore a wide variety of multisensory tools that teachers can use with language learners of different age-groups. These tools support the internalization of structures, functions and vocabulary through songs, drama and story-telling while managing the classroom with style.
«It is not in doing what you like but in liking what you do that is
the secret of happiness».
By James Matthew Barrie
Lic. María Marta Suárez (UTN) has worked professionally as an ELT teacher at varied levels and backgrounds. Her experience includes large classes at state run schools and universities to small groups in company and at her own language school in Buenos Aires and multilingual groups at Cluny Hill College in Scotland. She has worked in Methodology-related subjects at different teacher training colleges in the city of Buenos Aires (ISP J.V. Gonzalez; ISP Comenius; ISP Sagrado Corazón) and delivers teacher development on-line courses to teachers from different countries. She has been a teacher trainer and a presenter at conferences in Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Spain and Uruguay. Her heterogeneous teaching experience and her artistic background in folk singing, circle dancing and story-telling has given her the tools to develop a holistic methodology ALL Method® - and design the material to apply it to teach learners of all age-groups. Today, her star creation –ALL English for Babies®- is being applied in seven countries in Latin America and Europe.
Institution: ALL
Live illustration and performed story-telling
By María Teresa Manteo, Lydia Stevens & Tom Harris
Target:Educators interested in holistic learning.
Theme: Literature and Creativity.
In this session we will be presenting the art of live illustration and performed storytelling as conceived by “Touch the Author” educational project.
“Touch the Author” addresses Literature as a mode of expression of feelings and ideas, where words gain meaning in the context of the visual, musical and dramatic languages of art.
Participants will get a taste of Shakespeare for Kids and Teens, and appreciate the art of live illustration in stunning children’s Literature.
«Only Hogarth felt suddenly sorry. He felt guilty. It was he, after all, who had lured the Iron man into the pit.»
The Iron Man by Ted Hughes
María Teresa Manteo is Support Learning Educational Consultant, and directs Touch the Author programme, where students meet artists and books in enhanced reading experiences of renewal and discovery.
She also runs in-service training workshops that seek the integration of holistic strategies to blend reading, writing and the arts into one transformative experience. Her passion is to discover passageways to help struggling readers and writers find their voice and self-confidence through the creative process.
María Teresa Manteo is also a Language and Literature Teacher for IGCSE at St Anthony’s College.
Lydia Stevens holds an Advanced Level University Course in Applied Theatre & Dramatherapy Certificate from Hawkwood College, University of Worcester, London, and she has completed a theatre training course with RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts) in London. Her performance training also includes a year as part of the Young Movers of the Rambert Contemporary Dance Company in London and an intense clowning course with Marcelo Katz in Buenos Aires. Lydia has also played the flute with her school wind band and orchestra.
She has appeared in stage productions in the UK in London and Bristol as well as other theatre experiences. At present Lydia performs educational theatre in Buenos Aires and continues her theatre studies with Fernando Ferrer and Gastón Mazières of La Cósmica Teatro. As SL facilitator she combines her acting and musical experience to literature in performed storytelling sessions.
Tom Harris has over 15 years of experience as an Actor and Illustrator. He holds a Trinity College Advanced Performance Diploma from City Lit School and an Advanced Diploma from LISPA School of Physical Theatre, both in London. As a performer he has worked extensively in theatre in London and in Buenos Aires as well as in various children’s educational theatre performances.
Tom is also a Physical Theatre School tutor, and in 2012 he completed the filming of his first leading role in the feature film “El Prisionero Irlandés”. As an Illustrator, he predominantly works with literature and has artwork published in a number of books. Tom also often uses his illustration skills in theatrical performances and as a SL facilitator he will be bringing this for the first time to Argentina.
Institution: Support Learning
Mindfulness en el aula: Ultimos avances en neurociencias para ayudar a nuestros alumnos!
By Andrea Loescher & Lorena Llobenes
Target: all teachers.
