August 24, 25 & 26, 2006
Malabia 460,
Capital Federal
Buenos Aires, Argentina
  Registration Form
Last Name
Mailing Address
Postal Code
Telephone number
E-mail address
• How did you first hear
about this Conference?

• Have you ever attended any
of our seminars/events before?
If so, which one/s?
Head of English Department

(All three days)

Before May 8

Before June 16 Before July 28 After July 28
$100 $120 $ 130 $150
U$S 40 U$S 50 U$S 55 U$S 60
Group Fees:
  10% group discount on the registration fee for three people or more enrolling together
15% group discount on the registration fee for six people or more enrolling together
Pre-conference Session Fees:
  Individuals not attending the Congress
Individuals attending the Congress

Internationals not attending the Congress
Internationals attending the Congress

U$S 40
U$S 10

I want to enroll in:

Pre-conference Conference Both, Pre-conference and Conference
I want to purchase the Conference Handbook with handouts of all the lectures.
(Please tick)



Amount paid $
• The registration fee is non refundable.
• No changes or substitutions can be made for any registration.
Don't forget the badge you will be given on the first day! Only those with badges will be allowed into the conference, and no replacement badges will be issued.

In person at ABS International
Bolo Bolaños 1455, TIGRE • MO-FRI 09:00 am - 6:00 pm.
by bank transfer / deposit at Citibank
Caja de Ahorros en pesos-
Laura Lewin-
Number 5-224327-031
CBU: 0167777100052243270315
CUIT: 27-18091550-3

by bank transfer / deposit at Banco de Galicia
Caja de Ahorros en pesos
Laura Lewin
Number 4004111-4 308-2
CBU: 00703084 - 30004004111426
CUIT: 27-18091550-3

Giros Postales: Payable to Laura Esther Lewin. Solicitar que la oficina de pago sea la sucursal B0001 de Tigre, Buenos Aires y enviar un sobre con el giro postal, aclarando remitente, a: ABS International, Bolo Bolaños 1455, (B1648FXE) Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

For payments in Uruguay

Banco Credit Urugruay - Caja de Ahorro N° 27-23209 en dólares (A nombre de Marcelo Caig).
Favor de agregar U$S 5 al costo de la operación por gastos administrativos.

For other countries
  Please send registration fee through Western Union, to Laura Esther Lewin, Bolo Bolaños 1455, Tigre (1648), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
• Make sure you send both the registration form together with the bank deposit slip.
• Registration Forms with no proof of payment will be good for only 48 hours. After then if proof of payment is not submitted, the form will be discarded.
  Submitting this form means the participant has read and acknowledged the conference policies and regulations.