August 24, 25 & 26, 2006
Malabia 460,
Capital Federal
Buenos Aires, Argentina
  A conference for experienced Coordinators and Teachers who would like to be trained to become coordinators.

Pre Conference Session • When?: Wednesday August 23, 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Coordinating Teams Vs Team Coordination

  Do we work like a team or as a team? What’s necessary to organise a team? Why work in teams? Can team skills be developed?
These are some of the questions that will guide the reflection on effective team work.
Teamwork is part of our lives, not only in the field of education but in other areas as well. However, team work involves much more than a group of people working together. It may be argued that if a person is willing to work in a team the results will be better than if the person is asked to do so. Is this why some teams seem to be much more successful than others? Or is it part of the skills of the team coordinator, who knows how to create the conditions for team coordination?
Since knowing that... is as necessary as knowing how to in order to learn, a team will lead this talk, presenting both the theoretical framework and the personal experience of working in a team.
  Leonor Corradi
MSc. in Applied Professional Studies in Education and Training, Surrey University (UK).
Lecturer in Methodology at ISP Dr. Joaquín V. Gonzalez.
Tenured lecturer in Methodology at IES en Lenguas Vivas J.R. Fernandez.
Coordinator of state bilingual schools in the City of Buenos Aires.
Co-author of the Curriculum Design for Foreign Languages for the City of BA.
Presenter at national and international conferences.
Co-author of Pals and For Teens, published by Pearson Longman.


Management and Leadership in Language Teaching Organizations

  How is language teaching management and leadership different from commerce and industry?
This paper looks at the challenges faced on a daily basis by program managers, including the varied skills they need to have and the compromises they are forced into. Case studies will be used to illustrate the issues.
  David Hall has worked in the Department of Linguistics, Macquarie University, Sydney, since 1992. He has also lived and worked in the UK, France, Rwanda, Iran, Malaysia and Thailand. He teaches management and leadership at postgraduate and doctoral levels. He is General Editor (with Chris Candlin) of three international book series: Applied Linguistics in Action (Pearson), Research and Practice in Applied Linguistics (Macmillan) and Working with Applied Linguistics (Equinox).


Am I a Leader or a Manager?

  This session invites coordinators, directors of studies and managers to explore their management styles by discussing the mazes which are based on the emerging issues at educational institutions. Participants are invited to discuss the role of inservice teacher training on building change agents.   Dr Meral Guceri has worked as a teacher, coordinator, middle manager and senior manager at various universities in Turkey. She holds a PhD on educational administration and her Msc is on EAP and ESP. Meral is interested in research, educational management and teacher development.Currently she works for Sabanci University in Istanbul.


Fresh Ideas for Tired Faculty

  This workshop will target ways to involve teachers in their own training and professional growth. Experiential activities will include: generating needs/expectation analyses for specific groups, ways to make workshop objectives clear, games that generate sharing of good teaching and classroom management, and a short introduction to Tessa Woodward’s Loop-Input approach to training.   Alison Rice is the Director of the IELI, a large intensive English program in New York City's Hunter College. She has taught, written textbooks, and created training programs and staff development workshops throughout her career of over 30 years in English Language Teaching.


Improving Faculty Morale through Creative Leadership

  Leading an intensive English language faculty through times of declining enrollment can be challenging. The presenter will provide anecdotes and share the process and outcomes of how using key concepts over a two year period had a positive impact on faculty morale.   Judy Reed, the Director of the Intensive English Language Program at Portland State University, has been in the field of ESL since 1991. She has taught full time in academic programs at both the community college and university levels.


Administration for Dummies: Improving Communications between faculty and Administration

  Maintaining balance, cohesion, open communication and support within the faculty and between faculty and administration is challenging. This paper outlines highly effective strategies to improve communication between faculty and administrators such as faculty representatives, feedback between teachers and administration, a teacher mentoring program, and entrance / exit interviews.   Rachel Hayward is the Academic Coordinator at University of Southern California's intensive English program, the Language Academy. She began her career working as a faculty member at Universidad de las Americas (Mexico) and later at USC's Language Academy. Her interests include teacher training and improving working conditions for adjunct faculty.


Digital Libraries for ELT

  Digital libraries are essential to the success of e-learning. If education and training are to be on-line rather than in-person, there must be an on-line library. Students need digital libraries to complete e-learning courses; teachers and developers need digital libraries to help create e-learning courses.   John Schmitz -Ph.D. University of Illinois (Philosophy of Education) M.A. University of Illinois (Philosophy) B.A. University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee (Philosophy) founded and managed web development lab for academics and outreach in late 1993. Specialized in rapid prototyping of new uses of the web. Researched, published and presented on web-related topics, especially digital libraries. Led college-wide curriculum revitalization project. Developed and deployed the Virtual Classroom Interface campus-wide. Delivered in-person and online faculty development. Designed and taught first University of IL courses on web-based training. Change agent for early web development. Created and supported many campus and external web projects. Received 400K of grants. Helped develop two distance learning programs.

Observation & Feedback: it´s not what you say but how you say it!

  As Educational Coordinators one of our most important roles is ‘observer’. However, very few of us ever receive any training on how to carry out this delicate and, at times, stressful aspect of our job. This workshop aims to pass on tips and advice to avoid having to learn the hard way.   Kate French (RSA DTEFLA) has been teaching for 14 years, 11 of them at International House, Belgrano, Capital Federal. As Assistant Director of Studies at the school she is jointly responsible for teacher development and training. She is a tutor for various International House Teaching Training Courses and is also a Cambridge examiner.