Las recientes investigaciones en neurociencias comprueban los amplios beneficios del Mindfulness (Atención Plena) para aprender a relajar el cuerpo, aquietar y enfocar la mente, y regular las respuestas emocionales, reduciendo así los altos niveles de estrés escolar, ansiedad e impulsividad. En Inglaterra y EEUU los programas de entrenamiento en Mindfulness ya forman parte de la curricula en la mayoría de los colegios. Se han comprobado numerosos beneficios en niños y adolescentes luego de realizado el entrenamiento, y es especialmente útil para reducir el bullying, los trastornos de ansiedad, ADD/ADHD, entre otros. En este seminario podrás conocer en qué consiste la práctica desde lo teórico y lo vivencial, y aprender herramientas concretas para enseñarle a tus alumnos.
«You cannot transform yourself, or anyone else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen.»
Eckhart Tolle
Andrea Loescher:
Se recibió como profesora de inglés (J.V.Gonzalez) y se dedicó a la docencia durante más de 13 años enseñando a niños, adolescentes y adultos en distintos niveles. Luego de trabajar en Londres por casi un año, y a raíz de una experiencia personal que le cambió la vida a su regreso, se propuso investigar nuevas formas de enfrentar las dificultades de la vida, y comenzó a leer extensamente y a capacitarse en Mindfulness, PNL e Inteligencia Emocional. Desde entonces, explora formas de aplicar estos conceptos y prácticas en la vida cotidiana y en la educación. Ha implementado ejercicios de Mindfulness con sus alumnos adolescentes, y los fascinantes resultados la motivaron para seguir profundizando. Realizó cursos en Mindfulness Argentina, Fundación FORO y RT. Realizó también la capacitación de Mindful Schools, la cual la habilita para brindar este programa en colegios de Argentina. Actualmente coordina un instructorado anual para facilitadores de Mindfulness, y dicta el Programa de Reducción del Estrés MBSR del Dr Jon Kabat Zinn para niños, educadores, profesionales de la salud y el público en general con el objetivo de compartir herramientas que puedan ayudarlos a conectarse con esa calma interior que todos necesitamos encontrar, desde donde pueden surgir la visión clara, la creatividad y la manifestación de nuestro potencial.
Lorena Llobenes:
Se recibió de médica con diploma de honor en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Realizó 3 años de residencia en pediatría en el Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutiérrez. Luego realizó el postgrado en neurología infantil en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Se desempeñó como neuróloga infantil en el Hospital de Clínicas, Hospital de San Isidro, Hospital Italiano y Sanatorio de la Trinidad. También estudió medicina Ayurveda en la Universidad de Maimónides y en la India en la Universidad Dev Sanskriti. Realizó cursos de mindfulness y profundizó sus estudios en sus bases neurobiológicas. Actualmente atiende como médica ayurveda y neurólogia infantil y profundiza estudios sobre la educación interior. Aspira a que todos los niños tengan acceso a dicho aprendizaje.
Institution: Enfocar
"SLIPPING IN SLANG" – Know it or risk embarrassment! (Online session delivered from Hollywood!)
By David Burke
Target: All Teachers of English.
Theme: Idioms & slang.
Join David in this informative & hilarious presentation on the importance of teaching slang & idioms – those pesky, confusing, everyday terms which must be learned to avoid embarrassment and achieve true fluency.
«My Life is Mine to Create»
"Slangman" David Burke is an International TV show host and author of the Street Speak, a slang/idioms series sold worldwide.
Institution: Hey Wordy
Start with a Story!
By Marian Derfler
Target: ALL teachers.
Theme: Storytelling.
Would you like to try something empowering and inspiring on your first day at school? Have you been looking for "something nice and new"?
Join this experiential workshop on storytelling and take home a bunch of stories and ideas to start classes on Monday!
«Everyone has a story to tell… Storytelling comes from the heart, not the head, and nothing should keep us from the exhilaration and sheer pleasure of telling a story.»
