August 24, 25 & 26, 2006
Malabia 460,
Capital Federal
Buenos Aires, Argentina
A conference for experienced Coordinators and Teachers who would like to be trained to become coordinators.
EscoFoto, our official photographers, have captured hundreds of photos over the three-day events, from early registration to breakdown, including concurrent sessions, Exhibit Hall and special events. Tap into, choose the photographs you like, and order your copies now at

Your value to your institution will be greatly enhanced as you develop your educational management skills and improve your ability to make significant contributions to the success of your organization.

Whether you want to keep up with advancements in the field, round out your education, or prepare for a new position, the V International Conference for English Coordinators and DOS can help!

Come to the Conference and find….
Over 40 lectures and workshops on educational management.
Each session is developed especially for the conference so you know you are getting knowledge you can use.
An Exhibition Hall offering the latest materials and services.
A Job Search Corner, which will enable institutions to find professionals and professionals to find job opportunities.
How you will benefit:
Develop and refine your educational management skills.
Understand management theories and practices.
Explore the fundamentals of Human Resources management.
Learn about marketing and customer service.
Develop professional skills that demonstrate your commitment to the field.
Enhance your current job performance.
Increase your opportunities for advancement.
Network with other working professionals.
If you are constantly looking for new tools that are both fresh and practical, you can't miss out on this unique event.

Book your booth today! Hundreds of school managers, the true
«decision-makers» want to familiarize themselves with your services or products.


A spectacular evening, not to be missed...

Leave your handbook at home or at the hotel! It's time to get in the swing and celebrate the convention in style!
Meeting up with old friends and colleagues is a lot of what conferences are about! Don't miss your chance to make new friends and meet speakers face-to-face!

• Are you coming to the conference alone? Great! This is your chance to make new friends!
• Are you coming with colleagues? Wonderful! Let´s all expand our circle of friends!

The 2006 Conference Dinner will be held at Spettus Restaurant in Puerto Madero (Alicia Moreau de Justo 876) on Friday, August 25.

We are pleased to announce that most speakers and exhibitors will be there.

The evening commences at 8:00pm and will end at around 10:30 pm.
Payment will be collected at Registration.

So take your places for a top-notch evening and make your conference go with a swing.

The ABS International staff.


In Spettus Puerto Madero you will enjoy the very best «espeto corrido system» with magnificent Argentine meat.


Choice of
two meat cuts

Choose your side dishes from a wonderful buffet of salads, cold meat, fish and seafood.

Choice of
Fruit salad, or
Icecream, or
Chocolate mousse, or

soft drink or water

Price per person:
$40 or U$S 14
(tip not included)

Extra drinks or wine will be charged separately at the restaurant


This conference is only offered once a year and vacancies are limited, therefore we kindly encourage you to enroll now to guarantee your participation this
August 24, 25 & 26, 2006.

Welcome 2006 Exhibitors
& Sponsors!