Practicum Supervision: Negotiating with Teachers

  Practicum supervision can no longer be viewed as a one-way process. In this presentation, two experienced teacher trainers discuss various models of supervision and share their experience in engaging NS-NNS student teachers to analyze, assess, construct, and negotiate their roles in the process of reflective supervision.   Wendy Wang is Associate Professor of ESL/TESOL at Eastern Michigan University. Her current research interests include pre- and in-service teacher learning, sociocultural aspects of second language learning, pedagogical grammar, and issues related to nonnative English-speaking professionals.

Cathy Day
is Professor of ESL/TESOL at Eastern Michigan University. Her current research interests include teacher professional development, observation and supervision, cross-cultural training, and assessment.


What Makes a Successful EFL Program for Young Learners

  This paper will suggest a model for EFL program design for young learners based on the appropriate connection between the «WHAT» goes in the language teaching program and the «HOW» it should be taught taking into account the young learners' cognitive and affective needs. It will also discuss considerations for testing young learners.   Yael Bejarano (Ph.D.) served as the head of the EFL Department at the Open University of Israel for many years, where she administered language programs. She is involved in Teacher Education and served as director of a Reading Comprehension materials development program for academic purposes. In the last 5 years she has been involved in the development of an EFL Program for Young Learners, My First English Adventure. Her research interests include The Teaching of English to young Learners, Small Group teaching and Interaction Processes, Second Language Testing and EFL Reading Comprehension.

Born in Buenos Aires, Roberto lives in Israel since 1981. B.Sc. Computer Engineering (Technion, Israel), MA in Education (Haifa University, Israel), thesis in Psycholinguistics. Specialist in Technology for Education, since 1986. Executive Director for ITP Software Ltd., CEO of Know More Education & Technology Ltd.


The Highly Effective English Coordinator
10 traits to enhance your performance!


  You are a very busy person, so when it comes to further develop and Refine your management skills, you need a quick guide that can offer useful ready-to-use tips on the basics of leading your staff and maximizing your teachers’ performance, energizing your teachers and getting results.
Exceptional English coordinators have strong communication skills, high levels of knowledge about teaching and learning and the ability to provide instructional leadership.
Join Laura in this enjoyable presentation that will contain ideas, reflections, habits, and rules of thumb to guide you and inspire you as you seek to increase your own effectiveness as an exceptional English Coordinator.
  Laura Lewin is an experienced speaker who has a clear and inspiring message to share about the qualities and commitment found in high performance people - a message which stems from a lifetime of experience and observation. Founder and director of ABS International, Ms Lewin is the President of the Organizing Committee of the Congress of Professional Development for Teachers of English and of the International Congress for English Coordinators and Directors of Studies. She is also the President of the Organizing Committee of EXPO ELT Brazil. Laura is Editor of EMO (Educational Management Online) and the author of articles and lectures on educational management. She currently is speaking and consulting with schools on teachers' performance, teachers' motivation, and marketing for educational institutions, among other related topics. Laura has delivered her courses all over Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Greece, and USA.


As Time Goes By: Effective Professional Goals

  As time goes by life unfolds before us. Are we becoming the professionals we want to be? We will explore long and short-term professional goals that can make a difference in helping you and those you supervise be the professionals you want to be remembered as.
  Lic. Silvia Laborde holds a degree in Education from UCUDAL University, a postgraduate degree in Educational Management from ORT University, and a TEFL degree from Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos. Her posts include teacher educator, Methodological and School Coordinator and at present Academic Director of Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas.

The Effective Instruction of Explicit, Systematic Phonics for ESL Students

  Experience a proven phonics method which is easy to learn and teach. It consists of 42 sounds and 7 simple word attack skills and has been scientifically validated and tested for over 30 years. The direct instruction, logical approach and unique marking system helps all students to break the code.
This Presentation will explain why phonics plays such an important role for English language learners. Presentation will explain why explicit phonics helps ESL students quickly perceive, speak, spell, write, and pronounce the English language. Attendees will acquire basic knowledge about phonics that will make a profound difference for English Learners.
  Tyson J. Smith, president, HEC Reading Horizons, Inc.
Tyson J. Smith, president of HEC Reading Horizons, Inc., has guided the North Salt Lake based company into becoming a national and international marketing enterprise. «Our 20-year-old business creates and markets an educational product line, Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself. The product is a software-driven, explicit, systematic phonics program: one line is designed for assisting adults; the other for instructing children.»
Tyson is a graduate of the David Eccles School of Business Management, University of Utah. He assumed the head of HEC Reading Horizons, Inc. in October 2001 and has served on the HEC Board of Directors since February 2000.


I Lead, you Lead, We Lead…but How?- Coaching as a tool for Leadership

  The invitation is to look at your job making use of organizational development tools. I challenge you to refresh your routine by adding to your skills those which involve considering the talent of the people you supervise, creating effective teams, coaching by means of encouragement and reprising the best practices others may have in the field.   As the head of a re-known language school for 6 years, Miss Raffo was in direct contact with the administrative aspects of education where she developed projects like: development of laboral competencies, performance evaluation for coordinators, profile description for the position of coordinator, and development and evaluation of educational projects. She holds a B.A in Linguistics, an M.A. in Organizational development and is at present working on her PhD. in Transformational learning.