Jimmy Neil Smith.
Marian Derfler is a Storyteller; an English teacher graduated from ISP in Lenguas Vivas J.R. Fernandez; an NLP practitioner; an English in Action teacher; an Educational Consultant/Material Designer for The Buenos Aires Players®; a course-book and story writer; and an ALL® Teacher Trainer. Marian has created Story Fields®, a storytelling experience which she takes to schools and institutes all over the country.
Institution: Storyfields
Taller de Mindfulness- herramientas prácticas para combatir el stress!
By Andrea Loescher
Target: all teachers
Theme: Mindfulness.
Constantemente pedimos a nuestros alumnos que "presten atención", ¿pero les enseñamos cómo hacerlo en lo concreto? ¿Y sabemos prestar atención plena cuando queremos concentrarnos nosotros? Desearíamos que no fuesen impulsivos, contestadores o desafiantes... ¿pero podemos manejar nuestras propias reacciones cuando estamos estresados, ansiosos o tomados por el enojo? Llegamos a fin de año agotados, contracturados y muchas veces con problemas de salud asociados al estrés... ¿Fuimos conscientes del momento exacto en que comenzaba a aparecer la tensión en nuestro cuerpo y comenzaban a actuar las hormonas del estrés? En este seminario exploraremos los fundamentos del Mindfulness o Atención Plena, cuya práctica puede ayudarnos a responder a estas preguntas y a habitar el aquí y ahora con verdadera presencia, transitando así nuestra vida personal y profesional con mayor sensación de bienestar y felicidad.
«No puedes detener las olas, pero puedes aprender a surfear.»
Jon Kabat Zinn _
Se recibió como profesora de inglés (J.V.Gonzalez) y se dedicó a la docencia durante más de 13 años enseñando a niños, adolescentes y adultos en distintos niveles. Luego de trabajar en Londres por casi un año, y a raíz de una experiencia personal que le cambió la vida a su regreso, se propuso investigar nuevas formas de enfrentar las dificultades de la vida, y comenzó a leer extensamente y a capacitarse en Mindfulness, PNL e Inteligencia Emocional. Desde entonces, explora formas de aplicar estos conceptos y prácticas en la vida cotidiana y en la educación. Ha implementado ejercicios de Mindfulness con sus alumnos adolescentes, y los fascinantes resultados la motivaron para seguir profundizando. Realizó cursos en Mindfulness Argentina, Fundación FORO y RT. Realizó también la capacitación de Mindful Schools, la cual la habilita para brindar este programa en colegios de Argentina. Actualmente coordina un instructorado anual para facilitadores de Mindfulness, y dicta el Programa de Reducción del Estrés MBSR del Dr Jon Kabat Zinn para niños, educadores, profesionales de la salud y el público en general con el objetivo de compartir herramientas que puedan ayudarlos a conectarse con esa calma interior que todos necesitamos encontrar, desde donde pueden surgir la visión clara, la creatividad y la manifestación de nuestro potencial.
Institution: Anamaya
The Creative Connection through Literature and the Arts
By Maria Teresa Manteo
Target:Educators interested in holistic learning.
Theme: Literature and Creativity.
In this workshop, we will explore inspirational Literature to call on our inner producer of images and thoughts. The Arts will also help us shape ideas, stir emotions and provide a passageway to words and self-expression.
Through experiential learning, participants will visit holistic strategies to address learners' reading and writing journeys.
«A work of art is above all an adventure of the mind»
Eugene Ionesco
María Teresa Manteo directs Touch the Author Programme, where students meet artists and books in enhanced reading experiences of renewal and discovery. She also runs SUPPORT LEARNING in-service training workshops that integrate holistic strategies to blend reading, writing and the arts into one transformative experience.
María Teresa Manteo is also a Language and Literature Teacher for IGCSE exams at Riverside School and St Anthony's College.
