August 24, 25 & 26, 2006
Malabia 460,
Capital Federal
Buenos Aires, Argentina
  A conference for experienced Coordinators and Teachers who would like to be trained to become coordinators.
Call For Papers
Now Closed!
The Selecting Committee has reviewed all submissions and authors are now being contacted. Due to the very large number of abstracts received, this process is taking longer than expected.
The Call for Papers is included below.

The Fifth International Conference for English Coordinators and Directors of Studies welcomes proposals for seminars and workshops on all aspects of the educational management field and professional development for Coordinators, Directors of Studies and School Managers.
This may be your opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with hundreds of people in the TESL mana

gement field.

It is the responsibility of the Selecting Committee to evaluate all proposals and select a high quality variety of workshops that will meet the needs of a diverse audience.

  The Selecting Committee will review all abstracts and will select those which...

a. have a direct relationship to the conference and are relevant to the audience.
b. are original (not delivered previously or a repetition of someone else's paper/work).
c. have a clear and precise organization.
d. guarantee the Committee that the speaker knows the subject.
e. guarantee the Committee that the presenter has extensive experience and success in conducting teacher-training seminars.
f. are complete, edited and free of typographical mistakes.
g. are not used to promote or sell the products or services of the speaker or others.

The standard length for presentations will be of 90 minutes.
While the assumption is that presentations will be largely speaker-centered, presenters are nonetheless encouraged to include and involve their audience, presenting in such a way as to stimulate the interest of the audience. For this reason we strongly discourage the reading aloud of written papers.

If you have
knowledge, let
others light their
candles in it.

The conference will cover a variety of topics in the Educational Management field:

Assessing and Testing
Curriculum Design
Human Resources
Learning Disorders
Measurement & Evaluation
Parents' involvement
Professional Development
Program administration
School administration
Teaching standards
Technology in Education
Training for Teacher Trainers
Workplace English

... Among other related topics of interest to the audience.

  Before submitting your proposal, please read the notes below:

1. Presenters should not speak at any other event on the dates of the Congress (regardless of the date of your presentation).
2. Individuals may not submit or appear on more than two proposals, either as lead or co-presenters.
3. Do not submit a proposal or list individuals as co-presenters unless you have a definite commitment that you and/or they will present.
4. If you or your organization is found to promote or sell programs, products, or services (including independent or freelance consulting services) during your academic presentation, you will be fined with $300 and won´t be invited for future events. This policy is consistent with our understanding of what participants expect when they attend the Annual Conference—namely that they are not confronted with commercialism and sales pitches, however subtle, in sessions they choose to attend.
5. The content of the presentation should not change significantly after the proposal is accepted.


6. The Organizing Committee cannot guarantee a minimum or maximum number of registered participants in any presentation. Nor can any presentation be limited to the number of participants.
Upon acceptance of the proposal, proposal owners will be requested to submit a handout.
8. Handouts should only include practical activities or information that participants must have at the presentation (not plain theory).
9. Submission deadline to submit the handout: June 30, 2006. The handout should be submitted electronically only (by e-mail) according to the specifications given upon acceptance of the proposal.
10. All presenters and co presenters must register and must send a complete Registration Form before June 30, 2006.
11. Registration fee must be paid only by co-presenters. We are happy to offer free admission to presenters.
12. All presenters should wear business attire during their presentations. The purpose of the dress code is to uphold the professional image of the conference.


To submit a proposal, please use this Submission Form.
The deadline for abstracts is
May 30, 2006, 6:00 p.m.

Laura Lewin
Organizing Committee