La Habilidad de la Responsabilidad- cómo pasar de la inercia y la justificación a la acción resolutiva

  El poder de superación de una organización, de un equipo o de una persona, se ve con frecuencia inhabilitado por la dificultad individual y colectiva de auto observación y cuestionamiento de las formas particulares de pensar, las maneras disruptivas de interactuar y las estrategias inefectivas de acción con las que se intenta crear el futuro deseado. Cuando individuos, equipos u organizaciones se encuentran con situaciones insatisfactorias, es poco común encontrar la habilidad de asumir responsabilidad incondicional y descubrir la propia contribución al actual estado de las cosas que creamos con el pensamiento, la palabra y la acción. Exigir o esperar que otros cambien para que uno esté mejor, quejarse y culpar al pasado por la vida que nos toca, no son estrategias que funcionen. Esta conciencia de víctima inocente de las circunstancias, genera incapacidad e impotencia, pues oculta las posibilidades que tenemos en nuestras manos para dar forma al futuro que soñamos.   Andrés Ubierna es Director Fundador de FactorCoaching, mentor del Master en Coaching Organizacional de la Universidad del Salvador y el primer Director Académico de esta iniciativa educativa. Es Ingeniero del Instituto Tecnológico de Bueno Aires (ITBA), y desempeñó diversos cargos ejecutivos en Esso de Argentina y en el Grupo Techint. Fue CEO de Fortrade Argentina y desde hace más de 10 años investiga y desarrolla modelos y herramientas para la efectividad organizacional con el propósito de potenciar el vínculo existente entre los procesos humanos y el logro de mejoras crecientes y sustentables, incursionando en disciplinas tan diversas como el management, la calidad total, el liderazgo, la filosofía, la psicología y la dinámica de sistemas. Fue consultor senior asociado de Leading Learning Communities y coach del Organizational Learning Center de Argentina. Asesoró a directores, gerentes y equipos en decenas de organizaciones en distintos países del continente Americano. Facilitó más de 150 procesos de efectividad organizacional y personal asistiendo a más de 6.000 personas. Disertó en diversos foros y centros de estudios de Latinoamérica sobre temas de efectividad humana y coaching y condujo decenas de conferencias y actividades académicas sobre humanidad y efectividad. Miembro de la International Coach Federation.


Smart Learning

  It is not new, but there has been a revival of interest in this area among language teachers and learners. However, in many educational systems the curriculum still concentrates on the traditional targets of «useful knowledge» and «basic Skills» rather than on learning to learn.(Gail Ellis)
We usually neglect this area when rushing in our everyday teaching, in order to cover the syllabus. However, we must pay special attention to this issue. We are preparing our learners to become independent students, eager to learn, to investigate, to analyse and reflect. We are supposed to give them the tools they need in order to become autonomous learners. And in order to give them these tools, we should develop an awareness of learning and learner responsibility, so, learning to learn should be built into the curriculum and in an explicit and systematic way. This can be done by introducing it in the context of conventional subjects, such as foreign language learning.
But what makes a good EFL/ ESL learner?
  Director of studies of Metropolitan School, Maldonado, Uruguay.
Teacher Trainer for International House, Montevideo and Cambridge TKT. EFL teacher for twenty years, working at different levels; Nursery, Preschool, Primary, Secondary and Adult learners as well as Business English teacher at international companies such as Nestlé and Abbott Laboratories.


A Guide to introducing Portfolios in the Classroom

  Portfolios give a complete picture of progress and results and engage students in the process of self-evaluation and goal-setting. In this workshop we will outline a step-by-step program to implement portfolios in your institution.   Lucrecia Prat Gay de Teisaire is a life-long learner who has been teaching for 25 years and is currently Head of English Primary at Río de la Plata School. As Teacher Trainer, she has spoken in countless conferences and seminars throughout the country and abroad sharing her passion for the brain and the role of emotions in learning. She studied Brain Based Learning in Argentina and overseas and has been successfully putting the model into practice for the last seven years. Deeply committed to making a positive and significant difference in her students' lives, she is also a Literature teacher for the I.G.C.S.E Examinations, a Self-Esteem Practitioner, a «retired actress» who worships Shakespeare and a loving mother to Juan and Jazmín.


Red, Yellow, Green or Blue… What Color Are You?

  This is an invitation to discover and become aware why and how your personal leading style is different from the colleague next to you. To discover how your team members respond to these similarities and differences in styles. To discover than even schools have there own traits. There are colors in each of us. Come and find out which one you are.   Ontological coach, with a B.A. in business administration, Adolfo also holds a masters's degree in Organizational Planning. For the last two years, he has been consulting for academic institutions in topics such as Marketing, leadership, team building an other organizational matters.

As the head of a re-known language school for 6 years, Miss Raffo was in direct contact with the administrative aspects of education where she developed projects like: development of laboral competencies, performance evaluation for coordinators, profile description for the position of coordinator, and development and evaluation of educational projects. She holds a B.A in Linguistics, an M.A. in Organizational development and is at present working on her PhD. in Transformational learning.


Silence…actors on
Organizing Concerts at School


  No more nerve-racking end-of-the year plays, staged by nervous children and organized by exhausted teachers to be watched by fond parents!! We can involve our students through their bodies, minds and emotions, encouraging creativity and developing imagination. Come to this workshop and let's make not only the performance but the whole process, a meaningful and memorable experience for all!   Grace Bertolini has been involved in EFL teaching for over 25 years as a teacher of all levels and Primary and Kindergarten Headmistress at prestigious bilingual schools. She is at present lecturing nationwide on Teaching Young Learners effectively and is currently the English Head at Wharton Day School.

Managing Difficult Staff


«Difficult colleagues» can single-handedly disrupt a department, create unnecessary tension, generate conflict and waste valuable time. They are also often eccentric individuals who generate a climate of creativity and exchange of ideas. They can add something valuable or destructive to an organisation. The manner in which managers deal with such people can determine which way it goes. In this presentation I will explore various ways of engaging with «difficult colleagues.» I will largely focus on examining practical situations. This will be done with a mixture of humour, anecdote and analysis.