Institution: Support Learning
The student and the teacher: making a match in the classroom
By María Gabriela Martino
Target: Teachers - Heads.
Theme: Motivating students.
How do teachers identify themselves in terms of teaching style and their students´gender? Is there a good match or a mismatch in their classes? How does that fit influence their students´performance? What are the good, better, and best fits? These are some of the questions to be probed in this lecture.
«Share our similarities, celebrate our differences»
English Teacher, Specialist in Didactics. B.A. in EFL, and M.A. in TEFL.
Headteacher, Methodology and Didactics lecturer, specialist on gender and education, co-author of ¨Nuevo Paradigma Escolar – Educación Single-sex o Diferenciada¨ (2012). Teacher trainer on Differentiated Pedagogy applied to teaching boys and girls, and lecturer in National and International Conventions.
Institution: Colegio El Buen Ayre
Twenty Myths in EFL and How We Teach It
By Leandro Paladino
Target: Teachers of English.
Theme: ELT methodology.
We all do our jobs to a greater or lesser extent on the basis of received knowledge, beliefs and assumptions. The problem comes when we fail to ever question such assumptions, and take them for granted instead, as gospel truth carved in stone. This workshop will put twenty such myths to the test, suggesting that being true professionals requires constant critical skills of what we do and believe in. Come along with an open mind!
«A teacher that has been teaching for twenty years may have 20 years’ worth of experience, or one year of experience – repeated twenty times».
Leandro Paladino has been teaching English for 25 years, and has run a private EFL school for almost 20. A graduate from Universidad Nacional de La Plata, he is currently completing a Master's in English Language with Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires. Leandro teaches English Grammar II and English Language IV in I.S.P. Terrero, La Plata and has authored articles and workbooks for international journals and publishers. He has delivered numerous workshops around the country and in Uruguay on areas such as Methodology, ELT Management, Phonetics and Phonology, and Language Awareness for English professionals.
Institution: Nel
21st Century Skills: student learning and leadership
By Andrea Zubar Simon
Target: All teachers.
Theme: Student leadership.
Research shows that students need more than academic skills to develop in the 21st century. Innovation, creativity and problem solving are not optional skills; they are vital for surviving in the present world. Foster an active learning environment which promotes student learning and leadership, giving students skills for life in the 21st century.
«We all get one chance to prepare our students for a future none of us can possibly predict. What are we going to do with that one chance?».
Stephen R. Covey
Andrea Simon is a “third culture kid” born in Chicago, Ill. raised in the US and Argentina. Her upbringing has fueled her passion for human behavior and cultural influences, leading her to pursue a career in education.
She holds a degree in Human Development from San Diego Christian College. She also possess a California Teaching Credential with a specialization in Crosscultural Teaching. Currently, she is completing a MA degree in Educational Management and Leadership at Universidad de San Andrés.
Andrea has 24 years of teaching and school administration experience in private and public schools of California and Argentina. She has also presented workshops on a variety education issues in Mexico, Argentina and the US.
Presently, she is serving as Superintendent at BAICA an international school located in San Fernando, Argentina.
Institution: Baica
Using Poetry in the English Language Classroom
By Solange Viaro Padilha
Target: Teachers who enjoy poetry.
Theme: Reading Methodologies.
Poetry has always had an aura of something mysterious, inaccessible. Students believe it is difficult, but it can be really exciting. The aim of this workshop is to explore some activities that can be used effectively to motivate learners and help them to connect the poems to their lives.
«A thing of beauty is a joy forever»
John Keats
Solange Viaro Padilha holds an MA in Literature. She currently teaches English and Literature at Faculdades Integradas Santa Cruz (Curitiba/PR, Brazil). She has been working with students and groups of teachers for over twenty years. Main activities: workshops on pronunciation and literature.
Institution: FARESC - Faculdades Integradas Santa Cruz de Curitiba
We are Story-Makers!
By Grace Bertolini
Target: Teachers at Primary Level.