  Alan Drop is a South African who is currently Head of the English Department at The British Schools in Montevideo. He has taught in Norway, Portugal, Swaziland, South Africa and Uruguay in a variety of institutions. Previous experience includes starting his own tennis school, owning a sports shop, working as a freelance journalist and moonlighting as a stand up comedian.


De Coordinador a Coach

  El Coaching Ontológico es una disciplina profesional emergente, en la cual el Coach asiste a las personas (individuales, equipos u organizaciones) para que ellas puedan desarrollar habilidades, mejorar su performance y conseguir resultados extra-ordinarios
La relación de Coaching es un espacio de aprendizaje, por el cual las personas aprenden nuevas maneras de «ser» y «hacer» para conseguir resultados sin precedentes.
El Coaching está siendo aplicado cada vez más en empresas y organizaciones de todo tipo. La intervención de un coach profesional, en grupos de trabajo o en trabajo personal sobre los directivos, está transformándose rápidamente en una ventaja competitiva de la organización.
  Coach Ontológico Profesional.
Director de GL Health & Coaching Consulting.
Dicté talleres y programas de formación y capacitación en Coaching, Liderazgo, Relaciones Humanas, Desarrollo Personal, Ventas, Trabajo en Equipo, Efectividad en ámbitos empresariales, educacionales, deportivos y personales, en Argentina y Latinoamérica.
Miembro de la Asociación de Coaching.
Director de la Formación Internacional de Coaches Ontológicos.
Disertante en instituciones universitarias y reconocidos congresos.


Making Yourself Seen and Heard- Presentation Skills

  An important part of a coordinator's job is to communicate in public to groups, be they teachers, students, parents, colleagues or members of the community. From this NLP-based session, you will come away with practical and easy-to-use tips to convey your message effectively and create the impact you desire in any kind of presentation!   Jamie Duncan is a teacher, teacher trainer and Master Practitioner and Trainer in NLP. He works at the Profesorado, INSPT, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Buenos Aires and runs courses for teachers with Laura Szmuch under the name Resourceful Teaching.
Laura Szmuch is a graduate of INSP «J V González», and Master Practitioner
and Trainer in NLP. She teaches English and is co-founder of Resourceful
Teaching. She published «Aprendiendo Inglés, y disfrutando el proceso» in 2003 and is the co-author with Jamie of «Really Thriving» of forthcoming publication.


Invertir en Franquicias: Un negocio jurídica y económicamente independiente

  La ponencia estará caracterizada por una explicación acerca del sistema de franquicias o «franchising» en nuestro país, exponiendo las características básicas o fundamentales de esta forma comercial, así como la evolución de este sistema en los últimos años, incluyendo su perspectiva hacia futuro.   Abogado y Procurador, egresado de la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Desde el inicio de su actividad profesional, ésta fue realizada en forma independiente, abarcando, fundamentalmente, las áreas correspondientes a Derecho Civil, Comercial, Laboral y Penal Económico, y el Asesoramiento a Empresas, con especial énfasis en la redacción y análisis de contratos comerciales, y en la instalación y puesta en operación de emprendimientos comerciales de todo tipo. Es fundador y Director General de la consultora «FRANCHISING ADVISORS», Consultora dedicada al Asesoramiento integral en Franquicias Comerciales, fundador y Editor de la Revista FRANCHISING MAGAZINE con distribución nacional e internacional, productor y realizador del programa de televisión FRANQUICIAS Y GRANDES MARCAS, productor y Realizador del programa de radio «SINTONIA DE NEGOCIOS», Director y Organizador integral de la exposición de franquicias más importante del Mercosur de habla hispana, la «FRANCHISING CONFERENCE & EXPO», y Presidente de la Unión Argentina de Franquicias (U.A.F.).


Testing Grammar and Vocabulary: tips for Coordinators

  The talk considers typical grammatical and lexical competence and outlines ways of testing this knowledge. By comparing similar test formats, the grammar and vocabulary suitable for testing is identified, for Directors of Studies to incorporate into syllabus design and classroom practice.   Annette Capel is an external consultant for Cambridge ESOL Examinations, working in question paper production and the assessment of writing. She is Chair of Item Writers for PET Reading and Writing, and has fifteen years of marking experience on PET, FCE, CAE and the new ILEC (International Legal English Certificate).


Claves del Exito del Marketing Educativo

  Las instituciones educativas necesitan captar más alumnos y retenerlos en el tiempo. Este proceso requiere indagar expectativas que la comunidad deposita en la escuela, brindar un servicio educativo de calidad, conseguir satisfacción y que la recomienden a muchas otras personas.
Sin embargo, coordinar los esfuerzos de marketing en educación es una tarea compleja y delicada: una comunidad educativa es un delicado equilibrio de intersubjetividades (inestable).
Presentaremos cómo crecer en forma planificada y sostenible a partir de nuevas estrategias de marketing educativo y compartiremos las claves de las Instituciones Educativas más exitosas.
  Licenciado en Comercialización (Universidad Argentina de la Empresa - UADE)
Maestrando en Educación Superior (Universidad de Palermo - UP)
Educational Administration for Institutions of Higher Learning Certificate (Harvard University DCE – UADE)
Update in Marketing Certificate (University of California, Berkeley)
Strategic Management Certificate (University of Pennsylvania, Wharton)
Profesor universitario e investigador en universidades nacionales y extranjeras en la materia: Organización y Gestión Educativa, Planificación Estratégica y Marketing Educativo.
Colaborador de publicaciones y revistas especializadas, autor del libro «Marketing para Instituciones Educativas» , Ediciones Granica, 1997/2004 y Gestión estratégica para instituciones educativas», Ediciones Granica, 1999/2004
Consultor especializado en temas de marketing, gestión y calidad en educación en Argentina, Chile, Perú, Colombia, Uruguay, Brasil y España.