Theme: Storytelling.
This workshop introduces fiction and non-fiction texts as an effective tool to learn and reinforce the language. It provides practical and useful activities to improve Speaking, Reading and Writing Skills:
retelling strategies, asking questions, sequencing events, building vocabulary, making predictions and previewing texts. Come and share hands-on ideas and creative story-based activities that will help your students use the language with confidence.
«Tell me and I forget… Teach me and I remember… Involve me and I learn». Benjamin Franklin
Grace Bertolini has been involved in EFL teaching at all levels for over 25 years and Primary and Kindergarten Headmistress at prestigious bilingual schools. As Creative Teaching Director, she delivers Professional Development Workshops nationwide and abroad on Teaching EFL effectively and coordinates "Full Immersion in the Language Educational Camp-Trips and Tours in Argentina". She is Bilingual Facilitator for Peace Education Foundation and she lectures on "Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation at school".
Institution: Creative Teaching
Wise teaching: Brain-Based Learning
Nylia Monté
Target: Teachers with all levels of experience, Coordinators, ELT Managers.
Theme: Neurosciences and Education.
Being aware of how the brain works is of crucial importance for teachers to select strategies and design class activities that go hand in hand with how their students' brains perceive, decode, process and store information. This presentation aims at bringing teachers closer to a very wise way of teaching: Brain-based Learning.
«I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.» Jimmy Dean
Nylia Monté is a Psychologist (USAL), an English Teacher (I.N.S.P.T., U.T.N.), has done Postgraduate Studies in Neurosciences and Education (UCA), and studied Brain-Based Learning with Prof. Eric Jensen in the USA. She has been an English teacher for 23 years, and was Coordinator in a language institute for 10 years. She has delivered seminars and workshops in various conferences around the country and in Uruguay on Neurosciences and Education and the use of games as a Brain-based Learning strategy.
Institution: ICANA / Nueva Escuela Argentina 2000
Young Learners: Make the most of them
By Ma. Eugenia Dell'Osa
Target: Kindergarten and first form teachers with little experience or in need of new ideas.
Theme: ESL/EFL in Kindergarten.
Do little kids consume your energy? Does your fuel vanish immediately after the beginning of the year? Learn how to organise a successful school year for the little ones and keep them engaged all year long! Get ready for the know-how!
«What we learn becomes a part of who we are»
Eugenia Dell' Osa is an English teacher (INSPT/UTN); a Whole Language facilitator; an English in Action teacher; an Educational Consultant/Material Designer for The Buenos Aires Players®; and an ALL® Teacher Trainer. She founded Babies' Corner, a language school for babies and very young learners. She is involved in constant research on early learning and the development of pedagogical material.
Institution: Plan UP - English Advisors
Be the change you want to see around
By Marta Costa Maroni
Target: Coordinators, head of study.
Theme: Leadership.
Change is possible though sometimes hard if certain aspects are taken in to account. I will present a list of strategies which can be used to achieve change and I will give examples of situations in everyday life and in our schools or classrooms that can be modified if a
strategy is applied.
«A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.»
English teacher for more than 30 years, graduated from Lenguas Vivas Training College. Director of Studies at Río de la Plata School for 5 years. Rectora at Norbridge School for one year.
Becoming a Techie School
By Daniela Zallocco
Target: Directors of studies.
Theme: Technology implementation in educational institutions.
Struggling to include technology in your institution?
Teaching digital natives has become a real challenge that modern education needs to face. During this workshop we will analyze different ICT policies available to be implemented in education (such as One Laptop Per Child, IWB, Mobile Learning and Distance Learning) and ways in which they can be implemented involving teachers, students and parents.
«Life is short, break the rules. forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly. laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that makes you smile»
Mark Twain.