Smarten Up your Service

  Heads and owners worry about the declining loyalty of their clients as language learners are being wooed away by competitors - a process which seems to be accelerating.
We will look at some of the reasons and examine how to make your institution «choosable» by potential clients through employing long term strategies.
  Caroline Gwatkin (Dip. Ed. Froebel, RSA TEFL) opened THE PLACE in 1990, offering internationally validated TD courses, launching the first LCCI FTBE worldwide.
She runs «BIZiTEACHERS», an ezine for BE teachers, on the Edboard of TESL-L@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU, and lectures extensively.
For ESOL Cambridge: OE, TL, workshop leader and BULATS/IELTS speaking/writing examiner.

La Falta de Planificación: Errores Comunes de Emprendedores

  El objetivo del presente seminario es transmitir la importancia de conocer y comprender las características distintivas de los emprendimientos, como así también, a partir de la puesta en común de los errores habituales de los emprendedores, determinar las cuestiones y herramientas claves para gestar y desarrollar un emprendimiento de largo plazo.
Sobre la base de estos objetivos, la intención es lograr el aprendizaje empresario, aportando las herramientas necesarias para promover el éxito y la supervivencia de los emprendimientos a través del tiempo.
  Leonardo Gargiulo es Contador Público Nacional (UB) con una Maestría en Administración y Economía de ESEADE, actualmente, se encuentra realizando un Doctorado en Administración (ESEADE). Consultor de empresas. Se especializa en control de gestión y auditoria, con experiencia laboral en estudios contables internacionales y en empresas de primer nivel de la República Argentina. Actualmente Director de la Carrera de Administración del Philadelphia College for Advanced Studies, docente universitario de UADE, donde ha sido premiado dos veces como el mejor docente del año (2002 y 2004). Habiéndose desempeñado, anteriormente, como docente en UB y UBA. Tiene diversos artículos publicados.


The Biology Behind Effective Communicative Competence

  The Biology behind Effective Communicative Competence
In this presentation we will explore the latest definitions of communicative competence and the way in which adults learn best from the perspective of neurosciences. Can adults learn simply by exposure? Why not? What is the relationship between strategies and the way in which the memory operates? How can we define effective communication? These are some of the issues we will be addressing.
  Prof Lilian López is a graduate from Consudec and she has attended the «Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa» at Belgrano University. She has studied neurosciences in USA and has done extensive research on the subject. She´s been a teacher trainer for many years now and has a lot of experience concerning Business English teaching.



  Teaching and learning habits change with the times. Students increasingly want flexible, personalised and culturally-integrated language programmes, while teachers want help designing and delivering them. Blended learning is one of the current buzzwords and there are a lot of commercially available on-line packages out there, some of them good, all of them expensive. In this talk we’ll take a look at my personal, top ten favourite sites: they’re great for teachers and students; they complement and extend classroom learning in a fun, dynamic way; they’re pedagogically sound; and they’re free!!   Bruce Thompson has been a teacher and educational manager for the last eighteen years, in Britain, Spain and Argentina. He holds a BA in English and American Literature, the Cambridge/RSA Diploma in TEFL and a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Bath, UK. At present he is Director of international House Belgrano.


From GOOD to GREAT- developing intrapersonal skills in staff and students

  Being effective is no longer enough. The call and need of this new century is for greatness. Staff and students can be empowered by looking into their own «wholiness». In this workshop we will share practical projects to reinforce universal Values, to help teachers learn from peers and to foster Self-esteem. Stephen Covey´s best seller, «The 8th habit» will be briefly outlined and a stunning movie will set us wondering about the power of positive thinking. A call for leaders: come and find how to «light the fire within» and leave a legacy!   Lucrecia Prat Gay de Teisaire is a life-long learner who has been teaching for 25 years and is currently Head of English Primary at Río de la Plata School. As Teacher Trainer, she has spoken in countless conferences and seminars throughout the country and abroad sharing her passion for the brain and the role of emotions in learning. She studied Brain Based Learning in Argentina and overseas and has been successfully putting the model into practice for the last seven years. Deeply committed to making a positive and significant difference in her students' lives, she is also a Literature teacher for the I.G.C.S.E Examinations, a Self-Esteem Practitioner, a «retired actress» who worships Shakespeare and a loving mother to Juan and Jazmín.


Holistic Management: Feeding with Healthy Feedback

  Have a hands-on experience on how to give and receive feedback holistically. With the awareness that feedback is a powerful tool that affects the overall dimension of any system, participants are invited to experience how effective and affective feedback can improve interpersonal relations thus boosting creativity, friendship and successful learning.   Lecturer at Instituto Argentino-Europeo de Formación Docente Comenius. Presenter and trainer in the Mercosur area, Chile, Mexico, Spain and at Findhorn Foundation College (Scotland). Member of the Argentine Network for Nonviolent Communication. Curriculum and material designer for Alternative Language Learning®, a holistic methodology for learners of all ages, even babies.