Daniela is a certified Cambridge teacher and is preparing her MA in Educational Policies at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (specialized in Education &Technology). She currently works in the Ministry of Education of Argentina as Project Coordinator. She has delivered many face-to-face and online presentations in Argentina and Chile. In May 2012 her online workshops for English teachers were nominated for an ELT on (award organized by the British Council which recognizes innovation in ELT). She has also participated as a consultant in the evaluation of “Conectar Igualdad”.
Institution: Creative Technology
Creating an Emotionally Healthy Classroom Environment
By Grace Bertolini
Target: Coordinators, head of study.
Theme: Classroom Management.
Why all students need a sense of purpose and accomplishment when they attend schools? Let's rediscover the importance of the school climate while engaging all learners in the lesson, dealing with values and behaviors of leadership, cooperation, mutual respect, consideration and teamwork. Social Emotional Learning shows us how to develop learner responsibility and confidence, while addressing all learner's needs and interests.
«Tell me and I forget… Teach me and I remember… Involve me and I learn». Benjamin Franklin
Grace Bertolini has been involved in EFL teaching at all levels for over 25 years and Primary and Kindergarten Headmistress at prestigious bilingual schools. As Creative Teaching Director, she delivers Professional Development Workshops nationwide and abroad on Teaching EFL effectively and coordinates "Full Immersion in the Language Educational Camp-Trips and Tours in Argentina". She is Bilingual Facilitator for Peace Education Foundation and she lectures on "Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation at school".
Institution: Creative Teaching
De la superación a la super-acción
By Miguel Atencio
Target: All coordinators and directors.
Theme: Desarrollo personal y Profesional.
El mundo contemporáneo te prepara para enfrentar obstáculos, pero qué pasa una vez que ya los superaste?
¿Qué requisitos necesita un líder extraordinario? ¿Qué necesitan las instituciones para llevar una buena idea a un gran resultado?
Esta charla te ayudará a conectarte con lo mejor que tenés para dar, para convertirte en tu mejor versión de vos mismo!
«Cuando las cosas se ponen duras los duros se ponen en marcha».
Miguel Atencio es ex-catedrático de la Universidad del Salvador, ex-investigador del CONICET, y Asesor Nacional del Ministerio de Trabajo y Formación de Recursos Humanos de la Nación en Proyectos financiados por el Banco Mundial.
Miguel es capacitador de la AHT (Asociación de Hoteles de Turismo de la República Argentina) y capacita a personal de Sheraton, Sofitel, Amerian, Loi Suites, entre otras cadenas internacionales.
Ha dictado numerosos seminarios de capacitación en Argentina y en el exterior. Actualmente se desempeña como Director de la división Corporate English de ABS International, disertante en congresos y consultor de instituciones educativas y empresas.
ABS International
Evaluating English language teachers: A comprehensive four-indicator approach
By Faisal Aljasser
Target: Coordinators.
Theme: Methodology.
A critical task for EFL/ESL program administrators is the ability to objectively evaluate their teachers. In the current presentation I will highlight a comprehensive four-indicator approach of evaluation. I will discuss how it can be applied and will also show how it can minimize subjectivity and chances of evaluation errors.
«Teaching is a prophet's mission»
Dr Faisal Aljasser is an assistant professor of applied linguistics. He currently works as the dean of educational services, Qassim university, Saudi Arabia. His deanship oversees the preparatory year programs which predominately include ELT programs. His research interests include Applied Linguistics, ELT, EFL, language perception and assessment.
Institution: Qassim university
First Steps in the Challenge of Training the Trainers
By Susan Hillyard
Target: All coordinators and directors.
Theme: Professional Development.
Not only do we lack sufficient numbers of well trained English language teachers to take up the new global challenges of teaching English but we also lack competent trainers in adequate quantities to address such a problem. This presentation attempts to define the basic differences between being a teacher and being a trainer, where one is working among peers, and sets out a plan with a supporting rationale to help administrators to develop a scheme for training the trainers they need. Attitudes and beliefs will be evaluated through a reflective approach, and the various roles of trainers such as consultant, coach, presenter, manager and leader will be examined. Administrators will leave with some ideas of how they may embark on a practical programme to start their first steps to training their trainers. There will be time for discussion and a question and answer slot at the end.
«Ultimately we know deeply that on the other side of every fear is a freedom...»
Susan Hillyard, B.Ed.(Hons) Warwick University U.K. Susan has work experience in seventeen countries as a teacher, HOD, director, speaker, workshop facilitator, consultant, researcher, on-line tutor. She was Prof. Language IV in Lenguas Vivas and UTN Teacher Training Colleges, Bs As., Argentina. She has co-authored a Resource Book for Teachers Global Issues for OUP and TDI-TKT On-line Course for Pearson, New York. Tutor on-line Masters in ELT for Language and Globalisation at La Sabana University, Colombia. SEN Network coordinator and commitee member YLTSIG for IATEFL. Coordinator: English in Action, teaching English through Drama using ActionSacks in Special Education, Ministry of Education, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Institution: SBS
On top of the wave: Learn to manage your time
By Mariana Boubée
Target: Teachers, Coordinators, Let them come!
Theme: Human Resources.
Developing time management skills is a journey, that needs guidance, practice and patience. The goal of this workshop is to help you become aware of the many resources that you can use to organize, prioritize, and succeed in your studies, work, family, etc.
«Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.»
Mark Twain.
Teacher of English, Teacher Trainer and Human Resources Consultant.
Holds a number of international certifications and diplomas on TEFL.
Director of SWW School of Languages and Mariana Boubée Educational Consultancy. EFL Consultant for EDIBA Publishing House. Postgraduate certifications on Educational Management, Business Communication, Negotiation & Conflict Resolution, and Protocol. Member of the International Society of William Wallace, Scotland; and IATEFL, UK.
Institution: SWW School of Languages
School Events: Learning, Selling or Both?
By Ma. Eugenia Dell'Osa
Target: Heads.
Theme: Parents' Involvement - School Events.
Do you consider the organization of a school event an incredibly overwhelming task? All you need is organization and planning ahead. There are innumerable kinds of events. Let's brainstorm the different types of class and school events we can organize… to sell your product and make them meaningful for learners.
«What we learn becomes a part of who we are»
Eugenia Dell’ Osa is an English teacher (INSPT/UTN); a Whole Language facilitator; an English in Action teacher; an Educational Consultant/Material Designer for The Buenos Aires Players®; and an ALL® Teacher Trainer. She founded Babies’ Corner, a language school for babies and very young learners. She is involved in constant research on early learning and the development of pedagogical material.
Institution: Plan UP - English Advisors
Gestión de Talento
(delivered in Spanish)
By Laura Lewin
Target: All coordinators and directors.
Theme: Talent management.
We know that having access to a great teacher really matters for student achievement. In any school system, it is the director or coordinator who is best positioned to ensure that each and every student gets to have a great teacher every year. Are you recruiting, developing, supporting, and retaining the best teachers possible?
Administrators are responsible for implementing an integrated and aligned talent management strategy, built on a culture of high expectations, to drive significant improvements in teachers´ teaching practices and pave the way to sound student achievement gains.
Come to this session and learn to develop the leaders of tomorrow!
«Be ready when opportunity comes... Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet».
Laura Lewin heads ABS International. She is the President of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Professional Development for Teachers of English and Administrators. Laura pursued studies in translation in Argentina (UADE) and TESOL in the USA (University of California). She is an internationally recognized consultant and speaker and for the past twenty years she has been involved in teaching training: she has designed and delivered workshops for teachers and for ELT Managers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Greece and USA. Laura is the author of two books: Gestión Educativa en Acción and Disciplina Inteligente.
ABS International
The Beauty of Inspired Leadership
By Laura Szmuch
Target: All.
Theme: Leadership.