The Road to Resiliency

  The way people face life is determined at a very early age. School times are crucial to build character and the ability to face reality. Resilience is the ongoing process that enables people to spring back from and successfully adapt to adversity. This trait is not just something people have, it can be learned and practiced. Come to this workshop and learn how to foster resiliency in your school.   León is the Academic Coordinator of ABS International. He is an Applied Social Psychologist and a Teacher of English as a second language. León has worked training teachers, coordinating institutions and lecturing in South America, Africa and India.


El Clima Emocional y la Efectividad

  Existe un extenso caudal de información, vinculado a investigaciones realizadas en la última década, que revela una abrumadora evidencia sobre el vínculo existente entre las emociones y la efectividad de las personas. Según el experto Daniel Goleman, el modo en que la personas se sienten trabajando en una organización afecta entre el 20 al 30% del rendimiento.
En esta actividad veremos, combinando modelos teóricos y dinámicas prácticas, cómo contribuir a desactivar los fantasmas organizacionales que producen malestar e inefectividad, como paso necesario para la creación de una plataforma emocional efectiva.
  Andrés Ubierna es Director Fundador de FactorCoaching, mentor del Master en Coaching Organizacional de la Universidad del Salvador y el primer Director Académico de esta iniciativa educativa. Es Ingeniero del Instituto Tecnológico de Bueno Aires (ITBA), y desempeñó diversos cargos ejecutivos en Esso de Argentina y en el Grupo Techint. Fue CEO de Fortrade Argentina y desde hace más de 10 años investiga y desarrolla modelos y herramientas para la efectividad organizacional con el propósito de potenciar el vínculo existente entre los procesos humanos y el logro de mejoras crecientes y sustentables, incursionando en disciplinas tan diversas como el management, la calidad total, el liderazgo, la filosofía, la psicología y la dinámica de sistemas. Fue consultor senior asociado de Leading Learning Communities y coach del Organizational Learning Center de Argentina. Asesoró a directores, gerentes y equipos en decenas de organizaciones en distintos países del continente Americano. Facilitó más de 150 procesos de efectividad organizacional y personal asistiendo a más de 6.000 personas. Disertó en diversos foros y centros de estudios de Latinoamérica sobre temas de efectividad humana y coaching y condujo decenas de conferencias y actividades académicas sobre humanidad y efectividad. Miembro de la International Coach Federation.

ELT Management: What do we Mean by it?

  For many years in ELT teachers found themselves moving from the classroom to the office where they had to deal with a variety of areas from people management, to general admin to financials, etc without any real training.
This workshop aims to:
a. Outline what ELT Management implies.
b. Provide participants with sources of information that can help them in their jobs.
c. Make the case for the fact that a qualification in Management is «essential» for anybody in a position of responsibility in a school and that teachers should be encouraged to obtain that training and thus expand their career options.
  María Sara Rodríguez is a teacher, teacher trainer and ELT materials writer. She worked at the Anglo in Uruguay for 16 years where she was Branch Director, Methodology Tutor at the pre-service course and Coordinator of the Advanced Levels Department and the Teacher Development Scheme. She has worked and run Teacher Education courses in Brazil, Spain, the UK and Mexico. She is currently the Director of ELT Services- Uruguay. Her publications include: Snap! (1983) a course for Young Learners; Freewheeling ( Heinemann 1992) a course for adolescents; Interactive English, ( Macmillan-Heinemann 1998) a course for young adults.


School Celebration: dances, songs, stories and games

  Celebration is one of the human needs sometimes neglected by our modern society. Celebration is the sap that every institution needs to build trust, friendship and a sense of community and fulfilment. Come and learn a few of the spices that will enrich your school life during your next celebration!   NLP practitioner, former DOS at IACA Holistic English Institute and keen circle-dancer. She has participated actively in the development of the material and training sessions for ALL English for babies®, ALL English for pre-school® and ALL English for seniors®. She trains teachers on the application of holistic approaches to ELT.
Lecturer at Instituto Argentino-Europeo de Formación Docente Comenius. Presenter and trainer in the Mercosur area, Chile, Mexico, Spain and at Findhorn Foundation College (Scotland). Member of the Argentine Network for Nonviolent Communication. Curriculum and material designer for Alternative Language Learning®, a holistic methodology for learners of all ages, even babies.


Can Conflict in Communication be Avoided?

  Sometimes rumor spreads, memos or bulletin boards are ignored, and communication fails or breaks down in inefficient meetings or difficult conversations. Misunderstanding is usually at the heart of conflict. We will see how communication works, why it sometimes fails and how it can be improved to prevent or better cope with conflict.   TEFL Certificate Alianza Cultural Uruguay - EEUU 1987; Licenced in Sociology, Universidad de la República, 1995; Graduate studies in Organizational Communication, Universidad Católica del Uruguay, 1996; currently: Director Alianza Costa de Oro and Carrasco franchises.


La Sociedad de los Coordinadores Muertos- Cómo Intentar No Formar Parte del Selecto Club

  Habitualmente los resultados y la eficiencia de las organizaciones se _evalúan en términos de beneficios económicos, liderazgo, calidad de producto o servicio, y viabilidad competitiva a mediano y largo plazo.
Sin embargo, el bienestar y la motivación de las personas que las conforman no suelen ser vistos como resultados organizacionales.
Como Coordinador, si no tiene claro qué variables le «dan vida» a Ud. y a su organización, sepa al menos, cuáles son las que seguro le estarán abriendo las puertas de entrada a esta selecta sociedad: «La Sociedad de los Coordinadores Muertos».
  Miguel Atencio es Catedrático de la Universidad del Salvador.
Ex-investigador del CONICET, y Asesor Nacional del Ministerio de Trabajo y Formación de Recursos Humanos de la Nación en Proyectos financiados por el Banco Mundial.
Ha dictado numerosos seminarios de capacitación en Argentina, Chile,
Uruguay, Venezuela e Israel.
Actualmente se desempeña comoVice-Director y Representante Legal del Wharton
Day School, Director de la División Corporate English de ABS International, Disertante en Congresos y Consultor de Empresas.