In this presentation you will learn the elements of inspired leadership: techniques to observe respectfully, fuel enthusiasm, foster trust and a friendly atmosphere. We will explore ways to be aware of our working situation which translates into the ability to give the best of ourselves as educational professionals.
«La vida es hoy»
Mag. Laura Szmuch is a graduate of INSP “Dr Joaquín V. González”, Master Practitioner and Trainer in NLP and ontological coach.
She runs NLP courses for teachers. She is the author of Aprendiendo Inglés y disfrutando el proceso and Las seis inspiraciones. She wrote A Teacher’s Motivational Grammar: The Reasons to Teach, for her Master’s Degree in Cognitive Psychology and Learning with FLACSO University.
Institution: Capacitaciones y coaching, Resourceful Teaching
The right atmosphere to work in; challenges, tasks and roles
By Alejandro Naveas
Target: For thinkers and doers.
Theme: Community work and collaboration.
Teachers are expected to teach and to be successful in what they do in their classrooms! However, they are part of a community where different people work jointly.
This paper aims to identify the strategies to create the right working climate as most of our time is at work!
«Add passion to your life and your days will always be different!»
Alejandro Naveas was born in Santiago and trained as an EFL teacher at Universidad de Chile.
Mr Naveas holds an M.A. in Applied Linguistics in ELT from the University of Lancaster, UK.
His professional interests are in Methodology for Language Teachers, Curriculum and Syllabus Design and Educational Management.
Currently Mr Naveas is a teacher trainer and Director of Academic Affairs at Universidad Chileno Británica de Cultura.
He is also a lecturer for two other universities, freelance academic consultant and the Cambridge ESOL Regional Team Leader.
Institution: Universidad Chileno Británica de Cultura
Training that sizzles!
By Cynthia Goldbarg
Target: Coordinators with little or vast experience and trainers of trainers.
Theme: Teacher training/professional development
Scared of boring your trainees? Afraid they will zone out while you talk? Ah, but training CAN be exciting and inspiring! Do you want to transform bored, fidgety participants into engaged, avid learners? Do you want to make learning fun, dynamic, and keep them guessing what's next? Do you want to pump them up to jump into action? Get the inside scoop on tricks that will help you deliver high-energy, high-involvement, high-result sessions to assure that your content truly sticks and transforms their practice. You can light their fire! Yes you can!
«The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire be kindled»
Cynthia Goldbarg is an Argentinean in love with Washington DC, a geek, a music lover and a lifelong learner. She holds degrees in Education Management from the George Washington University and in Business Administration from Georgetown University. She has extensive experience as a trainer and coach in the United States and Argentina with teachers, directors, public officials and foreign governments. Cynthia is passionate about inspiring organizations and professionals to strive for excellence, which drove her to dream, create and lead CYNERGY; a consulting firm specializing in training and coaching in the areas of education and leadership.
Institution: CYNERGY
Written Exams Revisited: Tips for Great Test Design
By Leandro Paladino
Target: Coordinators, head of study.
Theme: Assessment and Testing.
Do we sometimes teach better than we test? This often seems to be the case: we may spend much more time (re-)thinking our teaching skills than our testing capacities. What makes a good written test? Is a single global theme a must? If international exams change their focus or task types, should we follow suit in our institutional practices? How can consistency in composition marking be assured? This very practical workshop will have us design a test together, answering the above – and much more!
«A teacher that has been teaching for twenty years may have 20 years’ worth of experience, or one year of experience – repeated twenty times».
Leandro Paladino has been teaching English for 25 years, and has run a private EFL school for almost 20. A graduate from Universidad Nacional de La Plata, he is currently completing a Master's in English Language with Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires. Leandro teaches English Grammar II and English Language IV in I.S.P. Terrero, La Plata and has authored articles and workbooks for international journals and publishers. He has delivered numerous workshops around the country and in Uruguay on areas such as Methodology, ELT Management, Phonetics and Phonology, and Language Awareness for English professionals.
Institution: Nel