A Ghost in ELT: Pronunciation

  Why are teachers afraid of pronunciation? Do they include it in their planning? Do coordinators encourage teachers to do so? Is the pronunciation of our students as proficient as their general language level is? This presentation aims at exploring the ghosts underlying the teaching of pronunciation and proving that your teachers don't need to be experts to deal with it in the classroom. And, believe it or not, it can even be fun!!   Monica Terluk holds a teaching degree from ISP Joaquín V González and has been an EFL teacher for more than 20 years. For the last 15 years she has been training teachers in the areas of Phonetics and Laboratory Practice at ISP Joaquín V. González, St Catherine's and Sagrado Corazón Teacher Training Colleges, among others. She also runs a private Language School in Buenos Aires.


Managing Conflict Wisely- Valuing Differences Respectfully

  A coordinator is often called upon to resolve conflicts or disagreements in her daily work. This NLP workshop will give you clear tools to identify the nature of the dispute and to influence the parties involved to reach a satisfying resolution of the matter.   Laura Szmuch is a graduate of INSP «J V González», and Master Practitioner
and Trainer in NLP. She teaches English and is co-founder of Resourceful
Teaching. She published «Aprendiendo Inglés, y disfrutando el proceso» in 2003 and is the co-author with Jamie of «Really Thriving» of forthcoming publication.
Jamie is a teacher, teacher trainer and Master Practitioner and Trainer in
NLP. He works at the Profesorado, INSPT, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional,
Buenos Aires and runs courses for teachers with Laura Szmuch under the name Resourceful Teaching.

School Improvement- What it Takes

  'It has become increasingly apparent that unless school improvement strategies impact directly on learning and achievement then we are surely wasting our time...'
David Hopkins in «School Improvement for Real», Routledge Falmer, 2001
In this workshop we shall discuss what is called the 'school improvement movement' which has existed for over 20 years and look at ways in which we can start moving towards generating the processes of school improvement.
  María Sara Rodríguez is a teacher, teacher trainer and ELT materials writer. She worked at the Anglo in Uruguay for 16 years where she was Branch Director, Methodology Tutor at the pre-service course and Coordinator of the Advanced Levels Department and the Teacher Development Scheme. She has worked and run Teacher Education courses in Brazil, Spain, the UK and Mexico. She is currently the Director of ELT Services- Uruguay. Her publications include: Snap! (1983) a course for Young Learners; Freewheeling ( Heinemann 1992) a course for adolescents; Interactive English, ( Macmillan-Heinemann 1998) a course for young adults.


Mejoramiento de la Calidad Educativa y Evaluación Institucional

  El presente taller tiene por finalidad ofrecer a los equipos de las instituciones educativas y docentes interesados en la temática, una serie de recursos que posibiliten una línea de mejora en todos los componentes de sus instituciones.
Nos plantearemos temas cómo: ¿Qué necesita hoy un colegio para satisfacer mejor las demandas de su comunicad? ¿Qué debe hacer para ser reconocido y recomendado como una institución de excelencia educativa? ¿Es posible transformar las debilidades en desafíos, las fortalezas en ventajas y las amenazas en oportunidades?
Una propuesta para que las instituciones reflexionen, se autoevalúen y planifiquen estratégicamente un plan de acción concreto para alcanzar la excelencia educativa.

  Natalia Gil es Licenciada y Profesora en Ciencias de la Educación, graduada en la Universidad J. F. Kennedy. Es Prof. de Educación Inicial, Maestra Normal Superior, Maestra Especializada en Educación de Adultos y Prof. de Actividades Prácticas.
Con amplia experiencia laboral como docente, desde 1988 desempeña cargos directivos en colegios privados, en los niveles Inicial y EGB.
Ha brindado asesoramiento a docentes e instituciones educativas, especializándose en planificación por proyectos, evaluación institucional y gestión de la calidad educativa.
Se desempeñó como tutora virtual en una diplomatura sobre gestión social y cultural dirigida a coordinadores de proyectos, programas y organizaciones del sector social público y privado.
En Editorial Aique trabajó como docente consultora en la evaluación y corrección de actividades de los libros de áreas integradas «Los preguntones».
En la actualidad se desempeña como directora de Nivel Inicial de Wharton Day School.


Putting Action Research into Action

  The term Action Research has become a bit old hat over the years, with people using it loosely to mean whatever they want it to mean. But having rediscovered the term recently, I successfully put an Action Research program into practice where I work. Come along to find out how you can do likewise, freshening up your teachers’ outlook on teaching and helping them take more responsibility for their own professional development.   With four years in Argentina already under his belt, Neil is currently the DoS at International House Belgrano. He previously taught at International House in Prague and London and enjoys giving workshops at conferences around the world. He has also contributed to the Inside Out series.


Marketing Digital Educativo

  El desarrollo y crecimiento de las comunicaciones digitales, en particular de Internet y el uso generalizado del correo electrónico, nos lleva a reflexionar sobre el impacto de las NTICs (nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación) sobre el marketing de las instituciones educativas.
El marketing relacional, a partir del marketing de bases de datos, aplicado a las comunicaciones con una comunidad educativa en sentido amplio, constituye un importante mecanismo de captación y de retención de matrícula. El marketing digital educativo permite hoy implementar en forma concreta, veloz y eficaz estrategias de marketing directo en un entorno digital. Presentaremos cómo aprovechar las principales ventajas y evitar los errores más frecuentes en la aplicación del marketing digital educativo.
  Licenciado en Comercialización (Universidad Argentina de la Empresa - UADE)
Maestrando en Educación Superior (Universidad de Palermo - UP)
Educational Administration for Institutions of Higher Learning Certificate (Harvard University DCE – UADE)
Update in Marketing Certificate (University of California, Berkeley)
Strategic Management Certificate (University of Pennsylvania, Wharton)
Profesor universitario e investigador en universidades nacionales y extranjeras en la materia: Organización y Gestión Educativa, Planificación Estratégica y Marketing Educativo.
Colaborador de publicaciones y revistas especializadas, autor del libro «Marketing para Instituciones Educativas» , Ediciones Granica, 1997/2004 y Gestión estratégica para instituciones educativas», Ediciones Granica, 1999/2004.
Consultor especializado en temas de marketing, gestión y calidad en educación en Argentina, Chile, Perú, Colombia, Uruguay, Brasil y España.


Essentials for a Successful EFL Teaching

  The presenter believes that teacher’s influence and attitude are fundamental to their students’ progress or lack thereof. Teachers sometimes ignore that «to achieve the desired result in teaching English, teachers have to be aware of and adhere to certain essentials.»   Orlando Rodríguez – EFL Teacher for 28 years. Teacher instructor and TOEFL Supervisor. URUTESOL supporter since foundation. TESOL member since 1995. Recipient of TESOL´s PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIP Award 2001. EFL Proposal Reviewer for Salt Lake City, Baltimore and San Antonio TESOL Conventions. Article contributor for The EFL-IS newsletter. Manager for the TESOL EFL-IS e-list Conference for the 2004-2006 periods.


Considerations for Assessing Young Learners Learning EFL

  In the young learner's classroom, assessment should be an ongoing process of collecting and providing information to the pupils and the teacher that will benefit learning and instruction. This paper will discuss considerations in assessing young learners and provide examples of techniques for assessing young learners' progress and achievements.   Yael Bejarano (Ph.D.) served as the head of the EFL Department at the Open University of Israel for many years, where she administered language programs. She is involved in Teacher Education and served as director of a Reading Comprehension materials development program for academic purposes. In the last 5 years she has been involved in the development of an EFL Program for Young Learners, My First English Adventure. Her research interests include The Teaching of English to young Learners, Small Group teaching and Interaction Processes, Second Language Testing and EFL Reading Comprehension.

Born in Buenos Aires, Roberto lives in Israel since 1981. B.Sc. Computer Engineering (Technion, Israel), MA in Education (Haifa University, Israel), thesis in Psycholinguistics. Specialist in Technology for Education, since 1986. Executive Director for ITP Software Ltd., CEO of Know More Education & Technology Ltd.


Recreational Activity • When?: Thursday August 24, 19:15 to 20:15 • Where?: Conference Room: Zafiro

Sesión Práctica de Coaching Ontológico para Coordiandores: el arte de Potenciar el Desarrollo Humano de las Personas y equipos

  Sesión Práctica de Coaching
Trabajaremos con los participantes algunas prácticas y principios fundamentales del coaching, para que puedan experimentar en sala el valor que el coaching produce en las personas.

Crear una cultura de Coaching Ontológico, nos permite ...:
• Facilitar no solo que las personas se adapten a los cambios, sino que sean capaces de diseñar, crear, inventar los cambios.
• Conectar al ser humano con valores trascendentales y el compromiso.
• Crear relaciones efectivas / afectivas, mejorando la comunicación.
• Promover el logro de resultados extra-ordinarios.
• Desarrollar contextos de apertura, compromiso, respeto, confianza y poder, para la coordinación efectiva de acciones y el logro de equipos de trabajo de alta performance.
• Desmitificar el hecho de que como seres humanos tenemos un potencial que tenemos que desarrollar, y conectarnos con la Posibilidad Humana («No venimos al mundo a descubrirnos, sino a crearnos»).

Desarrollar en los directores competencias de coaching, les permitirá potenciar el rendimiento de sus equipos, facilitando procesos de cambios en las personas para que puedan trascender sus propios límites, adquirir nuevas habilidades y alcanzar resultados extra-ordinarios.
  Guido H. Samelnik, executive & corporate coach
Coach Certificado, especializado en Liderazgo y Diseño Ontológico en el ICP, formado por James Selman.
Técnico en Marketing, en la F.A.E.C.C.
Director de GL Health & Coaching Consulting, empresa dedicada al Coaching Ontológico, Liderazgo, Salud y Calidad de Vida.
Ha dictado cursos, talleres y programas de capacitación y formación en Coaching, Liderazgo, Relaciones Humanas, Desarrollo Personal, Ventas, Trabajo en Equipo, Efectividad, en ámbitos empresariales, educacionales, deportivos y personales, en Latinoamérica.
Ha formado, capacitado y/o coacheado personal de estas empresas: Royal Canin, Procter & Gamble, IBM Argentina, Llao Llao Resorts, Abasto Plaza Hotel, Multimedios Pramer, Xerox, Pluspetrol de Peru, Unitan, Lo Jack, Jumbo, Towebs, Danone, OSDE Formosa, Sieco S.A., Assist Card, O.H.A. Macabi, Atletas de Aeróbica de Competición, Telefónica de Argentina, BDO Becher & Asoc., Horwath Canepa, VIC, Banco Credicop, Grupo C&M, 8mm